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WHEREAS, Mr. Stitzer was known, not only by members of the Engineering Association, but by a very large number of the members of this Association as having achieved a very high rank in his chosen profession of electric railway engineer, and

WHEREAS, Mr. Stitzer, through his ability, high character, and amiable personality, as well as for the services which he rendered to the industry, has gained many friends in this Association. now therefore Be It Resolved, that this Association testify to its great feeling of loss on the death of Mr. Stitzer, as an electric railway engineer, as a friend and as an official of one of the affiliated associations of this organization.

WHEREAS, for many years J. Harry Steadman was a regular attendant at the Conventions of this Association, always willing to do his part in making the convention a success, always cheerful himself and cheering others with his wit and humor, and

WHEREAS, during the last few years, he has been unable, because of poor health, to attend the meetings of this Association, now therefore

Be It Resolved, that the members of this Association send their best wishes to him, regretting that he is unable longer to attend their meetings, but hoping that he will live many years and that each will be full of the great joy which he deserves because of the pleasure he has given others.


WHEREAS, the Committee on Safety of the Transportation and Traffic Association has again emphasized this year in a most impressive way the great importance of care for safety in electric railway operation, and

WHEREAS, the Committee during the year, both at the mid-year meeting and elsewhere, have greatly advanced the interests of safety both within and without the Association and

WHEREAS, at this convention, through its thoughtful report, instructive exhibits and presentation of short addresses on safety at different meetings of affiliated associations, the Committee has impressed on all of the departments the overwhelming importance of safety, now therefore

Be It Resolved, that the Association record its special appreciation of the work of this Committee.

WHEREAS, this Association has been especially fortunate this year in the program for its different meetings, both as regards the topics selected and the outstanding ability of the men chosen to present these subjects to the Association, and

WHEREAS, testimony to the high appreciation in which these meetings have been held by the delegates at large is shown by the large attendance which has marked these meetings, now therefore

Be It Resolved, that the Association records definitely at this time its indebtedness to the Committee on Meetings and Subjects for the interesting and instructive programs which it has arranged.

WHEREAS, the exhibit feature, always a most important part of the annual meetings of this Association, has been planned especially well this year, so that the delegates have been able to inspect all of the latest developments in electric railroading in a most convenient way and under the most favorable auspices, and

WHEREAS, the system employed in installing the exhibits under the direction of the exhibit committee has been coordinated in one central office, resulting in considerable saving in time and expense to the exhibitors, and

WHEREAS, this is the first time an electric railway exhibit, or any technical exhibit of equal magnitude has been held on the Municipal Pier, so that all the work in connection with this exhibit had to be planned without the aid of precedent, and under circumstances which in some respects were difficult, now therefore

It Is Resolved, that this Association expresses its high appreciation of the work accomplished by the Committee of Exhibits at this Association.

WHEREAS, the committee on entertainment has planned and carried out a program of most enjoyable and diversified entertainment for the benefit of the delegates during their visit in Chicago this week, and has been most assiduous in seeing that such portion of the time as could be spared from the serious part of the convention was made enjoyable, and

WHEREAS, in carrying out this program the Committee has remained well within its budget which was not a large one to start with, now therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Committee has the sincere thanks of the Association. WHEREAS the Association, at this convention, has been favored by hearing from gentlemen eminent in various lines of endeavor - banking, manufacture, and the National and State government; and

WHEREAS, the delegates and their guests have greatly profited by the facts presented by these gentlemen, who have come to the convention for the special purpose of speaking to the members of the Association, now therefore.

Be It Resolved, that the thanks of the Association be extended to Mr. Harry A. Wheeler, Mr. Matthew C. Brush. Hon. Walter W. Warwick and Hon. Carl D. Jackson.

WHEREAS, the Association at this convention has just completed an Association year which has been unparalleled in its success measured in membership, income, technical achievements and character of its annual convention, and

WHEREAS, the Association recognizes that these results have been due to excellent administrations given by its officers, to the conscientious work performed by the Committee members and the Association staff, and to the cordial support and co-operation given to the Association by others, particularly by the technical press, now therefore

Be It Resolved, that the thanks of the Association are hereby extended to its officers and executive committee, technical committee, organization staff, technical press and others who have contributed to this desirable result.

Respectfully submitted,





T. N. MCCARTER, Chairman,
Committee on Resolutions.

(The motion was duly seconded, put to vote and carried.) PRESIDENT TODD:- It now becomes my duty and very great pleasure to nominate a committee to escort the new officers to take charge of the administration of the affairs of the American Electric Railway Association during the ensuing year. I will ask Mr. Brady, Mr. Storrs and Mr. Henry if they will kindly introduce the new officers, Mr. C. D. Emmons, Britton I. Budd, J. N. Shannahan, Frank R. Coates, W. H. Sawyer and Barron Collier.

A. W. BRADY:- Mr. President and gentlemen of the convention: You will remember that yesterday General Harries, in the course of one of his introductory speeches, referred to the handicap that some of us were under in having been born in Indiana. It is true that there are two persons on the platform at the present time who are under that handicap. I want to call attention, further, to the fact that Indiana adopted one other President of the Association, the retiring President, Mr. Robert I. Todd. Indiana also takes a great pleasure in the fact that the newly elected President of the Association, Mr. C. D. Emmons, spent a number of years in that State, and that he has also surmounted the handicap of association with Indiana. I now take great pleasure in introducing to you the newly elected President of the Association, Mr. C. D. Emmons, now of Baltimore, but for a much longer time of Indiana.

PRESIDENT-ELECT EMMONS:- Gentlemen of the Convention: It is very hard to express one's appreciation of an honor of

this kind. I much appreciate it, because it is a great honor. I think we must appreciate an election to this office all the more after having had Past Presidents' Day, and seeing the character of men who have been at the head of this Association, and in observing the improvements in our industry, as shown by the exhibits, and the papers and discussions of this convention, and we should all have an appreciation of the responsibility that goes with any office in this Association.

The incoming President is not expected to make a speech, as Mr. Henry said at one time, and he reserves his remarks as a funeral oration.

I think that we are approaching a period that should be constructive. Very valuable information has been given us in this Convention of the American Association and the Affiliated Associations and if we can take these lessons home, we can get a great deal out of them for our companies, feeling that it has been good for us to have been here, and to have had our men here. I think it is unfortunate that with an enrollment of something like 4,000 we should not have had more in attendance at the meetings here. Some of our attendants at the convention have a feeling that they can get more out of the exhibits during the convention, because they can read the papers and discussions later on.

The Executive Committee will meet at the Drake Hotel at 5 o'clock this afternoon, for a short session, a snappy meeting. We had hoped to be able to appoint committees right after this convention, but find it is too much of a job and we will postpone it.

I would urge, however, that all those who are asked to accept appointments on committees will not fail to attend. the meetings of the committees when they can. Many of the appointees last year did not attend any meeting. not be given a chance to repeat that performance, and committeemen should appreciate that serving on the committees

is an honor and a duty that should be performed.

They should

I will take great pleasure in presenting Mr. Budd, the First Vice-President.

(Mr. Budd was not present.)

In the absence of Mr. Budd, I will introduce Mr. Shannahan, our Second Vice-President.

J. N. SHANNAHAN-I am very much honored by this election. Last year at this time when I was called on to express my appreciation of the honor that had been shown to me at that time, I appealed to the members of the Association to support their new officers, to make every effort they could in the interest of the Association. I think the results have demonstrated we did have that cooperation, and I sincerely hope it will continue this year in the case of the men who are just coming in.

I thank you.

PRESIDENT EMMONS: I take pleasure in introducing the Third Vice-President, Mr. F. R. Coates.

F. R. COATES:- Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen: President Emmons is well aware that each member of this organization is pledging his support to the fullest extent to his administration. We can have an organization of great strength if we will take a little time to accomplish it. To bring out the thought I have in mind I will illustrate it by a short story. There was a little boy in school whose teacher asked him how much four times two was, and he said eight. She said "Very good, Johnny," and he said—“Very good, hell, it is perfect." The point I desire to make is in regard to securing members for our organization. We think that we have done very well this year, but we are quite a way from being perfect. If each and every member of this organization will sit down and study. the advantages that accrue to the various companies from membership in this Association, he will be convinced that there is not an electric railway company or manufacturer of supplies that can afford to be outside the fold of the American Electric Railway Association.

What I wish to ask and what I hope for is that every member of our organization will comply with this request. Study the list of members and ascertain the companies which are not on our roster, then make every effort possible to prove to

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