The engineer's, mining surveyor's and contractor's field-book |
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100 feet chain 100 Lengths DEPARTURES 100 Lengths LATITUDES 20 Lengths 66 feet chain 70 80 Measured 80 Measured 90 Angle at centre angle of elevation ANGLES FOR CIRCULAR BERCE calculated centre Versine chain Angle CHAINS RADIUS Chains Right-hand Reading Chains Tangents Offsets Chap CIRCULAR CURVES cloth Coefficient Coefficient Coefficient Cosines Cotangent Tangent Cotangent cubic yards DEGREES Tangent Cotangent Difference of Levels DISTANCES FOR DIFFERENCE Distances for Latitudes Ditto equal ground Hori Horizontal Dis HORIZONTAL DISTANCES Horizontal for Difference hour inches Rails 18 instrument Levels Departures LEVELS Difference Levels Latitudes Levels Measured Lengths Levels zontal Distances Links Links Links Major Minor Major Measured IO 20 mêtres BENDS Minor Coefficient numerous Plates Radii Rails 18 lengths railway Rise or Fall SETTING OUT CURVES Sine of angle SUPERELEVATION OF RAILS tances for Difference Tangent Cotangent Tangent TANGENTIAL ANGLES Tangents Offsets Links theodolite Timber vernier wNNNN Woodcuts wwww wwwww ΙΟ
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Halaman 2 - The book is very handy, and the author might have added that the separate tables of sines and tangents to every minute will make it useful for many other purposes, the genuine traverse tables existing all the same.
Halaman 189 - Sub-Excavating, Timbering, and the Construction of the Brickwork of Tunnels with the amount of labour required for, and the Cost of, the various portions of the work. By FW SIMMS, M.
Halaman 5 - Standard Hundred ; the Price per Cube Foot of Square Timber to any given Price per Load of 50 Feet ; the proportionate Value of Deals and Battens by the Standard, to Square Timber by the Load of 50 Feet ; the readiest mode of ascertaining the Price of Scantling per Lineal Foot of any size, to any given Figure per Cube Foot.
Halaman 188 - Handsomely lithographed and printed. It will find favour with many who desire to preserve in a permanent form copies of the plans and specifications prepared for the guidance of the contractors for many important engineering works.
Halaman 4 - THE ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF CARPENTRY : a Treatise on the Pressure and Equilibrium of Timber Framing, the Resistance of Timber, and the Construction of Floors, Arches, Bridges, Roofs, Uniting Iron and Stone with Timber, &c. To which is added an Essay on the Nature and Properties of Timber...
Halaman 1 - ... will find a great amount of practical information very admirably arranged, and available for general or rough estimates, as well as for the more exact calculations required in the engineers
Halaman 189 - Levelling. A TREATISE on the PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE of LEVELLING ; showing its Application to Purposes of Railway and Civil Engineering, in the Construction of Roads ; with Mr. TELFORD'S Rules for the same. By FREDERICK W. SIMMS, FGS, M. Inst. CE Sixth Edition, very carefully revised, with the addition of Mr.
Halaman 6 - WORKSHOP COMPANION. Comprising a great variety of the most useful Rules and Formulae in Mechanical Science, with numerous Tables of Practical Data and Calculated Results for Facilitating Mechanical Operations. By WILLIAM TEMPLETON, Author of " The Engineer's Practical Assistant, "&c., &c. Eighteenth Edition, Revised, Modernised, and considerably Enlarged by WALTER S. HUTTON, CE, Author of "The Works' Manager's Handbook," " The Practical Engineer's Handbook,
Halaman i - Consisting of a Series of Tables, with Rules, Explanations of Systems, and use of Theodolite for Traverse Surveying and Plotting the Work with minute accuracy by means of Straight Edge and Set Square only ; Levelling with the Theodolite, Casting-out and Reducing Levels to Datum, and Plotting Sections in the ordinary manner...
Halaman 9 - With a Slide Rule, in tuck of cover. Fifth Edition ..... . 2/6J 196. THEORY OF COMPOUND INTEREST AND ANNUITIES; with Tables of Logarithms for the more Difficult Computations of Interest, Discount, Annuities, &c., in all their Applications and Uses for Mercantile and State Purposes. By FKDOR THOMAN, of the Societe" Credit Mobilier, Paris. Third Kdition, carefully revised and corrected . . . 4/0* " A very powerful work, and the author has a very remarkable command of his subject.