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would not be so much need of doctors; and when the millennium comes, they may get a fresh trade; for as there will then be no more sin in the world, so there will be no more pain or sickness. This state of holiness is not without its trials. As you got into it by faith, you may get out of it by unbelief. You must not think that the battle is ended, or the work is done, when you have stepped into this liberty of the gospel. No: you are to be

"PRESERVED BLAMELESS." When persecution or tribulation arises, whether from the devil or man, do not part with your sanctification. It will abide a storm. Do not slip into a state which is more dangerous, though not so much exposed; and if you should lose your hold, strive to get it again. It sometimes happens, in a great battle, that a particular house or barn is taken and retaken many times in a day. I have lost this sanctification at different times, but I always got it again. I have suffered a good deal for sanctification. The devil once got hold of me thus:-A cunning man came into my shop one day, and asked me what good I got by going to love-feasts, and other meetings, and whether it was not possible to live to God without so much trouble, and so much praying? What he said set me a reasoning. I thought I could, and began to try; but I soon lost my evidence of sanctification, and as soon felt my loss. I was like old Pilgrim, who had lost his roll, and went back to find it.

There are people who believe that sin will

never be destroyed, but by death; and thus they make death a mightier conqueror than Jesus Christ. The founders of our Church had other views, for they taught us to pray, that the "thoughts of our hearts may be cleansed by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit." If the thoughts are cleansed, we are sure that the words will be holy and the life good; for it is out of the heart, as the fountain, that all evils flow. The language is nothing but the bell, and the hands the index, to show what is within. If there was no clock-work in the inside, we should never know the hour of the day. The promise of the Saviour is, that the gospel shall be preached as a witness among all nations, and that then the end shall come. 'The end of what? the end of the world? No, no; the wickedness of the wicked shall come to an end, and the earth shall be filled with the glory of God. This doctrine I will preach to the end of my life. If the king were to make a decree, that if any man dared to preach the doctrine of sanctification he should have his head cut off, I would willingly go and lay my head upon the block, and would shout with my last breath, "May the very God of peace sanctify you wholly throughout body, and soul, and spirit, and preserve you blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." O, friends, get this sanctification of the heart--pray to God for it earnestly believe that it is your privilege to enjoy it and claim the blessing by faith in Jesus Christ.

The papists talk of a purgatory after death; but I have been in one in this life;

"Tis worse than death my God to love,
And not my God alone."

I never mean to be in this purgatory again. While I live in the enjoyment of this religion, I will invite others to partake of it. Yes, I will preach this sanctification

"While I've breath,

And when my voice is lost in death,

Praise shall employ my nobler powers."

Sin has led many a man to destruction, but I never heard that holiness ever injured any one. I had a man that lived with me; he was a very good workman, but determined to live in sin. He would never come in to family prayer, and it grieved me sadly that any man should live in my house who was such an enemy to godliness. He was such a spendthrift, and reprobate, that he had hardly any clothes to his back, and was always in debt at the alehouses and shoemaker's. Well, I thought, "This must come to an end ;" and I determined to part with him. While reasoning one day upon it, I thought again, "How many years has God had patience with thee, Sammy? Why, five and twenty years!" Then, I said to myself, "I must have a bit more patience with this poor fellow, and try some other means to bring about his conversion." Well, sirs, I set a trap for him, and baited it with faith and prayer. I go him persuaded to go to a love feast.


people wondered to see him there. He went out of curiosity, to hear what the friends had to say, and, it may be, to make sport of them. But God found him out, and brought him into great distress of soul. This ended in his conversion. God made a bran new man of him; and he now finds that godliness has the promise of this life. He looks a hundred pound better than he did. He soon began to pay off his old debts, and now lives without making fresh ones. Did sin ever do a man any good like this? No. It promises much, but it never performs what it promises. The truth is, it has nothing to give; for "the wages of sin is death." Every sinner will shrink from the payment of those wages which he has earned by a life of sin.

It is religion that makes good husbands, good wives, good children, good masters, and good servants. It is the best thing a man can have in this world, and it is what will fit him for heaven. May God save you! I hope I shall meet you all in heaven. I feel such love to you that I could take you all in my arms, and carry you into Abraham's bosom. O, that every person in this congregation may turn from his evil ways, and become a new creature! May"the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and preserve you blameless in body soul, and spirit!" Amen!






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Samuel's public character-His call to speak in public-
A dream-Reproves a clergyman-Assists in prayer meet-

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