Sholes' Directory of the City of Savannah ..., Volume 2Morning news print, 1880 |
Dari dalam buku
Hasil 1-3 dari 86
Halaman 114
... fireman C. R. R. , bds ws Wilson , 1st n of Sims Barrett Michael J. , fireman C. R. R. , bds ss Jones , w of W. Broad Barrett Michael J. Jr. , lab , bds ss Jones , w of W. Broad Barrett Patrick , horseshoer D O'Connor , r ws W. Broad ...
... fireman C. R. R. , bds ws Wilson , 1st n of Sims Barrett Michael J. , fireman C. R. R. , bds ss Jones , w of W. Broad Barrett Michael J. Jr. , lab , bds ss Jones , w of W. Broad Barrett Patrick , horseshoer D O'Connor , r ws W. Broad ...
Halaman 150
... fireman C. R. R Clancy John , plumber , 27 Margaret Clancy John , wks S. , F. & W. Ry , r ns Liberty , 1st w of Rey- nolds Clancy Maggie Miss , domestic D. L. Roberts Clancy Matthew , weigher C. R. R Clancy Thomas , fireman C. R. R ...
... fireman C. R. R Clancy John , plumber , 27 Margaret Clancy John , wks S. , F. & W. Ry , r ns Liberty , 1st w of Rey- nolds Clancy Maggie Miss , domestic D. L. Roberts Clancy Matthew , weigher C. R. R Clancy Thomas , fireman C. R. R ...
Halaman 376
... fireman C. R. R Talbot Frank , c , lab , r ss Indian lane , 4th w of Farm Talbot Peter , c , lab , r ss Jackson , 1st w of Arnold Talbot Silva , c , domestic , r ns Pine , 8th e of Farm Talbot Tobias , c , sawyer , r ss Margaret , 2d e ...
... fireman C. R. R Talbot Frank , c , lab , r ss Indian lane , 4th w of Farm Talbot Peter , c , lab , r ss Jackson , 1st w of Arnold Talbot Silva , c , domestic , r ns Pine , 8th e of Farm Talbot Tobias , c , sawyer , r ss Margaret , 2d e ...
Edisi yang lain - Lihat semua
Istilah dan frasa umum
140 BROUGHTON STREET 23 BULL STREET Abercorn Anderson baker Barnard bds ns bds ss bkkpr Boundary Bryan Bull and Broughton carpenter Charles Charlton lane Congress Drayton dressmkr Edward Farm fireman Florida & Western front fly Gaston George Gordon lane grocer Guerard Habersham Hall Harris Harrison Houston Hull Huntingdon Indian lane J. S. SILVA Jackson James Jefferson Joachim JOHN ROURKE Jones lane Joseph Julian LAFAR laundress Liberty Lincoln longshoreman Lumber machinist Macon Margaret Mary MCDONOUGH & BALLANTYNE Miss Monday Montgomery Moran & Reilly ns Bolton ns Charlton ns Gwinnett nw cor Perry lane porter President Price Pulaski House Randolph rear Reynolds Richard Samuel Sarah Savannah shoemkr Sims ss Indian ss Jones ss Roberts Tattnall Taylor Thomas Thunderbolt rd w of W waiter Waldburg Walker West Broad Western Railway Whitaker White Bluff White Bluff rd William H Wilson wks C. R. R. Zubly