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Alaska. That is the rate which is fixed in the contract, based on their proposal. That contract runs for five years from 1925. Senator SMOOт. When does the contract run out?

Mr. ACKER. On January 16, 1930.

Senator SMOOT. What is the next item?

Mr. FINNEY. The next item is Freedmen's Hospital. Doctor Warfield is here.



Doctor WARFIELD. On page 100, line 23, the House bill appropriates $80,000. We are asking for $9,000 more.

Senator SMOOT. You want the estimated amount?

Doctor WARFIELD. Yes, sir.

Senator SMOOт. Why?

Doctor WARFIELD. To enable us to employ necessary additional employees.

Senator SMOOT. Why can you not get along with what you have? Doctor WARFIELD. We can not do it. We can not operate the hospital without a dietitian, for instance.

Senator SMOOT. You want a dietitian?

Doctor WARFIELD. Absolutely; a dietitian and a storekeeper and two technicians.

Senator SMOOт. How is it that you are getting along without a dietitian to-day?

Doctor WARFIELD. It is very difficult to state how we have gotten along, Mr. Chairman.

Senator SMOOT. You have gotten along fairly well; have you not? Doctor WARFIELD. I can not say that I have. I have been making excuses for the culinary department ever since I have been connected with the hospital.

Senator SMOOT. You can do it for another year, can you not? Doctor WARFIELD. I can do it, but I hope I shall not be compelled to.

Senator PHIPPS. You appear to have had only $45,800 for the current year.

Doctor WARFIELD. Yes, sir.

Senator PHIPPS. And the House proposes giving you an increase to $80,000. That would look rather liberal on its face.

Doctor WARFIELD. That is not for additional employees. That is on account of the reclassification act. We get the smallest salaries of anybody in the Government service.

Senator PHIPPS. How much accretion does the new classification mean to your present employees, then? Have you the figures there? Doctor. Warfield. I have not the figures here.

Senator SMOOT. I can give them to you in a minute. The whole expenses here for the year ending June 30 are $59,924, and the estimated expenditure is $89,000.

Senator PHIPPS. And is that difference all accounted for by reclassification?

Senator SMOOT. No; not all. There is $11,596 of it on account of the reclassification. That is a 20 per cent increase.

Senator HARRIS. What is the other amount for?

Doctor WARFIELD. Additional employees.

Senator SMOOT. They are asking for 13 new employees.

Doctor WARFIELD. You know, we are putting up a pathological building which will be completed by the 1st of July or a month before.

Senator SMOOT. Where is it located?

Doctor WARFIELD. On the present site, connected with the present building. That is a building that cost $60,000, and we can not operate it unless we have additional employees for that purpose.

Senator PHIPPS. Doctor, I am interested in your activities over there, particularly in the training of young men for the medical profession, because we need more men and better men. What is this new department going to enable you to accomplish? How many additional students will be cared for?

Doctor WARFIELD. We can care for all the students that come to us from the medical school of Howard University with this addition. Senator PHIPPS. And what has happened in the past? Where have they gone for this training?

Doctor WARFIELD. They have been coming there, and we have been doing the best we could under the circumstances.

Senator PHIPPS. How many are you trying to take care of?
Doctor WARFIELD. Fifty.

Senator PHIPPS. How many additional can you care for when you have this new department, providing you are given the assistants you are asking for here?

Doctor WARFIELD. We could care for 50 more.

Senator PHIPPS. Are those 50 available from Howard University? Doctor WARFIELD. They will be next year, but after that they will not be.

Senator SMOOT. Not if the present appropriation stands; there will be no more, will there?

Doctor WARFIELD. I do not know about that. I hope that will not be the case.

Senator SMOOT. But suppose the appropriation for Howard University is not increased from the sum at which it passed the House this year, you do not expect then to receive in the future any students from that institution, do you?

Doctor WARFIELD. Oh, I think so.

Senator SMOOT. There will be mighty few of them, will there not? Doctor WARFIELD. Mighty few, probably. Those who are in there now, the present senior class

Senator SMOOT. They may get through, but after that there will not be any.

Senator PHIPPS. If you have the additional employees you are asking for this year, and then next year the policy indicated by the House is maintained, you will not have any further use for them; at least, some of them you would have to drop?

Doctor WARFIELD. I think we will, because we will have 278 beds and these increased facilities are for their benefit as well as the students who might come there. Then we need more nurses in the wards.

Senator PHIPPS. How many additional beds does this addition mean?

Doctor WARFIELD. No additional beds. It is all for pathological work.

Senator PHIPPS. That I understood. You are up to capacity with 278 patients at the present time?

Doctor WARFIELD. Yes, sir.

Senator PHIPPS. Without additional buildings you can not care for more patients at one time?

Doctor WARFIELD. And we can not care properly for those that we have without these additional employees. We have not been doing it. Just think. We have not a graduate nurse in charge of any ward in that hospital. We have pupil nurses in charge.

Senator SMOOт. Is there anything else, Doctor?

Doctor WARFIELD. No, sir.

Senator NEELY. Mr. Chairman, it was disclosed in the question that a dietitian was to be appointed if this additional appropriation were allowed, but I did not understand the nature of the services that the other 12 new employees that were asked for were to perform.

Doctor WARFIELD. An assistant engineer is needed in order that we may live up to the 8-hour law. We have two, and under the present situation the fireman is at times in charge of the plant, and his helper does the firing, which is a very dangerous situation. A housekeeper is needed, also, to take care of the linen at the nurses' home.

Senator SMOOT. Have you not had one before?

Doctor WARFIELD. No, sir.

Senator SMOOT. How do you take care of it?

Doctor WARFIELD. We are doing the best we can. I have been acting myself part of the time.

Senator SMOOт. We do not want to rob you of any work.

Doctor WARFIELD. I am doing two or three men's work, Mr. Chairman, as it is. I do not mind it, but it is not satisfactory.

Senator PHIPPS. I call the Senator's attention to the list of new employees in the hearings. You are familiar with the fact that the page number is indexed there, and it gives you the reference.

Doctor WARFIELD. Two technicians are needed in the laboratory. Senator NEELY. Mr. Chairman, I find here, in the report of the House hearings, the information I was asking for.

Doctor WARFIELD. Mr. Chairman, may I call attention to the fact that our registration for the training school for nurses in the State of New York will be canceled unless we can get these additional employees. We can not meet their minimum requirements, and that will affect us materially all over the country.

Senator SMOOT. That is, they make certain requirements in the State of New York that you have to comply with before you can make use of those hospitals for your nurses?

Doctor WARFIELD. Before they can go into the State of New York to practice their profession, just as physicians in other States

Senator SMOOT. In other words, the States are passing laws compelling the Government to pay more money, and the Government itself makes rules and regulations compelling the States to expend more money. There will have to be a stop some time or other.

Doctor WARFIELD. But they will not permit any school to remain on their register which has not a dietitian in the hospital.

Senator SMOOT. Oh, I understand what it is; but the result of it is about what I have stated, not only as far as you are concerned but about every other activity of the Government; and then they all want us to reduce taxes.

Doctor WARFIELD. Yes, sir; I am a believer in reducing taxes, but we ought to have the necessary employees to operate a modern hospital as it should be operated.

Senator SMOOT. You have made a fair statement, Doctor.
Doctor WARFIELD. Thank you.



Doctor SMITH. Mr. Chairman, the appropriation for the Geological Survey as it passed the House is, in amount, $163,000 below the total of the items as approved by the Budget. Worse than that, it is something over $27,000 below the current law.

Senator SMOOT. That is a good thing, is it not?

Doctor SMITH. It is if the committee and Congress wish to have less work done. I think the House committee felt that the Geological Survey was getting about current appropriations. This is not true, however, because no provision is made for the increases needed for reclassification; and that, as I understand, was the intention of the Budget in allowing certain increases.

Senator HARRIS. Doctor, how much would that be-the increase to take care of the reclassification for the same number of employees? Doctor SMITH. Considering both the increase of compensation, what we call the bonus, and the reclassification, it would need just about $190,000 for all of the salaries under the Geological Survey. Senator SMOOт. The increase under the classification act was $5,020.

Doctor SMITH. That is one item, Senator, the statutory roll, which is the first item, and the House allowed that increase.

Senator SMOOT. The other item of which you speak is the field force. This is for the District of Columbia, and that is all that there is in the District of Columbia-$5,020.

Doctor SMITH. Mr. Chairman, the larger part of the force is in Washington and the field. As you read the heading of the lumpsum appropriation, it provides for compensation in the District as well as in the field.

Senator SMOOT. But I wanted to know whether you know how much the increase under the reclassification act would affect the field employees. We are not dealing with the employees in the District of Columbia now. They are going to have the bonus.

Doctor SMITH. We are dealing with those in Washington.
Senator SMOOт. That is $5,020.

Doctor SMITH. That is not the whole of the force here in Washington. That is only about 16 places that for some years have been under the statutory roll, and even some of those are in Washington and the field. There are 16 that are in Washington alone, although

some of us get outside of Washington. There are eight of those on that statutory roll that are in Washington and the field. We have relatively few positions that are field positions alone. For instance, in Salt Lake City and in Denver and in many of the western cities we have our mineral-resource office and we have our stream-gauging office and two or three employees, so that the number of strictly field officers is very small indeed.

Senator SMOOT. Under "General expenses" of the Geological Survey, the bill before us provides:

For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the authorized work of the Geological Survey, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, including not to exceed $10,000 for the purchase and exchange, and not to exceed $30,000 for the hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of motorpropelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles for field use only by geologists

And so forth. Do you claim, then, that the reclassification act makes increases both in the District of Columbia and in the field?

Doctor SMITH. Some of these men whose official station is Washington are four months in the field or five months in the field. During the months that they are in the field their salaries are the same as when they are here in Washington, and they are all reclassified.

Senator SMOOT. Yes; but now you have 20 to 24 employees here, and 24 employees' estimated increase under the classification act is $5,020.

Doctor SMITH. Yes, sir; and that has been allowed.

Senator SMOOт. And we allow that?

Doctor SMITH. Yes, sir.

Senator SMOOT. What more are you claiming?

Doctor SMITH. We have about 970 employees who are part of the time in the field and part of the time in the office.

Senator SMOOт. The total salaries of your department's services show an increase under the classification act of $35,722.

Doctor SMITH. For the reclassification alone I make it, under these different items, $81,926. That is what I stated to the House committee.

(At this point, at the request of Senator Smoot, a calculation was made of the items involved, amounting to $82,526.)

Doctor SMITH. I think that corresponds to the $81,926 that I gave. Senator SMOOT. Doctor, let us begin on the first item on page 72 of our bill. For the Director of the Geological Survey and other services the House gave you $54,760, and the estimate was $52,820. Doctor SMITH. That was the same.

Senator SMOOT. They gave you an increase over the estimate. Doctor SMITH. It is the same as the Budget.

Senator SMOOT. Then that is all right?

Doctor SMITH. Yes.

Senator SMOOT. The next item is "General expenses."

Doctor SMITH. That is the heading, and the item for topographic surveys is the next item.

Senator SMOOT. Your estimate is $540,711, and they gave you $500,000?

Doctor SMITH. Yes.

Senator SMOOT. Can you not get along with the $500,000?

Doctor SMITH. That means reducing the field work of topographic surveys about 10 per cent.

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