The Workman's Manual of Engineering DrawingLockwood & Company, 1871 - 280 halaman |
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angle of light beam compasses body plan breadth brush centre line Chapter circle circumference cloth boards colour column compasses cone corresponding curve line passing cylinder diagram diameter distance Ditto ditto divide dotted lines draw a vertical draw the diagonal draw the horizontal draw the lines draw the relative edge Edition electrum elevation ellipse end view engineering drawings face view flange front view gamboge half height horizontal lines inches inclined Indian ink intersectional points iron join length LUDGATE HILL object Ovolo paper parallel pencil plane Plates practical project the shadow projection of shadow Prussian blue radius Railway relative angle right angles rivet scale Scott Burn screw semicircle set square shade lines shadow required sheet shown side view Slide Rule sponge square straight line straight-edge surface T-square teeth Theodolite thickness tint tracing W. D. Hamilton wheel Woodcuts
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