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majority of all the electors voting at said election shall have voted for a convention, the Legislature shall, at their next session, provide by law for calling the same. The convention shall consist of as many members as the House of Representatives of the Legislature, and shall be chosen in the same manner and shall meet within three months after their election for the purpose aforesaid.

(Articles XXIV and XXV omitted.)



Section 1 to 16 omitted because now obsolete.

Sec. 17. The Ordinances and Schedule enacted by this Convention shall be held to be valid for all the purposes thereof.

Sec. 18. That we, the people of the State of South Dakota, do ordain:

(Paragraphs First, Second, Third and Fourth are omitted, same being identical with Article XXII herein.)

Fifth: That Jurisdiction is ceded to the United States over the military reservations of Fort Meade, Fort Randall, and Fort Sully, heretofore declared by the President of the United States; Provided legal process, civil and criminal, of this state shall extend over such reservations in all cases of which exclusive jurisdiction is not vested in the United States, or of crimes not committed within the limits of such reservations. These ordinances shall be irrevocable without the consent of the United States, and also the people of the said State of South Dakota, expressed by their Legislative Assembly.



The several counties of the State shall invest the moneys of the permanent school and endowment funds in bonds of school corporation, state, county and municipal bonds or in first mortgages upon good improved farm lands within their limits respectively; under such regulations as the legislature may provide, but no farm loan shall exceed one thousand dollars to any one person, firm or corporation. (Adopted November 1900.)


The numbers of this index refer to sections, not pages.


Absolute Monarchy, 18
Actions, in Court, 263-266,

Adjutant General, Duties of,

Agriculture, Board of, 239
Department of, 119
Amendments to Constitu-
tion, Federal, 47; state,

Animal Industry, 123
Appeals, 282
Appropriations, State, 402
Arbitration, 109
Aristocracy, 16

Articles of Confederation,

Assessment, 391

Assessor, 313, 324, 338
Associate Justices, 132
Auditor, City, 336; County,
290; State, Duties of, 222

Attachments, 269

Attainder, 155

Attorney, City, 340

Attorney General, State, Du-
ties of, 225

Attorney, Federal, District,


[blocks in formation]

Ballots, Kinds of, 379
Banks, 406

Bills, Federal, 64; State, 195
Bill of Rights, Federal, 44;
State, 387

Bill, Process of, 198, 203-207
Bills, Signing, of, 208
Bill, Text of 202

Board of Charities and Cor-
rections, 243

Board of Education, City,351
Board of Equalization, 393
Board of Pardons, 245
Board of Public Health and

Medical Examiners, 244
Boards, Other State, 251

Bodies Corporate, 284

Bodies Politic, 284
Bonds, 397

[blocks in formation]

Certificates, Teachers' 357-

Certiorari, Writ of, 273
Charges d'affaires, 102
Charities, Board of, 243
Chief Justice, 132
China, 18

Circuit Courts, Federal, 134
Circuit Court of Appeals, 135
Circuit Courts, State, 256
City, 317, 328-343; Attorney,

340, Auditor, 336; Author-
ity of, 331; Board of Edu-
cation, 351; Classes, 330;
Council, 334; Engineer,
337; Kinds, 329; Mayor of,
333; Officers of, 332;Treas-

Cities under Commission, 342
Citizenship, 51

Civil Actions, 264-266
Civil Service, 128

Civil Township, 306
Civics, Definition of, 1; Why
Studied, 3

Congress, 62, Committees of,
77; Powers of 76; Sessions
of, 63
Congressional Township, 303
Congressional Record, 65
Conference Committees, 183
Constables, 300, 314
Consular Service, 103
Coroner, 298

Corporations, Private, 404;
Quasi- Public, 404
Corrupt Practice Act, 411
Counties, 284-301; Commis-

[ocr errors]

sioners, 289; Auditor, 290;
Courts, 258; Duties of,
286; Judge, 294; Officers
of, 288; Organization of,
287; Register of Deeds,
292; Superintendent, 299;
Treasurer, 291

Court Circuits, Federal, 133
Courts, Circuit, State, 256
Court of Claims, 138
Courts, Clerk of, 143, 257,
295; County, 258; County
Judge, 294; Justice, 261;
Juvenile, 260; Municipal,

Court of Customs Appeals,

Courts of District of Colum-
bia, 140

Court Officers, State, 257
Clerk of Court, Federal, 143;
State, 257, 295

Court System, State, 253
Crime, 148, 277

Criminal Actions, 276
Czar of Russia, 109
Close Construction, 38
Coinage, 152
Colleges, 372

Colonies, 22, 24-30; Charter,
25; District of Columbia,
29; Modern, 28; Panama
Canal Zone, 30; Proprie-
tary, 26; Royal, 27
Commerce Commission 129
Commerce Court, 137

Commerce, Department of,
124; Interstate, 150

[blocks in formation]

Form of state, 45; Func-
tions of, 7; Kinds of, 12;
Money required for, 9;
Needs for, 6; Origin of
Authority, 10; Principles
of, 5

Governments, Dependent, 12,
22; Many kinds, 4
Governor, Appointive Pow-
ers, 214; Judicial Powers,
213; Law Enforcing Pow-
ers, 216; Legislative Influ-
ence, 218; Legislative Pow-
ers, 212; Military Powers,
215; Qualifications of, 211;
Messages of, 178
Governors, Names of, 166
Grand Juries, 279
Great Seal, 407


Habeas Corpus, 275
High Schools, 370

History, Department of, 238
Homesteads, 116
Hotel Inspection, 248
House of Representatives,
Federal, 68-79; Member-
- ship, 68; Officers, 74; Quo-
rum, 75; Qualifications for,
69; Seating in, 78; Time of
meeting, 72; Vacancies in,

House of Representatives,
State, 171


Impeachment, Federal, 79;

Names of Impeached per-

sons, 79

Indebtedness, State, 400
Independent School District,

Information, 280

Indian Affairs, Commission-
er of, 118

Initiative, 200, 385
Injunction, 274

Institutions of State, 401
Interior Department, 112
Interstate Comity, 158
Interstate Commerce, 150
Interstate Commerce Com-
mission, 129


Journal, Legislative, 188
Judgment, 267

Judicial Department, Fed-
eral, 131-148; State, 252-
283; Powers,Federal, 144
Juries, Federal, 146; Decis-
ions of, Federal, 147
Juries, State, 278, 279, 281;
Jurisdiction, Definition of, 145
Justice, Department of, 110
Justice Courts, 259

Justice of the Peace, 132,
301, 314, 325
Juvenile Court, 260


Labor, Department of, 126
Laws, Emergency, 197
Laws, In Force When, 196

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