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Modern colonial governments COLONIES are such as are established by nations with a view to mutual advancement of their inhabitants and the nation. Nations found colonial governments in the belief, first, that commerce for the parent government's citizens is thereby fostered, and second that the people of the colony are thereby restrained from engaging in inter-tribal or fratricidal warfare, alike destructive to prosperity, civilization and the peace and harmonius development of the peoples of the world.

Each country is likely to have several forms of colonial governments, each suited to the particular needs and conditions of the several colonies.



Surrounding the city of Washington, is a district not exceeding ten miles square

which is governed by Congress, residents having no voice in its management. The commission which manages the affairs is appointed by the president, who also appoints the judges. The people pay the taxes to the government to help support the institutions of the district. In this district all of the modern activities are carried on, the same as in a state government, except that municipal, school, or other elections are not required, for the people are not permitted a voice in the management.


The National government, CANAL ZONE in 1904, secured a strip of territory ten miles wide across the Isthmus of Panama, on which to

construct the Panama Canal. The government of this strip, like all territories or colonies, is established by act of congress and is different from the government of any other of our dependencies. 31. OTHER USEFUL There are also a number of GOVERNMENTS small governments very needful and very efficient for the public service, but each having comparatively few duties. Such governments are called Municipal or Petty Governments. Among these may be named counties, cities, boroughs, townships, towns, villages and school districts. Each of these governments has a part in directing the affairs of the people, some of them with large legislative, judicial and executive authority, others with only slight legislative and very limited executive duties. These governments receive all their authority from the states, territories or colonies in which they are situated.

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Questions for Review and Research.

1. How many great classes of governments? 2. Name several governments of each kind. 3. *What is meant by sovereignty? 5. Name several forms of sovereign governments. 6. Define each. 7. By what other name are sovereign nations often called? 8. *From what language were the words Patriarchy, Theocracy, Aristocracy, Plutocracy, Oligarchy and Monarchy derived? 9. Show the difference between an absolute monarchy and a limited monarchy. 10. In an absolute monarchy the source of authority comes from where? 11. What is the source of authority in a republic? 12. Define a Demorcracy. 13. Is the United States a Democracy? 14. What is a Republic? 15.Explain carefully the difference between a Democracy and a Republic. 16. Why are some governments called dependent? 17. 17. *Was South Dakota ever a sovereign government? 18. *Was Massachusetts ever a sovereign government? 19. Can a government be both sovereign and dependent at the same time? 20. Why? 21. *Would it be possible for the United States to establish a Royal Colony? 22. *Charter Colony? 23. Proprietary colony? 24. For what reasons do nations found colonies? 25. *Is it better for the people of a colony to so remain or to be granted the privilege of forming a sovereign government? 26. What reasons can you assign for your answer? 27. *Do you live under the direction of more than one Petty Government? 28. *Of more than one Dependent

Government? 29. *Of more than one Sovereign Government? 30. *Name all the Colonies under the jurisdiction of the United States. 31. *Name all the territories under the jurisdiction of the United States.

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