ENTERED according to the Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three; BY HENRY SHERMAN, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York.. STEREOTYPED BYT B. SMITH,
74 FULTON-STREET, NEW YORK. In preparing this work for the press, the Author's design has been to place within the reach of our common Schools, and the Libraries for the young throughout the country, a plain and simple history of the origin of our government and institutions, with the causes which have given to them their characteristic qualities. It is impossible for the mind of man to fix a limit to the advancement of this great and growing nation, in all the arts which contribute to the improvement of society, the sciences which expand and liberal the mind, or in the further development of those great principles of civil and religious liberty which are destined, in their ultimate maturity, to harmonize the world. It is essential that the young, who are hereafter to be entrusted with this proud heritage, should be prepared for the important and interesting duties which it may devolve upon them. If they would be useful to their country and to their raceif they would preserve, and conduct to maturity and perfection, a system of government so wisely planned, and institutions so well founded, they must become acquainted with their history from their earliest origin. They should be familiar with the causes which led to the first settlement of the several colonies planted by our forefathers in Americawhich transformed those colonies into independent stateswhich united those states into a federal community-which again dissolved this confederacy, and led to their more perfect, permanent, and happy union under the present constitution. In looking into our libraries the Author found no work calculated particularly to aid them in making these acquisitions, while those whence this information was to be derived were either too ponderous, or too voluminous, or too expensive, to fall into the hands of the mass of juvenile readers. This volume has been prepared, during the intervals of leisure from professional avocations, with a view to supply this deficiency. Yet the object aimed at in its compilation, has not been merely to furnish a library-book for general reading; but also a class-book for the use of schools. The letters, addresses, and other documents of the several Colonies, and of the Congress, during the progress of our revolution, as also the speeches delivered in the British Parliament, which have been incorporated into the work, are excellent specimens of English composition, well adapted to improve the pupil in the exercises of reading, recitation, or declamation, while at the same time they contain the most valuable information as to the origin and progress of our liberties and institutions. Thus, it is hoped, while the work of elementary education is going forward, the young mind will be made familiar with the most interesting portion of our history, become acquainted with those fundamental principles of civil and religious faith and freedom which are the basis of our union and prosperity as a people, as well as our happiness as individuals; and imbibe a deeper reverence for, and a lasting attachment to, the government and institutions which have been reared upon them. The following works have been consulted by the Author, and are recommended to those who wish to acquire more extended information on this subject, viz.: Russell's Modern Europe. Bigland's View of the World. Robertson's History of America. Irving's Columbus. Bissett's England. Winterbotham's America. Butler's History of the United States. Pitkin's History of the United States. Hutchinson's Hist. of Massachusetts. Marshall's Colonies. Burke's Works. Journals of Congress. The Federalist. Story on the Constitution. Kent's Commentaries, etc. HENRY SHERMAN. INDEX. Introduction.-General view of the progress of Naval Science in the world. -Christopher Columbus-his early career-his schemes for discovery-ne- gociations for patronage -His voyages and their results-effect of his dis- coveries in England.-State of Naval Science in England. -The expedition of Cabot. The discovery of the continent of North America. -Expeditions to settle America during the reign of Elizabeth.-Division of the Continent by James into North and South Virginia.-South Virginia Company-its charter provisions of government. Its first expedition to America.-Settle- ment of Jamestown-condition of the Colonists-progress of the settlement under Capt. Smith. Decline of the Colony on his return to England.--Ar- rival of Lord De La War and resettlement of Jamestown.-Publication of a New Charter to the Company. Further arrivals from the mother coun- try.-Permament settlement of the Colony.-Changes in the condition of Settlement.-Their effect upon its growth and prosperity. -Government of the Colony under Sir George Yeardley.-Administration of Capt. Argal. -Argal removed and Yeardley reappointed Governor.-First representative assembly in America.-New Charter issued.--Reformations in policy and forms of government, in the administration of justice-Inferior courts es- tablished.-Interference of the Crown. The company in England dissol- ved, and the affairs of the Colonies temporarily in the hands of a council of commissioners.-Death of James I.-Changes in the government of the Colony, and its progress after the succession of Charles I... Page 9 PART II.-HISTORY OF THE NORTHERN COLONY OF VIRGINIA The Plymouth Company empowered to settle this division of the Continent. -Its operations. Capt. Smith visits North Virginia. His return to England. -The Country named New England.-History of its first settlement.-The Reformation of Luther.-Its progress in Europe. In England.-Persecution of Protestants compels them to leave England. They return on the acces- sion of Elizabeth-Her hostility to their political sentiments. -The Brown- ists. Some of them take refuge in Holland. - Come thence to New England. Settlement of New Plymouth. Their position, character, and condition.- Their progress.-Origin of the sect called Puritans-Progress of Puritanni- cal sentiments, and persecutions in England, the sole cause of planting New England. Settlement of Massachusetts Bay. Its charter of government. - New Charter incorporating with New Plymouth -First representative as- sembly in New England-Its proceedings.-Interference of the Crown.- Further history of this Colony. - The Colonies of New Haven and Connec- ticut. The Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. -Conclu- PART III.-GOVERNMENTAL HISTORY OF THE COLONIES IN THEIR SMALLER DIVISIONS TO THE TIME OF THE DECLARATION Subdivisions of the Southern Colony of Virginia.-General characteristics of of discontent thereby originated in the Colonies. The Stamp Act. Its re ......Page 102 PART IV.-GOVERNMENTAL HISTORY FROM THE DECLARATION Position of the Colonies after the declaration of their Independence. The ...Page 217 |