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be passed by the Legislature: Provided, the said incorporation shall not exceed the term of fourteen years.

ty Gas.

3. That so soon as the said Gas Company shall Council to have commenced its operations, the City Council contract for engages to contract with the said company for light-lighting the ciing with Gas, all or any part of the streets, lanes, alleys and public buildings of the city upon such terms as may be to the interest of the city to accept, not exceeding for the first year the annual expences incurred for lighting the same with oil. The duration of any contract not to exceed one year.


of Liquors, Packers of Beef, Pork, Weighers and Measurers of Coals, Measurers of Fire Wood and Lumber.

22d, 1810.


1. Be it ordained, That on the last Monday in Oc- Passed, Aug. tober annually, or if there should be no Council on that day, on the next meeting thereafter, so many guagers of liquors, packers of beef and pork, weighers and measurers of coal, and measurers of fire of Guagers,&e. wood and lumber, as may appear to be necessary, shall be appointed, who, in the presence of the City Council, shall each respectively and individually take the following oath, viz: “I, A. B. do swear (or affirm) "that I will well and truly serve in the office of "and faithfully execute all the duties belonging to "the same, without fear, favor, prejudice or partiality, to the best of my skill and abilities, and that "I am eligible thereto, agreeable to the provisions "in the city ordinance now in force. So help me "God." And thereupon each of the said persons shall receive from the Intendant a licence, as follows: "I do hereby certify, that A. B. hath duly qua❝lified before the City Council to serve in the of "fice of day of 18." This certificate to be valid until the last Monday in October next, or until the next meeting thereafter of the City Council; and the said licence shall be produced


Qualified per


to any person demanding to see the same, and in case of a refusal, the aforesaid licence shall become invalid.

2. That immediately after of the publication of sons to guage, this ordinance, no person shall guage any liquor or oil, pack any beef or pork, weigh or measure any coals, fire wood or lumber (except those whose term of licence under a former ordinance is not yet expired) or he be duly qualified as aforesaid, under the penalty of forfeiting a sum not exceeding forty dollars, to be recovered in the City Court, for every such offence.

Guagers to use
Gunter's scale.

Beef, &c. to be


3. That if any licenced guager shall guage any liquor or oil in any other manner than by Gunter's scale, or refuse or neglect to do such business when called upon, between sun rising and sun setting, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars. And if either of the guagers aforesaid, shall be guilty of collusion or malpractice in order to deceive in the quantity, he shall, on conviction, forfeit his licence, for the unexpired term thereof, and be disqualified from obtaining another.

4. That no cask of beef or pork shall be sold withrepacked and in the city, (excepting such as has been inspected in branded before any other state, and branded accordingly,) but what shall have been repacked by a packer aforesaid, and on which the said packer has not put his brand, and unless such cask do contain two hundred pounds weight of wholesome, well cured meat; or shall there be more than two heads in each cask of pork; but no head or shank shall be packed in any barrel of beef. Every packer who shall brand any cask of pork or beef other than above directed, shall forfeit the sum of five dollars for every such offence. Coals to be 5. That all coals imported for sale in this city, sold by the shall be delivered to the purchaser by the ton, allow


ing two thousand two hundred and forty pounds weight to each ton, and that each weigher or measurer of coal shall provide himself immediately with one or more measures capable of containing three bushels per city standard, and shall make the tare thereon, and having the measure fairly filled with coals, shall at the expence of the seller, have the same weighed,

and in proportion to the nett weight of the coals contained in said measure, shall deliver such quantity of coals to the purchaser, as shall by calculation amount to a ton as aforesaid. And if any coal shall be sold in this city contrary to this ordinance, the person selling the same shall forfeit the price of each

ton so sold.

lect of duty

6. That if any weigher or measurer of coal, licenced by the City Council, shall refuse or neglect to Weigher's neg perform the aforesaid duties of his office when called, neable. between sun rising and sun setting, he shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars, and if either of the weighers or measurers of coal aforesaid, shall be guilty of collusion or malpractice in order to deceive in the quantity, he shall on conviction, forfeit his licence for the unexpired term thereof, and be disqualified from obtaining another.

7. That each stick of wood which hereafter shall be landed for sale in Charleston, shall measure at Measurement least four feet in length, including half the scarf; and of wood. all such fire wood shall be closely and fairly corded up where it is landed, (and before being offered for sale) each cord to be eight feet in length, four feet in breadth, and four feet in height, and each half or quarter cord in proportion; the same to be measured and ascertained by a licenced measurer of fire wood. And if any wood other than refuse or billet wood, shall be offered or sold contrary to the true intent and meaning of this ordinance, the said wood or price thereof, shall be forfeited and applied to the use of the informer, and recovered in the City Court.

not to be cord

8. That no crooked wood shall be stowed in or corded up with other fire wood; but all such crooked Billet wood or other wood deficient in length as aforesaid, may not be corded and sold separately, as refuse or billet wood; the judgment of any licenced measurer to be conclusive as to the quality of all wood offered for sale, and if any refuse or billet wood be intermixed with merchantable fire wood composing said cord or cords of wood, the whole of the wood so offered for sale, shall be forfeited to the use of the informer.

9. That all scantling, boards and other lumber

Lumber, &e, sold by measurement within the limits of Charleston to be marked. shall be measured by any one or more of the licenced measurers of lumber, who shall mark the number of feet on each board or piece of scantling, or other lumber shall be sold, except it be first measured and marked as aforesaid, under the penalty of forfeiting the sum of two dollars for every hundred feet so sold, contrary to this ordinance, to be recovered as aforesaid for the use of the informer.


10. That if any measurer of fire wood and lumber Penalty for shall refuse or neglect to perform any of the duties non-perform attached to his office, when called on to do so beance of duty. tween sun rising and sun setting, he shall on convic


tion, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding twenty dollars. And if either of the officers aforesaid, should be guilty of collusion or malpractice to deceive in the quantity, he shall, on conviction, forfeit his licence for the unexpired term thereof, and be disqualified from receiving another.

11. That no factor or seller of fire wood or lumber, nor any person holding an appointment or office of profit under this state or the United States, shall be eligible to, or hold at the same time, either of the aforesaid appointments as measurer, &c. under licence from the City Council.

12. That the following fees shall be paid to the several officers hereby appointed, viz: For guaging each cask, not exceeding twelve and a half centsFor packing each cask of beef or pork, not exceeding twenty-five cents-For inspecting the measurement of every ton of coal, not exceeding twenty-five cents -Fire wood, each cord, six and a quarter centsPlank and boards, per thousand feet, not exceeding seventy-five cents-For scantling and ranging timber, measured side and edge, not exceeding seventyfive cents per thousand feet-For mahogany, cedar, red bay and cherry, not exceeding seventy-five cents per thousand feet, superficial measure-And live oak timber, one hundred cents per hundred feet, solid


13. That all ordinances or clauses of ordinances heretofore passed relative to guagers of liquors, pack

ers of beef and pork, weighers and measurers of coals, Former ordiand measurers of fire wood and lumber, be, and the nances relative same are hereby repealed.

City Guard.

to guagers, &c.. repealed.

17th. 1506,


1. Be it ordained, That the captain and two lieute- Passed, Oct. nants of the City Guard, shall be annually elected by the City Council, on the third Monday in October, or on the first meeting of Council thereafter, and shall receive their respective commissions from the Intendant, of a city guard after having taken before him the oath of allegiance and office; and each of these officers shall continue Captain and in office until the next annual election, unless previ- lieutenants to ously removed by a vote of the City Council, or un- elected and to less suspended, for disobedience of orders or for other take the oath improper conduct, by the Intendant, who may in the mean time, if the service shall require it make a temporary appointment in the room of any one, by him suspended, until the latter shall have been tried by the City Council.

be annually

of office, &c,

Officers to provide them



4. That the captain and lieutenants of the City selves with Guard shall, each at his own expence, provide himself with an uniform coat of blue cloth, having red City to profacings and buttons of yellow metal, white under- vide sergents, clothes having like buttons, a cocked hat, and a sword &c. with unior hanger. And for each of the sergeants, privates, fifers and drummers, there shall be provided at the expence of the city, once in every year, if necessary, Clothes, &c a short lapelled jacket, or coatee. And whenever the cd at the main men are discharged from duty, the captain of the guard house. City Guard shall cause them, to lodge in some room at the main guard house, suchcloths, arms and other implements or articles, as are furnished at the expence of the city for the use of theCity Guard, and to keep the same clean, and in good order.

to be deposit

5. That the captain of the City Guard shall pay a Fines. fine of three dollars, and each lieutenant a fine of two dollars, whenever and as often as the said captain, or either of the said lieutenants, shall be absent from duty; which fines shall be deducted from their res

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