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A. D. 1803.




THE General Affociation of Connecticut met, agreeably to ap

pointment, on the third Tuesday of June, A. D. 1803, at 11 o'clock, at the house of the Rev. Stephen W. Stebbins, in Stratford.

It appeared, that the following Ministers were duly appointed delegates from the several diftrict Affociations, to the General Affociation.

Of Hartford North Affociation.

The Rev. Aaron Church, and Samuel Stebbins.

Hartford South Affociation.

The Rev. Cyprian Strong, and Giles H. Cowles.
New-Haven Weft Affociation.

The Rev. Ira Hart, and Amafa Porter.

New-Haven Eaftern Affociation.

The Rev. Samuel Eells, and Ifrael Brainard.
New-London Affociation.

The Rev. Lemuel Tyler, and Salmon Conc.

Fairfield Wefern Affociation.
The Rev. Matthias Burnet, D. D. and J. J. Carle.

Fairfield Eaftern Affociation.

The Rev. David Ely, and Jehu Clark.

Windham Original Association.

The Rev. William Storrs, and William Graves,

Windham Eastern Affociation.

The Rev. John Staples.

Litchfield North Affociation.

The Rev. Samuel J. Mills, and Peter Starr,

Litchfield South Affociation.

The Rev. Noah Benedict, and Ebenezer Porter.


Middlefex Affociation.

The Rev. William Lyman, and Jofiah B. Andrews.
Tolland Affociation.

The Rev. Abiel Abbot, and Amos Baffett.

The commiffioners or delegates from the General Affembly of the Prefbyterian Church, in the United States, were-The Rev. Azel Roe, D. D. and Aaron Condit."

The delegate from the General Convention of Vermont, was— The Rev. Afa Burton.

The Affociation, agreeably to rule, proceeded to the choice of a Scribe. The Rev. William Lyman was chofen.-The Scribe then called for the votes for a Moderator. The Rev. Noah Benedict was chofen. The Moderator took the chair, and called for the votes for an affistant Scribe. The Rev. Lemuel Tyler was chofen.

Certificates of appointment, of the refpective members were then read after which, by particular defire of the Moderator, the Affociation was opened with prayer by the Rev. Cyprian Strong.

The Rev. Meffrs. Strong, Ely, Burton and Church, were appointed a committee of overtures, to prepare and arrange business for the Affociation.

The committee prepared and reported a decket, which was read and approved.

The following queftion was propofed, viz. Shall this Affociation request a Sermon, during its feffion, from the delegation from each of the ecclefiaftical bodies abroad, with which they are connected.

Voted in the affirmative.

Adjourned, to meet at the meeting houfe, immediately after the public Lecture.

Proceeded to the place of public worship, where a Sermon was delivered by the Rev. Noah Benedict, from 1 Sam. xxiii. chap. 10. 11. 12. and 13. verses. "Then faid David, O Lord God of Ifrael; "thy fervant hath certainly heard, that Saul feeketh to come to Keilah, "to defroy the city for my fake. Will the men of Keilah deliver me up "into his hand? Will Saul come down as thy fervant bath heard? Ô "Lord God of Ifrael, I beseech thee tell thy fervant. And the Lord faid, he will come down.

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"Then faid David, Will the men of Keilah deliver me and my men "into the hand of Saul? And the Lord faid, they will deliver thee up. "Then David and his men, which were about fix hundred arofe and departed out of Keilah, and went whitherfoever they would go : and "it was told Saul, that David was efcaped from Keilah, and he forbore "to go forth."

Met according to adjournment.

A report from the delegates to the General Affembly of the Pref byterian Church, at their meeting in Philadelphia, in May laft, was received and read. Whereupon Voted, That faid report is very acceptable: and the very favorable accounts contained in faid report, refpecting the profperous itate of religion, in many of the churches, under their care, is highly gratifying.

Adjourned to meet at this place, tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock. Clofed with prayer.

In the evening, a fermon was preached by the Rev. Afa Burton, from 1 Peter, i. chap. 4. verfe; "To an inheritance, incorruptible and "undefiled, and that fadeth not away, referved in heaven for you."


Met according to adjournment, and opened with prayer.

A Report, from the Truftees of the Miffionary Society was read, containing very pleafing and interefting details of their proceedings; of the fuccefs of Miffionary labors, and the profperous ftate of the Miffionary funds.

Which Report is as followeth.

REPORT of the Trustees of the Miffionary Society of Connecticut, to the faid Society, to be convened at Stratford, on the third Tuesday of June, 1803.


NOTHING can afford greater encouragement, or a nobler satisfaction to the pious founders of an inftitution, for the furtherance of the gofpel, than the divine approbation, manifefted in answering their prayers, and in remarkably fucceeding their defigns and labors. Whatever fatisfaction it may afford them to establish inftitutions, for the good of men and for the glory of the Redeemer, whatever encouragement they have to pray, and however good it may be to draw' near to God; yet, when he anfwers their prayers, approves and fucceeds their inftitutions and labors, it adds to the encouragement and augments the joy.

Animated and joyful in these views, your Truftees present you with their moft cordial congratulations on the honor and fuccefs of the Miffionary Society, and the aufpicious afpects with which you are convened. An uncommon combination of circumftances prefents itfelf to encourage the exertions, excite the prayers, and enliven the hopes and joys of the Society and their Truflees.

The favorable reception of the Society's petition by the Legislature; their continued countenance and approbation ;-the Incorporation of the Board of Trustees, with ample powers to carry into more effectual execution the defigns of the Society;--the continued approbation and charity of the good people of this ftate, manifested in their late liberal contributions ;-the generous donations of particular individuals, in this ftate and in other flates;-and the favorable reception of the Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, in confequence of which the funds of the Society have been confiderably augmented, have a direct and powerful tendency to invigorate our exertions, to unite our prayers and praifes, and to fill us with hope and joy. It is the prayer of the Trustees that the influence of these confiderations may be mutually felt; and that the Society may have a harmonious and useful meeting: That a fpirit of wisdom, brotherly affection and univerfal good will

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