Gambar halaman

the whole to 39,305,3441. including therein the separate Charges on Great Bri

[blocks in formation]


19. That the gross receipt of the Permanent Revenue, after deducting re-pay-
ments for over Entries, Drawbacks, and bounties in the nature of Drawbacks
amounted, in the year ended 5th January 1802, to
Estimated Produce, to the 5th April 1803, of the Taxes imposed in the present ses-
sion of Parliament



That further sums are applicable to the service of the year 1802, as follows: Repayments from Grenada, Imprests, and Lottery.....





And that the remainder of the Supply for the year 1802 is provided for by a Loan on account of Great Britain, of..


And a Loan for Ireland, of....


And by Exchequer Bills, to be charged on Supplies 1803..


And expected additional Produce of Taxes that were deficient in 1801, compared with 1799.................

Surplus of Ways and Means 1801, and Residue of Grants to the Queen of Portugal ...



Interest of Land Tax contracted to be paid for by instalments


Arrears of Income tax


Making in the whole the sum of


20. That it appears by a report of a committee of this House in 1791, that the actual expenditure (including the annual million for the reduction of the public debt) on an average of five years peace ending the 5th January 1791, and including sundry extraordinary expenses for the armament of 1787, and for payments to American loyalists, and other articles of a temporary nature, amounted to 16,816,9851.

But the Peace Establishment was estimated by the said committee, at.......

With which estimate the actual expense of the year 1792 nearly agreed. In the above sum was included the Charge of the Public Debt, amounting to 10,325,000l. from which is to be deducted the Charge of Stock extinguished by the redemption of Land Tax on the 5th January 1802




That the additional permanent charge incurred by the debt created since 1793, exclusive of interest payable by Ireland, is...





That the additional charge to be incurred for increased amount of Exchequer Bills outstanding, is about


Interest of money for satisfying increased Navy Debt, at 51. per cent is about..
That the additional eharge incurred on the Consolidated Fund is..

That the additional charge incurred for a sum appropriated for the Redemption of
the Public Debt, is..

And that the increased expenses of the peace establishment (exclusive of any charges to be incurred by interest on further sums, to be paid on winding up the expenses of the war, and any augmentation which may take place in the Naval or Military establishments, but allowing for increase of pay and other expenses) may be estimated at


And also exclusive of 497,000l. interest on loans due by the emperor of Germany, and guaranteed by parliament may be estimated at




21. That adding to the produce of the permanent taxes in the year ending the 5th January, 1802, the sum of 1,275,5441. paid for corn bounties, and the sum of 1,600,000l. being the estimated deficiency of certain duties in the same year, the income applicable to the peace establishment may be estimated as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Further produce of taxes that were deficient in 1801, compared with 1799
Further produce of taxes, 1801....

Taxes imposed in 1802






Land and Malt, after deducting land tax redeemed.



And that a further sum of 45,340l. arising from annuities, which will expire at the periods under mentioned, viz.

[blocks in formation]

will then also be applicable, as well as such sums as may from time to time arise from the savings on the interest of stock, which may be reduced to a lower rate, and which, supposing the whole of the stocks to be reduced to 3 per cent would amount to 1,491,890l. which sums are exclusive of any allowance for the profit of a lottery, or for any participation of the territorial revenues of India.

The Speaker's Speech to the King on presenting the Money Bills.] June 28. His majesty came in state to the House of Peers, when the Usher of the Black Rod was sent to command the attendance of the House of Commons, who soon after appeared at the bar.

arrange and settle a plan for accelerating that extinction, by pledging the future application of their growing means to the accomplishment of the same great object.

"At a time when their attention had been directed to these considerations, and when they have also found that taxes of

Mr. Speaker Abbot then addressed his unprecedented weight, though wisely imMajesty as follows:

"Most Gracious Sovereign : "It is my duty to present to your majesty the bills for completing the supplies which your majesty's faithful Commons have granted for the service of the year. "With heartfelt gratitude they acknow. ledge your majesty's paternal goodness and wisdom, which have already enabled them to make a large reduction of the public burthens, by the termination of a long and eventful war; a war just and necessary in its origin, conducted with energy, sustained with fortitude, signalized by triumphs surpassing the fame of our ancestors, and obtained in countries unvisited by their arms-and concluded at length by a peace, which has added new conquests to your crown, and given repose and safety to these its ancient dominions, whose Peers and Commons have now for the second year the happiness of being assembled in one United Parliament at the foot of your throne.

"Thus circumstanced, your majesty's faithful Commons not only look forward with a sanguine hope that they may not soon be called to the hard necessity of augmenting the public debt by future burthens, but they have deemed it their duty to look back to the debt already incurred, and with the same characteristic spirit which first laid the foundation of an effectual system for the extinction of the national debt, they have proceeded to

posed to meet the exigencies of such a war, might nevertheless be now prudently repealed, it has given the highest satisfaction to your majesty's faithful Commons to relieve those pressing demands which the general difficulties of the times had cast upon the provision assigned by parliament, for the support of your ma jesty's household and the honour and dignity of your crown: for this country has not now to learn, that its monarchy is the best and strongest security for its liberties, and that the splendor of the throne reflects lustre and dignity upon the whole nation.

"These, Sire, are amongst the memorable events of a session thus far protracted; upon which we reflect with a conscious satisfaction, that to the discharge of great duties we have brought proportionate exertions.

"And we now indulge the flattering hope, that we may safely apply ourselves to cultivate the arts of peace; arts long dear to your majesty, and congenial to the temper of your people, whose spirit of enterprise in foreign commerce, and internal improvement, unexampled in its exertions throughout the war, may now expand itself with redoubled activity; and by providing new sources of strength and wealth for this country, fix the stability of our own power, and at the same time promote the common interests of Europe, and of all the civilized nations of the world."

The King's Speech at the Close of the Session. After the royal assent had been given to the said bills, his Majesty made the following Speech to both Houses:


My Lords and Gentlemen; "The public business being concluded, I think it proper to close this session of parliament.

"During a long and laborious attendance, you have invariably manifested the just sense you entertain of the great trust committed to your charge. The objects of your deliberations have been unusually numerous and important; and I derive the utmost satisfaction from the conviction, that the wisdom of your proceedings will be fully proved by their effects, in promoting the best interests of my people throughout every part of my dominions.

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons; "The ample provision you have made for the various branches of the public service demands my warmest acknowledgments; and my particular thanks are due for the liberality which you have shown in exonerating my civil govern. ment and household from the debt with which they were unavoidably burthened.

"Whilst I regret the amount of the supplies which circumstances have rendered necessary, it is a relief to me to contemplate the state of our manufac tures, commerce, and revenue, which afford the most decisive and gratifying proofs of the abundance of our internal resources, and of the growing prosperity of the country.

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My Lords and Gentlemen; "As I think it expedient that the election of a new parliament should take place without delay, it is my intention, forthwith, to give directions for dissolving the present, and for calling a new parlia


by the spirit and determination which uniformly animated your councils, aided by the unprecedented exertions of my fleets and armies, and the zealous and cordial co-operation of my people, that I was enabled to prosecute with success, and terminate with honour, the long and arduous contest in which we have been engaged.

"The same sense of public duty, the same solicitude for the welfare of your country, will now, in your individual characters, induce you to encourage, by all the means in your power, the cultivation and improvement of the advantages of peace.

"My endeavours will never be wanting to preserve the blessings by which we are so eminently distinguished, and to prove that the prosperity and happiness of all classes of my faithful subjects are the objects which are always the nearest to my heart."

On the following day the parliament was dissolved.








Meeting of the New Parliament.] November 16, 1802. This being the day appointed for the meeting of the New Parliament, the same was opened by commission, and the Commons being sent for to the House of Peers, the lord chancellor signified, that it was his majesty's "In communicating to you this inten-pleasure to defer declaring the causes of tion, I cannot suppress those sentiments his assembling the parliament, until the of entire approbation with which I reflect Commons had chosen a Speaker. He upon every part of your conduct since I therefore desired them to choose a fit first met you in this place. The unex-person to be their Speaker, and to preampled difficulties of our situation re- sent him there, for his majesty's approbaquired the utmost efforts of that wisdom tion, on the following day. and fortitude which you so eminently displayed in contending with them, and by which they have been so happily surmounted. From your judicious and salutary measures during the last year, my people derived all the relief which could be afforded under one of the severest dispensations of Providence; and it was [VOL. XXXVI.]


Mr. Abbot chosen Speaker.] Commons being returned to their House,

Sir William Scott rose, and addressing himself to Mr. Ley, the deputy clerk, said: It is with all possible deference to the House, and with the most entire consciousness of the proper modesty of any [3 N]

tion in observing, that there is no inconsiderable number of persons in it, whom the House would pronounce equal to the demands, various and important as they may be, of the station I have ventured to describe-and that in this dignified number are to be found, as well gentlemen who have not been bred to the study and practice of the law, as those who have; for with all the partialities I may be supposed to entertain, I feel my full portion of national pride in avowing, that, splendid as the talents are which that profession has exhibited to parliament, they have been fully rivalled by those which other educations and other habits of life in this favoured country are in the course of producing to its notice and admiration.Amidst such copious materials for a happy selection, it might be difficult for the House, if it acted upon its mere sense of supposed merit (however reasonably founded), to name an individual, without feeling that it might have occasion to suspect (and suspecting to

pretensions of mine, that I am anxious to seize the opportunity of addressing you upon the subject which has been re commended to our immediate attention. The election of a Speaker is the first function of this House in order of time, and is amongst its first functions in point of importance; for it is no less than to designate the person who is to guide the deliberations, to maintain the privileges, and to enforce the duties of this great representative body, of this great united country. What the talents are which constitute the qualifications for such an office, it is not easy to describe in adequate terms; they are such as might hardly be expected to exist in combination, if experience had not shown them to have existed in the numerous instances (some of very recent date) of those who have successfully performed the task-the arduous task-of communicating honour to a station itself most honourable. In adverting to the nature and species of the qualifications which the object of such a choice ought to possess, I need not pre-regret, the loss of other abilities, posmise, as the basis of them all, a true spirit sibly superior to those which had attracted of old English loyalty; in other words, an its choice. But it is the good fortune of affectionate attachment to the person and the House at this crisis, that it is not family of our sovereign, and to the ancient left to act upon the mere sense of supand reverend constitution of our country. posed merit; for it has the experience of With an unconquerable hostility to the tried worth to guide its determination. wild and desolating principles which have Many of us who had seats in the last parwaged a rancorous war against the best liament, will recollect, (and with every and dearest interests of mankind, he must feeling of gratitude for past and of sanbe expected to unite a love of rational im- guine expectation of future services), provement, and of temperate correction. that there is a person to whose nomination To an enlargement of mind, capable of that experience has set its authentic embracing the most comprehensive sub- and deciding seal-I mean the right jects must be added, the faculty of hon. gentleman who filled that office descending with precision to the most in the two last sessions of that parlia minute; to a tenacious respect for forms, ment, and filled it in a manner which a liberal regard for principles; to habits of is justly described in the highest terms of laborious research, powers of prompt and possible praise, when I say, that it coninstant decision; to a jealous affection for soled that House for the loss of those emithe privileges of the House, an awful nent gentlemen, who,, in the same office sense of its duties; to a firmness that had commanded so large a portion of its can resist solicitation, a suavity of nature veneration and applause. To him who that can receive it without impatience; stands distinguished by the suffrage of and to a dignity of public demeanor, general applause, it would be presumptusuited to the quality of great affairs, and ous to apply the suffrage of particular commanding the respect that is requisite commendation, otherwise I should be for conducting them, an urbanity of private tempted to use my own language in exmanners that can soften the asperities of pressing the sense which every member of business, and adorn an office of severe la- that House entertained, and in so doing, bour with the conciliatory elegance of a to claim on their behalf from new members station of ease. In looking around this some confidence for the propriety of that assembly (enriched as it has been by the sense-respecting the manner in which, by accession of talents from another coun- a happy mixture of industry the most setry), it is impossible not to feel a satisfac-vere; of knowledge the most exact, of at$

tention the most minute, of private civility the most attractive, and of an observance of public decorum the most correct, that right hon. person performed the duty, and sustained the dignity of his high office. It may be more proper for me to content myself with observing, that, in the judgment of all, he fully realized all the hopes which were held out to that House in the eloquent panegyric which introduced him to their choice; and that he is now proposed with these additional advantages, that he professes a confirmed experience of the duties of his office, and parliament possesses a no less confirmed experience of his entire ability to discharge them. Under the impression of these sentiments, I move, "That the right hon. Charles Abbot do take the chair of this House."

Mr. H. Lascelles said :-In rising to second this motion, I feel strongly impressed with the importance of the subject under deliberation. The choice of a Speaker must at all times be a matter highly interesting to this House, as upon that choice must greatly depend the regularity and dignity of our proceedings; but under the present circumstances of the country, it behoves us in a peculiar manner to place in that situation a person of ability, integrity, firmness, impartiality, strongly attached to our happy con, stitution, strenuously inclined to support the rights and privileges of this House, thoroughly acquainted with its rules and orders, and, in the present increased state of parliamentary transactions, of expe.rience and assiduity in business. If at all periods these qualities have been adverted to in the choice of a Speaker, they are become peculiarly important at the present conjuncture, since not only the fate of this kingdom, but of Europe, may be involved in the future deliberations of this parliament. The difficulties that attend this office are great; the duties of it require unremitting attention. The known conduct and pursuits of the right hon. gentleman who has just been named for your approbation, appeared to me, previous to his being chosen Speaker by the last parliament, to point him out as a proper person in whom to confide this honourable office: but we have now more than confidence to depend upon- we have the experience of part of the last parliament. I consider his conduct, during the short period he filled the chair, as highly honourable to himself, and advantageous to the public. I should feel

desirous of enlarging upon my view of the merits of the right hon. gentleman, were I not fearful that my expressions might i!! convey the sentiments of respect which I entertain towards him as an individual, and as a public character; but I have the satisfaction of thinking that I cannot more strongly express these sentiments than by seconding the motion.

Mr. Abbot said:-I conceive it to be unquestionably the highest honour that an individual can possess, to be deemed worthy to be recommended as a person duly qualified to fill the high and import. ant office now the subject of discussion. But, however flattering such recommendation may be, from the terms of kindness in which it has been conveyed, it is impossible for any man who contemplates its extent and magnitude, not to feel a just apprehension of his own abilities; and the experience of the last session fully convinces me, that I ought to be doubtful of mine. The duties of a Speaker are not merely confined to the rules and orders of the House, or to daily and ordinary occur. rences. Once placed in the chair, he immediately feels the necessity of an extensive mind, to enable him to investigate the extent of his duties; of a steady resolution to maintain the privileges of the House, as connected with the liberties of the people; and a vigilance which there may exist various occasions to exercise. It is true, that much light is thrown on his duties by the Journals and recorded transactions of the House: from them he most undoubtedly derives much instruction; but in doing so, he must there also learn a fact, in every page most strongly elucidated, that neither the most profound knowledge, nor the most indefatigable industry are of the smallest avail, unless he possesses in the fullest extent the confidence of the House, in my mind the sole criterion which can or ought to induce any one to accept so high and important a trust. Having thus stated my sentiments, I am wholly at the disposal of the House, and ready to obey its pleasure way they may please to determine-Mr. Abbot being conducted to the chair in the usual form, said:- Placed for a second time, by the indulgent favour of this House in the chair, I feel myself irresistibly impelled to express to them my warmest gratitude; and in the expression of that gratitude, I hope the House will do me the favour to judge me, more from the conduct that I shall pursue, than from

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