American Law Journal, Vol. IV. BEING THE FIRST OF A NEW SERIES. BY JOHN E. HALL, ESQ. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED Morford, Willington, & Co. Charleston, S. C. Seymour & Williams, Savanna; Samuel Plea- States. SERGEANT HALL, PRINTER. 1813. BEING THE FIRST OF A NEW SERIES. PAGE ACTS OF CONGRESS, cited and explained. The Em- ADVERSARIA ALIENS may two years hold lands in Kentucky after a residence of ALLUVION, the doctrine of, discussed AMES, FISHER, character of ANECDOTE ASSETS. If a defendant plead no assets and payment, ancestor ATTACHMENTS, in Georgia, how regulated In Maryland, money in the hands of the she attached - ATTORNEY, censured by the court, for misconduct 471 122 453 453 472 125 128 250 BAIL. Defendant cannot be surrendered in discharge of bail before a judge at his chambers BAKER, MISS POLLY, her defence against an indictment for Bastardy BASTARD. See Illegitimate. BATTURE, review of the controversy respecting the |