The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications

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Baker Book House, 1961 - 518 halaman
Standard scientific and Biblical defence of seven day creation and Biblical flood.

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Tentang pengarang (1961)

John C. Whitcomb (B.A. Universidad de Princeton; B.D., Th.M., Th.D., Seminario Teologico Grace) fue profesor de teologia y Antiguo Testamento en el Seminario Teologico Grace, coautor de "El divulo del Genesis", y autor de "El origen del sistema solar", "El mundo que parecio", "La tierra primitiva", y "Ester: El triunfo de la soberania de Dios (este ultimo de la serie "Comentario Biblico Portavoz").

Henry M. Morris (PhD, University of Minnesota), founder and former president of the Institute of Creation Research, served as professor of hydrology at the institute's division of graduate study and research. For more than thirty years, Dr. Morris has taught at major universities, including serving as chairman of the civil engineering department at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

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