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(Section 485.)


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The Rural Municipality of

provide moneys for drainage in rural munici

of the Rural Municipality pality.

in the Province of Manitoba promises to pay to the bearer at


the sum of

money of Canada in


dollars of lawful

years from the

date hereof and to pay interest thereon during the currency thereof at the same place every

at the rate of

day of

per centum per annum to the bearer of the coupons hereunto respectively annexed and numbered with the number of this debenture. Issued at

day of


A. D. 18

under the authority of sections four hundred and eighty to five hundred of "The Municipal Act," relating to drainage in rural municipalities.

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dollars of lawful money of Canada, being interest due on that date on debenture No.

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By-law for drainage of part of rural

A by-law to provide for draining parts of the Rural Munici- municipality pality of and for borrowing on the credit of the said Rural Municipality the sum of

for completing the same.

Whereas three fourths in number of the persons shown by the last revised assessment roll to be resident owners, to the amount of at least two hundred dollars each, of the property

hereinafter set forth to be benefited by the drainage, and representing together at least one fourth in value thereof. have petitioned the Council of said Rural Municipality of praying that (here set forth the purport of the petition, describing generally the property to be benefited); And whereas, thereupon, the said council procured an examination to be made by being

a person competent for such purpose, of the locality to be drained, and also procured plans and estimates of the work to be made by the said

and an assessment

to be made by him of the real property to be benefited on the basis of the proportion of benefit to be derived therefrom by every quarter section, parish lot or other subdivision or portion thereof and road, the said assessment being the assessment hereinafter in that behalf specially set forth and described;

And whereas the council are of the opinion that the drainage of the locality described is desirable;

Be it therefore enacted by the council of the Rural Municipality of , pursuant to the provisions of the sections of the Municipal Act numbered from four hundred and eighty to five hundred, relating to drainage in rural municipalities:

1. That the said plans and estimates be adopted and the said drain and the works connected therewith be made and constructed in accordance therewith.

2. That debentures of the municipality be issued, signed by the reeve and clerk and sealed with the corporate seal, for the purpose of borrowing on the credit of the municipality the funds necessary for the work. The amount of such debentures shall be as follows:

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

3. Said debentures shall bear interest at a rate of

per cent. per annum, payable annually (or semi-annually) for which coupons shall be attached, which coupons shall be signed by the reeve and clerk, the debentures and coupons shall be payable at

4. That for the purpose of paying the sum of

[ocr errors]

being the amount charged against the said lands so benefited as aforesaid, other than roads and lands belonging to the municipality, and to cover interest thereon for years at the rate of


cent. per annum, the following special rate over and above all other rates shall be levied, in the same manner and at the same time as taxes are levied, upon the undermentioned properties, and the amount of the said special rates and interest levied as aforesaid against each parcel of property shall be divided into equal parts, and on such part on the

assessment shown hereunder there shall be levied in each years after the final passing of this

year, for


Description of Property No. of Acres. Amount of Assessment.

Total amount of assessment.
Total amount required for work.
Total amount required for interest for
Special rate required to meet this.

Divided into

each year,


equal parts giving

as the rate for

4. For the purpose of paying the sum of being the total amount assessed against the roads or lands or roads and lands of the municipality, and to cover interest thereon for years at the rate of per cent. per annum, a special rate shall be levied each year upon the whole rateable property in the municipality, sufficient to meet the same, in each year, for the period of years after the final passing of this by-law. 52 V. c. 33, s. 8, part.


(Section 495.)



The Council of the Rural Municipality of

have read a first time a by-law for the purpose of providing
for the drainage of the following lands which will be bene-
fited thereby, as follows:-(here shortly describe lands with
the amount of the assessment opposite each parcel.)
amount to be expended is


Notice of by-law.

The Court of Revision for appeals against assessment will be held at

day of o'clock in the

on the A. D. 18 at Notice of appeals

Conviction under by-law.


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A. B. is convicted before the undersigned,

one of Her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the said Province (or for the municipality of

as the case may be), for that the said A. B. (stating the offence, and the time and place when and where committed), contrary to a certain by-law of the municipality of

[ocr errors]

passed on the
A. D.

[ocr errors]

day of

and intituled (reciting the title of by-law); and I adjudge the said A. B., for his said offence, to forfeit and pay the sum of


be paid and applied according to law, and also to pay to C. D., the complainant, the sum of

[ocr errors]


his costs in this behalf. And if the said several sums are not paid forthwith (or on or before the day

[ocr errors]

as the case may be), I order that the same be
levied by distress and the sale of the goods and chattels of the
said A. B.; and in default of sufficient distress, I adjudge the
said A. B. to be imprisoned in the Common Gaol of the
Judicial District (or in the public lock-up at

for the space of


days, unless the said several sums, with all costs and charges of conveying the said A.B. to such gaol (or lock-up), are sooner paid.

Given under my hand and seal, the day and year first above

written, at

J. M.,


J. P.

53 V. c. 51, s. 341, part.

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ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the
Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, enacts as follows:-

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