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junction with Radetsky, and Vicenza was of the leaders of the Rebellion were arattacked, but without success. A grand rested and imprisoned. Smith O'Brien, battle between the united armies took Meagher, Dillon, O'Gorman, Doheny, and place at Goito on the 29th, and the Italians others, resisted the warrant of arrest and were victorious. Peschiera surrendered took refuge in the mountains of Waterthe following day. On the 9th of June ford. The headquarters of the Rebellion Lombardy was united to Piedmont by a was on the mountain of Slievenamon, in popular vote of 561,002 to 681. The other the neighborhood of which a camp of portions of Italy were nearly equally three or four thousand troops, under the agitated. Sicily declared herself inde-command of Gen. McDonald, was formed. pendent on the 13th of April, and the Toward the end of July, the state of the Neapolitan fleet immediately commenced country became very imminent, and the the bombardment of Messina. A most im- Government took every possible measure minent riot broke out in Rome on the 1st of precaution and defence, in momentary of May, which resulted in the establish- expectation of an outbreak. Lord Harment of a popular Ministry. dinge was called to the command of the Scarcely any part of Europe had by this forces in Ireland. The City of Dublin, and time escaped the effect of these great the Counties of Waterford, Tipperary and Revolutions. In Posen a fierce and san- Limerick, &c., were declared under marguinary warfare was carried on between tial law, and on the 29th of July a proclathe forces of Mierolawski, the Polish lead-mation was issued by the Lord Lieutener, and the German troops. Hungary and ant, offering £500 for the apprehension Bohemia were on the point of open rebel- of Smith O'Brien, and £300 each for lion against Austria; the Ban of Croatia Meagher, Dillon, O'Reilly and Doheny.summoned a Diet of the Sclavonic nations, On the same day a body of the constabuand the Principalities of Wallachia and lary, under the command of Inspector Moldavia, on the Danube, forced their Trant, attempted to arrest Smith O'Brien rulers to fly, and appointed a Provisional at Ballingarry, when a skirmish ensued, Government. The war between Den- in which several persons were killed.mark and Schleswig Holstein was prose- Riots also broke out at Kilkenny, Cloncuted with changing advantages, but the mel, and other places in the insurgent blockade of the German ports by Den- Districts, but no important conflict took mark rendered this quarrel very burden-place, the influence of the Clergy having some to Prussia, contributed greatly to prevent a complete The condition of Ireland grew more ex-union of the Irish. Many of the leaders citing and momentous. John Mitchel, escaped to France and America, and on from his cell in Newgate, continued to the 5th of August Smith O'Brien was arwrite his bold and defiant epistles to Lord rested at the Railroad station of Thurles. Clarendon, which were published in the Meagher was soon afterward taken, and United Irishman. The organization, arm- the insurrection was subdued, so far as ing and drilling of clubs was carried on armed opposition was concerned. diligently in secret, and the population of State Trials, which opened at Clonmel in the Southern Provinces was ready at any the early part of October, have since remoment to break out in open rebellion.- sulted in the conviction of Smith O'Brien, The Irish Confederation addressed the Meagher, O'Donoghue and McManus, for friends of Ireland in America for assist- high treason, with a recommendation to ance in prosecuting the struggle. On the mercy. Sentence of death was passed 5th of May a union took place between upon them; but as a fiat on a writ of error the Confederation and the Repeal Asso- has been granted by the Attorney-General, ciation, and thenceforth a Revolution was there is a probability of their obtaining a considered almost, inevitable. The trials new trial.


of Smith O'Brien and Meagher for sedi- In France, after the insurrectionary attion took place about the middle of May, tempt of May 15 had been overcome, the but the Juries could not agree upon a ver- dangerous position of the Government was dict. On the 27th, John Mitchel was by no means ended. The thousands of found guilty, and sentenced to fourteen workmen who were employed in the Nayears' transportation. He was immed- tional Workshops, seeing that they would iately put on board of a war steamer for soon be without regular means of support, Bermuda. The country continued in a furnished ready material for the designs highly excited state through the month of those parties who aspired to the asof June and July. The papers devoted to cendancy. For more than a month the the Irish cause were one by one suppress-city remained in a disturbed and anxious ed; small collisions took place between state, which increased from day to day, the peasantry and the police, and many until the 22d of June, when opportunity


was given for the long-gathering storm to complicity in those movements. These find vent, by the draughting of 3,000 men immediately, made their escape to operatives to the Provinces. These men London. returned and large numbers of others The condition of France has since been joining with them, the eastern portion of comparatively tranquil. The discussion the city was barricaded during the night upon the Constitution was hastened by and next day, so that by the morning of the Assembly, and the entire instrument the 24th about 40,000 insurgents were was completed by the end of October.armed for a struggle, protected by formid- The 10th of December was appointed for able defences. The National Guards were the first Presidential Election, and public repulsed on the evening of the 23d in at attention is, at this writing, taken up by tempting to force a barricade. The ex- the claims of the various candidates for ecutive authority was confided to Gen. the office. The main struggle will lie beCavaignac by the Council, and the Assem-tween Cavaignac and Louis Napoleon, bly appointed him Military Dictator on and there is much reason to believe that the 24th, and declared Paris in a state of the latter will be chosen. siege. The bombardment of the barri- Turning back to Charles Albert, whom cades was commenced on the same day. we left in his victorious march against the On the 25th, after terrible conflicts at the army of Radetsky, we are obliged to Pantheon and the Clos St. Lazare, the change the character of our record. insurrection was quelled on the left bank the 10th of June the Austrians appeared of the Seine, the Archbishop of Paris before Vicenza, which capitulated after having been killed in endeavoring to me- a bombardment of 18 hours. Padua surdiate between the opposing parties. The rendered on the 15th, Palma Nuova on the insurgents were finally subdued on the 25th, and notwithstanding partial victories 26th, after great slaughter in the Faubourg gained by the Piedmontese at Rivalta and St. Antoine, and at the Clos St. Lazare. Four Representatives and seven Generals were killed in the battle; the number of dead is variously estimated at from 5,000 to 10,000. About 8,000 persons were taken prisoners.


Rivoli, their course was completely checked. A month passed without any decisive action having taken place, but toward the end of July the Austrian army, reinforced by fresh troops, drove the forces of Charles Albert, after a series of severe engageThe Executive Power was confided to ments, beyond the line of the Mincio.Gen. Cavaignae, upon his resignation of Following up his advantage, Radetsky the Dictatorship, and he has since con- besieged Milan, which city capitulated on tinued to exercise it. The country has the 4th of August. The Sardinians, rebeen at times seriously disturbed, prin- treating constantly before the Austrians, cipally through the endeavors of the Le-reached the frontier after great losses, and gitimists and Bonapartists to advance the by the 9th of August Lombardy was reinterests of their leaders. The Legitimist occupied by its old rulers. The loss of the riots were mainly confined to the South Austrians was set down at 2,700, and that of France, where the support of the peo- of the Italians at 2,500; but the actual ple was relied on. The National Guard, number who perished from their wounds however, proved true to the Republic, and and from sickness, must have been much the attempts were soon quelled. A great greater. An Armistice of eight weeks deal of apprehension was felt, on account was immediately negotiated, to give time of the election of Prince Louis Bonaparte for mediation. England and France unitto fill one of the vacancies in the National ed to settle the question of Italian indeAssembly, and the Government prepared pendence, and within a short time the itself to subdue any violent demonstra-central power at Frankfort has also offertion. The crisis passed over, neverthe-ed its interposition. The Armistice has less, without disturbance, and the Prince been renewed from time to time, and the quietly took his seat in the Assembly.- terms which it is stated will be finally The measures of Cavaignac, in suppress- accepted, are, that Lombardy shall coning a number of the journals belonging to tinue an Austrian province, yet with a the Legitimists and Bonapartists, and in separate legislature, and that she shall at prolonging a state of siege, drew upon the same time be represented in the him much censure, and his situation was Italian General Diet. for a time not without danger. The re- The condition of Rome, Naples and port of the Commission of Inquiry con- Sicily has not materially changed since cerning the Insurrections having been laid the expulsion of the Neapolitan troops before the Assembly by M. Bauchard, that from the latter country. Calabria was for body decided on the 26th of August to some time in a state of insurrection; a prosecute Louis Blanc and Caussidière for Provisional Government was appointed by

the people, and the Government was tal and established himself at Innspruck menaced so threateningly that the King in the Tyrol. A revolt broke out in Prague sent his treasures to a vessel of war in the on the 12th of July, between the people harbor, and held himself in readiness to fly and the soldiery commanded by Prince at any moment. This disturbance finally Windischgrätz, which continued three subsided, and at our last advices from days, and was only quelled by the bomNaples there was some prospect of a set- bardment of the city. Communications tlement with Sicily, on the basis of the passed between the Austrian Diet and Constitution of 1812, being successfully the Emperor, which resulted in his return accomplished. to Vienna on the 12th of August. The

The theatre of Revolutions, since the measures adopted by the Government suppression of the June Insurrection in proved unsatisfactory, and the capital was Paris, and the unsuccessful termination of far from remaining tranquil. No serious the Irish Rebellion, has been transferred disturbance occurred, however, until the to Central and Eastern Europe and the 6th of October, when an order of the Em. movements which are going on in Ger-peror was issued to march several bodies many and among the Sclavonic nations, of soldiers against the Hungarians. continue to excite a deep and universal The National Guards joined with the interest. The Federative Diet of Ger- people to prevent their departure; the many, which met on the last day of March, troops fraternized with them, and a battle gave place on the 18th of May to the Ger- commenced, which raged fiercely the man. Parliament, whose members were whole day and night, until the morning of elected by the people, according to a regu- the 7th, when the Arsenal, which was lar system of Representation. This body, strongly garrisoned, surrendered, and the constituting a Central Power, and possess-city was in possession of the people. ing controlling influence over the nations Latour, Minister of War, was seized by which constituted the Union, resolved to the mob and murdered, during the fight. commit the chief execative authority to The Emperor fled to Olmutz, while his a Regent, elected by its members. The army, commanded by Gen. Auersperg, enchoice fell upon the Arch-Duke John of camped near the city. Jellachich, the Austria, who was installed at Frankfort, as Ban of Croatia, advanced with his forces Regent of the Empire, on the 12th of July. to aid the former; and Windischgrätz, Some difficulty was experienced in ob- with another army, afterwards joined taining the acknowledgment of his authority them. Vienna being thus surrounded, an in Prussia and Hanover, but the matter attempt was made to come to terms, This was finally settled by compromise. An- failed, however, and the bombardment of other source of trouble was the armistice the city by the combined armies comagreed upon between Prussia and Den-menced on the 28th of October. After a mark on the 10th of July. The opposition great deal of severe and desperate fightto its ratification by the Central Powering at the gates, and the defeat of a portion was so great, that the Ministry resigned, of the Hungarian army which had marched and the Regent had great difficulty in to the assistance of the besieged, the peofinding substitutes. The measure was ple were finally overcome, and the city finally ratified on the 17th of September, capitulated on the 30th.

by a bare majority, and the opposition The government of Windischgratz has among the liberal members and the popu- thus far been signalized by tyrannous and lace of Frankfort and the neighboring cities bloody acts. Robert Blum, a Deputy of was so great, that the next day a large the Frankfort Diet, and Messenhauser, body of people collected before the gates, Commander of the National Guard, have and penetrating the city, began to erect been secretly tried and executed by his barricades. A sanguinary conflict ensued, order, and the conquered citizens are still and after two hours' cannonade the insur-treated with great severity. An army has gents were beaten. Order was speedily been organized for the war with Hunga restored, but the struggle cost the lives of ry, but its operations are now suspended Prince Lychnowsky and Von Auerswald. by the season. Russia is concentrating In Austria, after the successful issue of her troops on the Hungarian frontier. Such the Vienna Revolution, the hostility be-is the present aspect of Eastern Europe. tween the two parties continued to agitate The principles which are involved in the country. The fierce civil war raging these Revolutionary movements have between the Croatian and Hungarian provinces was favorable to the hopes of the liberal party, and its opposition to the Government rose to such a pitch that on the 18th of May the Emperor left the Capi

been silently developing for years. The final issue is not doubtful, but the intervening struggle must necessarily be long and severe.

December 24, 1848.


(March 4, 1849, to March 4, 1853.)

President.-ZACHARY TAYLOR, of Louisiana.

Major Generai Taylor was born in Orange County, Virginia, November 24, 1784, and is in his 65th year. John Taylor of Caroline, Zachary Taylor, and several other eminent citizens of the Union, are descendants of James Taylor, who emigrated from England to Virginia, toward the close of the 17th century.

Vice-President.-MILLARD FILLMORE, of New-York.

Mr. Fillmore is the son of a New-England Farmer, who settled at Summer Hill, Cayuga County. toward the close of the 18th century, where the Vice-President elect, who is a distinguished lawyer, was born on the 7th of January, 1800.

XXX Ist CONGRESS.[Incomplete.]

Assembles Dec. 3, 1849; Expires March 3, 1851.

When this Almanac went to press last Decem- IOWA.-1, William Thompson; 2, Shepherd ber, only 138 members of the House of Repre- Letter. sentatives had been chosen; 93 remained to be MAINE-1, Elbridge Gerry; 2, Nathan'l S. Litelected from Alabama, Connecticut, Indiana, Ken-tlefield; 3, John Otis; 4, Rufus K. Goodenow; 5, tucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New- Cullen Sawtelle; 6, Charles Stetson; 7, Thomas Hampshire, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Ten- J. D. Fuller. nessee, Texas, Virginia, and Massachusetts.Only 45 Senators, are as yet chosen, some of whom are but temporarily appointed by Governors of States. We annex a list of the returns.

EXPLANATIONS.-Whigs in Italios; Locos in Roman; independents in SMALL CAPS; (A. R.) antirent; (F. S.) free soil; (*) Taylor men The figures denote Congressional Districts; the seats thus marked (f) will probably be contested.

SENATE-60 Members.
ALABAMA -Benjamin Fitzpatrick;
ARKANSAS.-Wm. K. Sebastian; Solon Borland.
CONNECTICUT.-R. S. Baldwin; Truman Smith,
DELAWARE-Ino. M. Clayton; Presley Spruance.
FLORIDA.-David Levy Yulee;

GEORGIA. John M. Berrien; Wm. C. Dawson.
INDIANA-Jesse D. Bright; James Whitcomb.
ILLINOIS.-Stephen A. Douglass;

Iowa.-Augustus C. Dodge; Geo. W. Jones.
KENTUCKY Joseph R. Underwood;
LOUISIANA. Solomon U. Downs; Pierre Soulé.
MAINE.-Hannibal Hamlin; Jas. W. Bradbury.
MASSACHUSETTS.-Daniel Webster; John Davis.
MARYLAND-Reverdy Johnson; James A. Pearce.
MISSISSIPPI.-Jefferson Davis; Henry S. Foote.
MICHIGAN.-Thos. Fitzgerald; Alpheus Felch.
MISSOURI.-Thos. H. Benton;

N. HAMP.-J. P, HALE, (F .S.); Moses Norris.
NEW-YORK.-Daniel S. Dickinson;

N. JERSEY.-Wm. L. Dayton; Jacob. W. Miller
N. CAROLINA.-W. P. Mangum; G. E. Badger.
ОнIо.-Thomas Corwin,

PENNSYLVANIA.-Daniel Sturgeon;

MASSACHUSETTS.-1. Robt. C. Winthrop; 3. Jas. H. Duncan; 6, George Ashmun; 7, Julius Rockwell; 8, Horace Mann, (F S.); 10, Joseph Grinnell. MICHIGAN.-A. W. Buel; 2, William Sprague, (F.S.); 3, K. S. Bingham.

MISSOURI.-1, Jas. B. Bowlin; 2, William V. N. Bay S, James S. Green; 4, Willard P. Hall; 5, John S. Phelps.

NEW-YORK.--1. John A. King; 2, Dav. A. Bokee; 3, J. Phillips Phoenix; 4, Walter Underhill; 5, Geo. Briggs; 6, James Brooks; 7. William Nelson; &, D. Gould: 11, P. H. Sylvester; 12, Gideon O. ReyR. Halloway; 9. Thomas McKissock; 10, Herman nolds, (A.R.); 13, John L. Schoolcraft; 14, George R. Andrews: 15, J. R. Thurman; 16, Hugh White; 17, H. P. Alexander; 18, Preston King, (F.S); Hiram Walden; 22, Henry Bennett; 23, William 19, Charles E. Clarke; 20, O. B. Mattison; 21, Duer; 24, Daniel Gott; 25, Harmon S. Congers 26, W. T. Jackson; 27, W. A. Sackett: 28, A. M. Schermerhorn; 29, Robert L. Rose; 30, David Rumsey; 31, E. Risley; 32, E. G. Spaulding; 33, Harvey Putnam; 31, Lorenzo Burrows.

Newell; 3, Isaac Wildrick; 4, John Van Dyke; NEW-JERSEY.-1, Andrew K. Hay; 2, Wm. A. 5, James G. King.

OHIO.-1, David T. Disney; 2, L. D. Campbell, (F.S.); 3, R. C. Schenck; 4, Moses B. Corwin; 5, Emery D. Potter; 6, Rodolphus Dickinson; Edson B. Olds; 10, Charles Sweetzer; 11, John 7, Jonathan D. Morris; 8, John L. Paylor; 9, K. Miller; 12, Samuel F. Vinton; 13, W. A. Whittlesey; 14, Nathan Evans; 15, Wm. F. Hunter, RHODE ISLAND.-Albert C. Greene, J. H. Clarke.(F. S.); 16, Moses Hoagland; 17, Joseph Cable; SOUTH CAROLINA-J. C. Calloun; A. P. Butler. TENNESSEE.-Hopkins L. Turney; John Bell. TEXAS-Thomas J. Rusk; Samuel Houston. VERMONT Samuel S. Phelps; William Upham. VIRGINIA.-J. M. Mason; Rob't. M. T. Hunter. WISCONSIN.-Henry Dodge;

231 Members.

ARKANSAS.-1, Robert W. Johnson.
DELAWARE.-1, John W. Houston.
FLORIDA.-1, E. C. Cabell.

20, Jos. R. Giddings, (F.S.); 21, Jos. M. Root, (F.S.) 18, David K. Carter; 19. John Crowell, (F. S.);

bins, Jr.; 5, John Freedley; 6, Thomas Ross; 7,
R. Chandler; 3, Henry D. Moore; 4, tJohn Rob-
Jesse C. Dickey; 8, Thaddeus Stevens: 9, William
Strong; 10. M. M. Dimmick; 11, Chester Butler ;
12, David Wilmot, (F. S.); 13. Joseph Casey; 14,
Charles W. Pitman; 15, Henry Nes; 16, James X.
McLanahan; 17, Samuel Calvin; 18, 4. Jackson
Ogle; 19, Job Mann; 20. R. R. Reed; 21, Moses
Hampton; 22, John W. Howell, (F. S.); 23, James

GEORGIA-1, Thomas B. King 2, M. J. Wel-Thompson; 24, Alfred Gilmore.
born: 3, Allen F. Owen; 4, H. A. Haralson; 5,
Thos. C. Hackett; 6, Howell Cobb; 7, Alexander
H. Stephens; 8, Robert Toombs.

ILLINOIS.-1, W. H. Bissell; 2, Jno. A. McClernand: 3, Thomas R. Young; 4, Jno Wentworth; 5, William A. Richardson; 6, Edward D. Baker;| 7, Thomas L. Harris.

SOUTH CAROLINA.-1. Daniel Wallace; 2, *J. L.
Orr; 3, J. A. Woodward; 5, Armistead Burt;
6, Isaac E. Holmes; 7, W. F. Colcock.
VERMONT.1, William Henry; 2, Wm. Hebard;
S, George P. Marsh; 4, L. B. Peck,
Orsamus Cole; 3, James D. Doty.

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(NOVEMBER 30, 1848.)


JAMES K. POLK* of Tennessee, President of the United States...
GEORGE M. DALLASt of Pennsylvania, Vice-President.....


JAMES BUCHANAN of Pennsylvania, Secretary of State..
ROBERT J. WALKER of Mississippi, Secretary of the Treasury..
WILLIAM L. MARCY of New-York, Secretary of War...
JOHN Y. MASON of Virginia, Secretary of the Navy..
ISAAC TOUCEY of Connecticut, Attorney-General..
CAVE JOHNSON of Tennessee, Postmaster-General..

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Assembled Dec. 6, 1847; Expires March 3, 1849; The 2d Session commenced, Monday, Dec. 4, 1848.


GEORGE M. DALLAS of Pennsylvania, President.

Whigs in Italics; Locos in Roman; Free Soil in SMALL CAPS. Before each Senator's name is the year when his term closes, and after his name the State in which he was born, where known. The wages paid to each Senator who attended, was $2,021 for the first, and $696 for the second session of the XXIXth Congress.]



ALABAMA. Term expires. Native State. Term expires. Native State. 1849..Wm Rufus King. [New State. First Senators.] 1853..Benjamin Fitzpatrick..Arthur P. Bagby, late Senator 1849.. Thomas Metcalf.. (native of Va.) sent Minister to 1853. Joseph R. Underwood...Va. Russia; outfit $9,000; salary $9,- Mr. Metcalf succeeds Mr. 000. Mileage of two Senators, Crittenden, elected Governor of XXIXth Cong. $1,744 and $1,920. Kentucky. Mileage, two Senators, XXIXth Cong. $1,280 each.





Term expires.
Native State.
1849.. Charles G. Atherton..N.H.
1858..JOHN P. HALE........N.H.
Mileage, 2 Senators, previous
Congress, $864 and $ Moses
Norris, Jr. is elected for six years
from March 3, 1849.


1851.. William L. Dayton....NJ.
1858..Jacob W. Miller........N.J.
Mileage, 2 Senators, XXIXth
Congress, $329 and $451.


1849..Solon Borland... 1853..W. K. Sebastian......Ten. 1849.. Henry Johnson.. Ambrose H. Sevier, late Sena-1853..Solomon W. Downs..Ten. tor (native of Ten.) sent Commis- Mileage, 2 Senators, XXIXth sioner to Mexico; salary and outfit Cong. $3,766 and $4,149. Pierre 1849..JOHN A. DIX.. $18,000. Mileage of two Senators, Soulé, (France,) elected for six 1851..Daniel S. Dickinson... Con. XXIXth Cong. $3,520 and $3,400 years from 3d March, 1849. General Dix was the Free Soil candidate for Governor of New.Con. 1851..Hannibal Hamlin......Me. York. Mileage, 2 Senators, last 1853..James W. Bradbury...Me. Congress, $640 and $921. [Mr. Hamlin succeeds the late Mr. Fairfield. Mileage, 2 Senators, last Cong. $960 and $1,088.] MARYLAND.


1849..Jolm M. Niles..
1851..Roger S. Baldwin... .Con.
Mileage of two Senators, last
Congress, $600 and $640.




1849.. George E. Badger......NC. 1853.. Willie P. Mangum.....N C. Mileage, 2 Senators, last Congress, $460 and $512

1851..John M. Clayton....... ..Del. 1853.. Presley Spruance.......Del. 1849..James A. Pearce........Va. Mileage-2 Senators, last Cong. 1851.. Reverdy Johnson........Md. $192 each. Mileage, 2 Senators, XXIXth 1849.. William Allen........N C. Congress, $67 and $208. Pearce 1851.. Thomas Corwin........Ky.



Mileage, 2 Senators, XXIXth Congress, $766 and $1,146. A Whig Senator will probably suc.N.H. ceed Allen, for six years from .Ms. March 3, 1849.

1849..Jas. D. Westcott, Jr...N.J. is reelected for six years from 3d
1851..David Levy Yulee....W.I. March, 1849.
Mileage-2 Senators, last Cong.
$1,863 and $2,381. A Whig Senator
will probably succeed Westcott.


1851..Daniel Webster.... 1853..John Davis....... Mileage, 2 Senators, XXIXth 1843..Herschell V. Johnson..Ga. Congress, $704 and $848. 1853..John McP. Berrien.....N.J.



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