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Jan. 11

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Religions of China: Confucianism; Buddhism,
and Taoism. The Buddhists the most numer-
ous. Miraculous occurrences attending birth of
Christ, Confucius, and Buddha compared. The
founders of these religions accounted men, not
gods. Chinese holidays. The "golden rule.'
Perfection of the moral code of Confucius; Con-
fucianism the religion of the state; scholarship
and Confucianism identical; ancestral worship;
sketch of Confucius and Buddha. Chinese be
lief in metempsychosis. Ceremonies. Numbers
of Chinese gods. Description of Taoism. Chi-
nese indifference to death. Superstitions. Ob
structions to the work of foreign missionaries.
The Catholics the pioneers. Well-filled Protest-
ant churches.

Emperor's assumption of the Government; spec-
ulation as to consequences; age, education, and
pedigree of the emperor; retirement of the
emperor's father, Prince Chun; the emperor's
brothers; Prince Kung and Prince Tun, com-
monly called the sixth and fifth prince, respec-
tively; sketch of these princes. Position of
the Empress Dowager. Foreign domination and
western influence in China. Progress of China
during the reign of the Empress Dowager;
other internal improvements to come.
Jan. 18 Slandering foreigners in China: Copy of letter
on the subject from the dean of the diplomatic
corps to the Tsung-li Yamen inclosed. An un-
usual method of treatment involved in the dean's
action. Superstitions regarding the practices
of foreigners in China, such as the murdering
of children, etc. Outbreaks at Tientsin and
Seoul, Corea, in consequence. The means of
quieting such superstitions.

Feb. 6 Marriage certificates and mixed marriages: Mr.
Denby's reply to Department's number 375, of
December 5, on the subject. The special case
of Mr. Thompson and Miss Vetter again refer-
red to. They have decided not to marry.
Felicitations of the President on the Emperor's

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby Feb. 25
Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard... Feb. 25

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Feb. 28


Marriage of the Emperor: Incloses copy of the
Yamen's official announcement of the Emperor's
approaching nuptials, and Mr. Denby's reply.
The Empress Regent's retirement near at hand:
Brief review of her life and character.
Events immediately preceding her assumption
of government. A former effort to retire.
reconquest of Kansuh, Sungaria, Kuldja, and
Kashgaria. The French and Chinese diffi-
culty over Tonquin and Annam. Result of the
war. Relations with England. Case of a
British officer named Margary murdered in
Yunnan. English occupation of Upper Bur-
mah; stipulations thereupon. Surrender by
England to China of Port Hamilton. Relations
with Japan. Relations between China and the
United States. Riots involving property and
persons of foreigners in China deprecated by
the Government. Development of the imperial
maritime custom service, and lighting of the coast.
Naval progress. Telegraph; mining; railroads;
steamers on the rivers. Study of mathematics
and the physical sciences, and revival of educa
tion in general. Western learning favored.
Boys sent to the United States to be educated.
Improvement and progress sketched; mainly
due to will-power of the Empress. Her place in
the affections of the people, and in history.
4 Emperor's assumption of government: Incloses
official notice, by copy. Ceremonial observ-
ances by diplomatic corps.

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Mar. 5

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The Empress Regent: Her refusal to receive a
petition and punishment of the Censor. Decree

Marriage of the Emperor: Foreigners not per-
mitted by custom to participate in public cere-
monies. Seclusion maintained at the residence
of the bride. Her reported objections to the
marriage. Incloses article from the North
China Daily News.

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1889. Mar. 8

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Mar. 8

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Marriage of the Emperor: Incloses translation
of the reply of Tsung-li Yâmen to the Presi-
dent's felicitations.
The Empress Regent: A dinzer by the Tsang-li
Yamen to the diplomatic corps by her decree;
an unusual affair; elaborate and picturesque;
erection of special buildings; description of the
Ceremonies and speeches; copies of speeches

Mar. 12 Steam-ship facilities in China: Abstract of a me-
morial to the throne submitted by the provis
ional judge of Kuangtung.

May 10 Missionary troubles at Chi Nan Fu: Copy of a
note from Mr. Denby to the Tsung-li Yamen on
the subject and translation of the reply in-
closed; proposed journey of the minister or the
second secretary to Chi-Nan Fu to attempt a set-
tlement with local authorities.
June 10 Chinese in the commercial centers of the far
East; vitality, perseverance, and colonizing
qualities of the race; statistical statement;
population and races in Hong Kong, Macao, Na-
gasaki, Kohé, Osaka, Yokohama, Manila, Sai-
gon, Haiphong, Hanoi. Borneo, Labuan, Siam,
Singapore Island, Malacca, Sungie Ujong, Se-
langor, Perak, Penang; Chinese gradually ab
sorbing business to the exclusion of native
and foreign traders; prospective objections to
their presence in the far East; absorption by
the Chinese of the Mongolians and Manchus.
2 Temple of Heaven: Destroyed by fire; delivery
of the officers in charge to the board of pun-
ishments; the fire caused by stroke of light-
ning; Chinese theocracy; ever; thing ascribed
to supernatural influences; religious rites; ex-
ecution of the insane; date of the construction
of the temple; description of the building; im.
perial decree inclosed.

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Nov. 10

Cremation in China: The Chinese have five forms
of burial, namely, water, wood, metal, earth,
and fire; description of each form; cremation
practiced chiefly only by Buddhist priests and
lamas or by very poor persons; its introduction
into China; cremation practiced in Japan;
feeling against the custom; advantages of cre-
mation; it is forbidden by statutes of the pres.
ent dynasty.









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Exclusion of Chinese. Arrival of a number of 115
Chinese laborers at San Francisco, some of
whom are possessed of certificates of identity
to return to the United States, others of whom
desire transit through the United States, are
refused permission to land by collector of cus
toms, who avers that he has been instructed
that such certificates are declared void; China's
contention that they should be permitted to
land; a reference of the case to the Secretary
of the Treasury requested, and instructions by

Exclusion of Chinese: The matter referred to the
Secretary of the Treasury, who is intrusted
with the execution of statutes in relation to for-
eign immigration. Mandatory provisions of the
act of October 1, 1888, prevent the landing of
the laborers in question; letter of Secretary of
the Treasury quoted; copy of law inclosed."
Chinese Indemnity: Approval by the President
of the act of Congress making appropriation for
all losses sustained by Chinese subjects in the
United States at the hands of residents thereof;
acts by which Chinese suffered can be in no
wise imputed to the Government of the United
States; the provisions for indemnity made from
motives of humanity; the Secretary of State
will pay the sum to the minister of China.




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Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr.

Dec. 24

Same to samo.

1889. Jan.


Mr Bayard to Mr. Chang
Yen Hoon.

Jan. 5

Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr.
Bay rd.



Same to same

Jan. 11

Same to same

Jan. 18

Sanie to same.

Jan. 26

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Feb.
Yen Hoon.


Chinese Indemn ty: The Chinese minister has
telegraphed to Peking for an imperial decree
giving him authority to receive amount of in-
demnity. He will on receiving the decree pro-
pose a day for payment.

Chinese Indemnity: The Chinese minister au-
thorized by imperial telegraphic decree to re-
ceive the amount of indemnity; asks that a day
be named for its payment.

Chinese Indemnity: The Chinese minister in-
vited to the Department of State to receive pay.
ment of the indemnity.

Chinese Indemnity: The Chinese minister will
call at the Department of State to receive pay
ment of the indemnity.
Chinese Indemnity: Receipt for the indemnity
"paid out of humane consideration and without
reference to the question of liability thereof."
Exclusion of Chinese: Refusal of steamers ply-
ing between Havana and New York o take on
board Chinese subjects from Cuba to New York
in transit to China or other countries by reason
of the ruling of the United States customs au-
thorities in the latter city under the act of Oc-
tober 1, 1888. Great inconvenience and hard-
ship caused by the prohibition, which is claimed
to be in violation of the treaty of 1880; the only
modification made by treaty relates to immigra
tion of Chinese laborers, and does not affect
the right of transit. Violation of the treaty of
1880 by the act of October 1, 1880, not now con-
sidered, as these Chinese subjects have never
been residents of the United States, and desire
only transit through the country. Requests
that the matter be invited to the attention of
the Secretary of the Treasury.
Exclusion of Chinese: Act of October 1, 1888, in
relation to the prohibition of the coming of Chi-
nese laborers into the United States in plain
violation of the treaty of 1880. Quotations of the
stipulations of articles I and II of the t treaty.
Power conferred on the Government of the
United States only to regulate, limit, or sus
pend immigration, not to interfere with the
free movements of Chinese subjects who have
once legally become residents of the United
States. An indefinite prohibition also a viola-
tion of the treaty which permits no such pro-
vision as supplementary to act of May 6, 1882,
the treaty plain and easy to be understood. An
examina ion of the circumstances under which,
it was made. An intimation given the minis-
ter in an interview with Mr. Bayard that the
President would veto any legislation in viola
tion of the treaty. A desire that the President
intervene by a recommendation to Congress on
the subject.

Exclusion of Chinese: Conclusion of the United
States Government from review of correspond.
ence that the act of exclusion was in consonance
with expressed wishes of China; points out that
the assurance as to the President's veto said to
have been given the Chinese minister by Mr.
Bayard (see foregoing note) could not have been
given, and that Mr. Chang Yen Hoon is under a
isapprehension as to what was actually said
in the interview through the interpreter; dic-
tated report of the interview discloses no such
assurance: incloses memorandum of interview
with Mr. Shu Cheon l'on; Mr. Shu hoped the
President would not approve the bill; such an
assurance out of the power of Mr. Bayard to
make good.

Mr. Shu Cheon Pon to Mr. Feb. 7 Exclusion of Chinese: Chinese subjects in Cuba

who desire transit through the United States not
permitted to board steamer at Havana for New
York; according to treaty stipulations these
persons should be granted transit; requests that
the attention of the Secretary of the Treasury
be invited to the case.













From and to whom.




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Feb. 26

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Feb. 28
Yen Hoon.

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Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr. Mar. 11

Mr. Blaine to Mr. Chang
Yen Hoon.

Mar. 13

Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to M.

July 8

Same to same

July 10

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Chang July 15
Yen Hoon.

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Marriage of the Emperor: Will be celebrated Feb-
ruary 28; Mr. Chang starts for Washington
on the 20th, having been courteously entertained
by United States consul-general at Havana.
Exclusion of Chinese: Transit of Chinese subjects
through the United States referred to the Secre-
tary of the Treasury; desire to know if he has
replied, expressing an opinion.
Exclusion of Chinese: Absence of the Secretary
of the Treasury has delayed reply to Mr. Shu's
note; the Secretary of the Treasury hesitates to
decide the question involved in advance of an
actual case; ruling of Mr. Frelinghuysen on the
transit question of January 6 and February 2,
1883, referred to, and no reason for a change of
that ruling perceived in the laws, either by Mr.
Bayard or the Attorney-General.
Exclusion of Chinese: Mr. Chang's reply to Mr.
Bayard's note of February 2, in relation to the
question of the President's disposition to veto
any act of Congress in violation of the treaty of
1880; incloses extract from memorandum of in-
terview on the subject of Chinese exclusion, and
discusses the causes of misapprehension as to
the question of the veto and the question of
China's desire regarding exclusion of Chinese
subjects by the United States.
Exclusion, of Chinese: The present obstacle to
transit of Chinese subjects through the United
States is the unwillingness of the shipping com-
panies to take them on board ship; requests that
collectors of customs at New York and New
Orleans be instructed to notify such companies
that former practice of permitting the transit
will be continued.

Exclusion of Chinese: Mr. Bayard's reply to Mr.
Chang's note of February 25 in relation to mis-
understanding between them concerning the
matter of the President's veto and the wishes of
China as to the exclusion of Chinese subjects by
the United States; China's refusal to ratify
treaty; popular belief as to exterior influence

Exclusion of Chinese: Transit of Chinese subjects
through the United States not affected by any
new orders; the status existing prior to pas
sage of the "Scott bill" held to remain undis-
turbed; telegrams on the subject inclosed.
Marriage of the Emperor: Thanks of the Emperor
to the President for the latter's congratulations
npon the event.

Marriage of the Emperor: The President's satis.
faction in the happiness and prosperity of China
and its ruler.

Exclusion of Chinese: Refers to Mr. Chan's note
of January 26 on the subject of laws of Con-
gress in violation of the treaty of 1880, and re-
discusses the subject at length, and the action
of Congress in relation to the exclusion of
Chinese subjects immigrating to the United
States, and those resident therein who desire
Refers to the
liberty of absence and return.
position of the President at different times, and
the views of Senators Sherman and Evarts.
Exclusion of Chinese: Incloses draught of a form
of identification certificate proposed for adop
tion by Mr. Chang, which, if found conformable
with requirements of act of July 5, 1884, will be
submitted to the Tsung-li Yâmen for its con-
sideration and adoption.

Exclusion of Chinese: Mr. Chang's note of the
8th instant, in relation to act of Congress in
contravention of treaty stipulations will receive
the careful and prompt attention of the Depart-

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Exclusion of Chinese: Refusal of the customs 141 officers at New Orleans to allow transit through the United States to twelve Chinese laborers landed at that port, and their detention in viola tion of treaty stipulations and existing customs regulations; refers to previous correspondence, and to faithful observance by Chinese in transit of Treasury circular of January 23, 1883; asks prompt decision of the case. Exclusion of Chinese: Mr. Chang's telegram in relation to detention of twelve Chinese laborers in transit at New Orleans has been submitted for considerstion to the Secretary of the Treas ury. Exclusion of Chinese: The Secretary of the Treas ury finds Mr. Chang's draught of a form of identification certificate satisfactory.

Exclusion of Chinese: Asks to be informed as to
whether any new legislative measures have
been adopted in regard to transit of Chinese
subjects through the territory of the United

Exclusion of Chinese: No new legislation on the
subject of transit of Chinese subjects through
the United States has occurred.
Exclusion of Chinese: Refers to a new Treasury
regulation requiring bond of $200 at the place of
arrival from Chinese subjects in transit through
United States territory, a copy of which is in-
closed; Chinese subjects in Cuba who desire
transit to China through the United States
chiefly affected; declination of steam-ships and
1ailroad companies to furnish such bonds;
questions the authority by which the Treasury
regulation was issued, and quotes opinions of
the Attorney-General and Solicitor of the
Treasury on the transit question; asks an in-
vestigation of the subject and a revocation of
the requirement, and hopes for an early answer.
Exclusion of Chinese: Letter of the Secretary of
the Treasury received, giving his reasons for
the issuance of the new order requiring bond of
Chinese subjects in transit through the United
States; a modification of the order proposed
by which transportation companies interested
may give a general bond to secure guaranty of
good faith and pledge of reasonable diligence
on the part of companies engaged in transpor-
tation of Chinese subjects through the United
States and prevent abuses of the transit priv-
ilege; incloses correspondence on the subject,
including letters from Mr. Blaine, the Attorney-
General, and the Secretary of the Treasury.
Exclusion of Chinese: No abuse of the transit
privilege shown; modification of the Treasury
regulation as to bonds does not remove the ob
jection to that regulation; Chinese subjects
can not give individual bonds of $200; effect
of the regulation in default of such bonds; dis-
regard by Congress of treaty stipulations;
effect of the appearance of a similar disregard
by Executive Departments of United States
Government; refers again to Mr. Chang's note
of July 8 on the general subject of recent legis-
lation in contravention of treaty provisions, and
asks for the views of the United States Govern-
ment thereon.









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