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"full of confolation, and ripe for immor"tality."

Having faid this, he ordered Peace, Prudence, Charity, Conjugal Love, and Domeftic Tenderness, to weave a garland of myrtle and olive, and crown her with it, in the presence of her female minifters ; and then commanded them to conduct her into the Abode of HAPPINESS, who dwelt in apartments under the fame roof with the Temple.

The next that appeared was a Young woman, in the bloom of youth and beauty. She was clad in mourning: there was fomething in her attire unadorned and carelefs, to which a languifhing and down-caft air, that appeared about her, admirably correfponded. Her eyes were fixed on the ground, whilft the Recorder gave her this remarkable teftimony: That having a very aged and moft deferving parent, with two young brothers, left to her

charge by the death of her mother, the had by her conftant care and vigilance cherifhed the former and educated the latter, and by many works of ingenuity procured a tolerable fubfiftence for both : That, to perform this laborious task more completely, fhe had declined the moft tempting offers of marriage for herfelf; being refolved never to transfer upon a husband the burden which Providence had laid upon her: That having at laft clofed her father's eyes, and feen her brothers happily provided for by a public foundation, the managers of which had been made acquainted with her meritorious behaviour, it was now her chief employment to excite in them an ambition of imitating their parent's excellence, fo as to embalm and preferve his memory in the honourable reputation of his children.

Such uncommon felf-denial and filial piety, in a perfon fo young and fo handfome, drew upon her the admiring eyes


of the whole Affembly; which producing a virtuous confufion, heightened her native attractions. The GODDESS looked upon her with tenderness, and faid, "Lovely daughter! thy gentle "qualities and generous exertions fhall

gain thee fairer honours, than the 66 more fplendid atchievements of those "who have been accounted heroines ❝and thy name shall be held up to future "ages, as a pattern of duty and affec❝tion. Thy children (for thou shalt "yet bring a beautiful offspring to a man "of worth) fhall repay thee tenfold, "and copy with fuccefs thofe perfec"tions which thou haft fo usefully and "amiably displayed."

VIRTUE then prefented her with a myftic girdle, which was woven by the Graces, and endowed with fuch efficacy as to confer upon the wearer the power of charming every beholder. She received it blushing, and withdrew,


After her, was introduced a man about middle age. There was, in his eyes, a fire that indicated paffions naturally ftrong; yet he approached the Throne with a look of diffidence and concern. The Recorder reprefented, That this votary was formerly proud and overbearing,' prone to voluptuoufnefs, and impetuous in his schemes to gratify it: That his' wealth and rank, together with an early indulgence of thofe propenfities, had contributed not a little to augment their violence: That conceiving a fondness for a young lady of diftinguished birth and beauty, joined to many eftimable qualities, but whofe fortune was ruined by a train of unpropitious events, he hoped her fituation might make her an easy prey to his defigns, as he could not be confined by marriage, and had always entertained that grofs opinion of women in general which is common among loofe men: That, after employing every feducing art, he found her equally unmoved by allurements

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and by terrours: That being at length, by the inviolable fanctity of her manners, fubdued into juft admiration and virtuous love, he defifted from his infamous attempts, and, after convincing her with fome difficulty of his fincere repentance, raised her from indigence and obfcurity to a station of affluence and honour, inwhich her hitherto concealed accomplishments broke forth with fplendour: That her incomparable deportment fo foftened and moulded his temper, as entirely to reform it, and render him unaffuming, mild, and moderate, a friend of VIRTUE, and a guardian of the sex.

He was defired to bring forward his benefactress. With ardent hafte he fingled from the throng the lovelieft creature the fun ever fhone upon, who, thus unexpectedly prefented to public view, appeared with additional luftre from the reddenings of conscious worth, that glowed in her countenance. On which, eagerly preffing

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