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there are, however, several articles which vances to the royal family, though satisI feel it incumbent on me to advert to. factory reasons can be given for them. I In page 52 it will appear, that part of the can state with truth to the House, that debt is the debt under the first class, under the pressure and difficulty which including the debts incurred by the queen, existed with regard to the state of his on account of the younger branches of majesty's household and civil list, I conher family. When it is considered what ceive his majesty's ministers would have is the number and time of life of the been little less than criminal if they had younger branches of the royal family, and not adopted some method of relief. I am that the expense on their account falls unwilling to enter into particulars, unless exclusively on the queen, it will be no called upon; but I am prepared. His small matter of astonishment that the debt majesty's ministers had no alternative beshould have amounted to no more than a tween the one they have adopted, and the sum of 28,6344. A very large portion of criminality of exposing his majesty to inthis arose upon the marriage of the prince convenience and difficulty.-The chan of Wales. In the same page will be found cellor of the exchequer then went over all a charge for the princess Charlotte. It the items of which the arrears now standis made to commence in 1797, though it ing are composed, the amount of which was not advanced till a later period. I was 990,0537., a sum which, he said, it am sure it will be felt by the committee, was impossible to contemplate without that it is quite impossible the expense of regret; but he had stated how a large supporting the princess Charlotte should portion of it had been created; no part be borne by the prince of Wales, consi- of it was owing to profusion, none of it dering the restrictions to which he is sub- had been corruptly employed, and it apject by the act of parliament for arranging peared from the report what a vast porthe liquidation of his debts. It will, per- tion of the whole of this went to the haps, be for the committee to say, whe- necessary purposes of the civil governther it is not a charge that ought to be ment, and was not at all appropriated, taken from the civil list altogether, and as some had most erroneously supposed, thrown on the consolidated fund? It is a for his majesty's personal use, or for his charge that cannot be borne by the prince own household establishment. Now, he of Wales, and ought not to be imposed would ask any gentleman in the comupon his majesty. I beg the attention of mittee, if any there were, who were disthe committee to pages 39 and 40, re- posed to advert to the amount of the preferring to the pensions to the late ministers sent deficiency, to compare it with those at foreign courts. I am well aware that former aids of the civil list, to which he some farther information is necessary. had adverted in the early part of his obAmple information will be given; and, servations to the committee, to comwhatever deficiency there may be in mine, pare the advance made in the expenwill be supplied by my noble friend near diture under the various heads of the me. I will observe that, with regard to report, on the subject of the civil list, foreign ministers resident, it has been and then to see whether there was to be universally admitted, that the estimate found in any part of the expenditure the made in 1786 was insufficient. The pen-character of profusion? Had we seen any sions of the late ministers at foreign courts have increased considerably within the last two years; yet notwithstanding the increase which has taken place within the last two years is so considerable, the actual increase in the last sixteen years amounts to no more than 129,6431. There is another branch which falls under the head of Occasional Payments. The committee perceiving there was an error of 20,000. thought it right to avail themselves of the information contained in the book required to be kept by Mr. Burke's bill. In page 46 of the Report will be found the amount of royal bounties. It is not my intention to observe on the ad

thing but what was to be esteemed a necessary splendor on the part of the royal family?-Certainly none. We had seen one sort of abundance on the part of the chief magistrate of the community in which we had the happiness to live. Every virtue that belonged to that character abounded in him; but with respect to outward splendor, the loyal feelings of the people would have gone much further, if desired, than they had hitherto been called upon to do; and he would venture to say, that the people had rather been disappointed for want of more, than satiated with too much of that splendor. The sum advanced for the discharge of


Now, although it was not his Intention to propose any permanent addition now to the civil list, yet he had no difficulty in saying it would, in the present condition of things, be impossible to maintain, without further aid, the necessary splendor of the Crown, and to support the necessary expenditure of the royal family; and therefore, he hoped, that some relief would be afforded to the civil list hereafter, by taking away from it some charges which at present bore, and which, in his opinion, did not belong to it, and laying them on the consolidated fund. Several heads of charges now upon the civil list, and which had been so during the war, might with propriety be charged on the consolidated fund, and which charges were very heavy and enormous on his majesty's civil list revenue during the war. The account of all which should be laid before them: and after such accounts were laid before the House, he hoped the subject would be brought forward again for discussion, for which he should be perfectly ready. He thought it was unnecessary for him to trouble the committee any further, for the present; he was thankful for the indulgence he had met in the course of what he had delivered before the com

the arrears of the civil list for the same period, in another reign, was more than was now required. And he wished to know, whether there was any reason for supposing that, although 1,400,000l. were justly granted at a former period, there ought not to be 900,000l. granted now? For his part, comparing the present with the former time, and that when the last aid was granted, and the unavoidable expenses in the interim, of which every individual of condition in this country felt the force, in his own and his family expenses, he thought the present arrears extremely moderate, that it gave full proof of remarkable frugality; that the economy was very great; for which reason he trusted there would be no opposition to the resolution, with which he should have the honour of concluding. He had no hesitation in saying, that, according to his opinion, the augmentation for the younger branches of the royal family, or advances made to them, should not in future be chargeable on the civil list, but on the consolidated fund, of which however parliament were to judge. If the House adopted the resolution which he should have the honour of moving, the expense in the first instance would fall on the people; there was, however, a circum-mittee, some parts of which were naturally stance to be attended to in that particular. The committee would recollect that he expressed a hope, on a former occasion, that there would be some means of a diminution of the burthens of the people by the sale of the crown lands in the West Indies, St. Vincent, &c. that was not, however, to be provided for at this moment, but might become matter for future discussion; but he begged to be understood, as being most clearly of opinion, that without any reference to such resources as that to which he had now hinted, and if there had been no hope of any such resource, the payment of the present arrears of the civil list would be matter of unquestionable propriety, and such as would become the wisdom of parliament to provide for. The subject therefore of these resources from the West Indies, was fit matter for a separate and distinct discussion. The civil list arrears ought, in his opinion, to be paid off without taking that matter into consideration at all. He was well convinced that if there were no resources, but such as he had hinted at, parliament would find them abundant, in the good sense, the justice, and the loyalty of the people of England.

dry and unengaging, and, he was afraid rendered more so from the manner in which it had been treated by him. He should now conclude with moving, "That it is the opinion of this committee, that a sum not exceeding 990,0531. be granted to his majesty, to discharge arrears and debts due and owing on the civil list, on the 5th of January, 1802."

Mr. Fox rose and said:-Sir, there is no man in this House less disposed than I feel myself, at any time, to find fault with such measures as may be conducive to the comfort, the splendor, and the dignity of every branch of the royal family; and particularly what may tend to the ease and happiness of the chief magistrate of the state, as far as I can reconcile such proceedings to the duty I owe to my own constituents in particular, and the general interests of the country. If it could be supposed that humour or temper were to govern any part of this discussion, the present is a moment in which I could have little disposition to indulge them. I have not been more than about four hours in town; and, since leaving my carriage, have heard of two articles of news than which I know of

and the country provide for all the expences (and God knows they have been severe enough lately!) of our fleets and armies, the revenues allotted to the crown must necessarily be at the disposition, and subject to the control of parliament. It would be a strange and absurd doctrine indeed, to maintain that the public should take upon itself all the expense, and leave the revenue precisely as it was before: such a doctrine is too monstrous to have met with any support even in the worst of times. Fortunately for us, some of our kings have been too improvident, by which they outran their incomes.

nothing of a public nature that could be more grateful to my feelings. The first is that in which every man, wishing well to his country, must rejoice, I mean the conclusion of the definitive treaty of peace with France; and the second, that it is the intention of the minister to move for the repeal of the income-tax,-a tax the most oppressive, pernicious, and vexatious, that ever was imposed in any country; and tending more than any other to subvert that respect in which a good government ought always to be held by the people, and without which there can be very little security for its subsisting for any length of time. This, how- In treating of this question I do not ever, is a subject which is by no means wish to be severe; but I understand, connected with good or ill humour, and that so much stress has lately been made is solely dependent on what is consistent on the claims which some persons suppose with our attachment to the throne, a the crown ought still to have upon a part proper view to the laws of the land, and at least, if not the whole of the old herethe sacred principles of the British con- ditary revenue, that I cannot withhold stitution. However I may have been in- expressing briefly my opinion on that structed or entertained by the right hon. subject. Were we now to allow the heregentleman, in the history he has given us ditary revenue to be the same as it was in of the civil list during the last century, I former times, surely no gentleman could do not conceive it to have been precisely possibly say that it should be applied to in point, or to bear strongly on the present the purposes of the civil list only. I question. My ideas upon that subject admit that the revenue of James 2nd was differ vastly from those which have been two millions annually; but I believe no brought forward in this committee; nor one will venture to assert that it was can I conceive how any thing respecting granted only for civil-list purposes. From the revenues of the crown previously the time, however, that parliament exoto the Revolution, has more analogy to nerated the crown (for that is the fact) the present civil list than what may be from the expense of levying and supdrawn from the remotest antiquity. The porting fleets and armies, from that morevenues of the crown before the event ment the hereditary revenues became the alluded to, compared with the present property of the public. It was so undercivil list, was as gold to silver. The stood, and so expressed on the election king certainly possessed immense reve- of William 3rd. He could hold no herenues in former times, totally independent ditary revenue jure coronæ, for he was of parliament: but for this revenue, what not the heir to the crown when he suchad he to do? He was to raise and main- ceeded James 2nd. I am aware that a great tain fleets and armies in times of war, as misunderstanding prevailed upon this well as in peace. It was no private in-subject, and perhaps continues to precome of his own, as an individual, but a vail; but we are not now infected with trust from the public. It is very true, the superstitious notions imbibed by some that such revenue was not adequate to persons of that day. We know that meet extraordinary occasions; and though William 3rd ascended the throne, not by the monarch was bound, at his own ex-right, but by the choice and election of pence, to defend the country, and main- the people, and therefore had no rights tain the expenses of wars, as well as civil jure corona, nor any other rights but such government, in cases of necessity he ap-as had been covenanted. So of George 3rd. plied to parliament for assistance. Whether that mode was preferable to that which has been since adopted, is a question not worth discussing at this moment; but I am free to confess, that I am a strong advocate in favour of the modern system. Now, however, that the House

He is not the heir of James 2nd, but of William 3rd; nor has he any right to this hereditary revenue, unless we go back to the ancient and absolute rights of prescription. What did the parliament of William 3rd do? Instead of the hereditary revenue, they appropriated others for

the civil list, to the amount of 700,000l. a year; and should they exceed that sum, the surplus was to be at the disposal of parliament. From the sum of 700,000l. they deducted 370,000l. for public services; decreed that the crown revenues should be under their own control; and came to what I consider to have been a wise and salutary resolution, of granting it to him for life. The same practice has since been uniformly adopted at the commencement of every reign. I know perfectly well that there has been much difference of opinion on the question, whether it would not be better to make these grants of annual revenue from time to time. This doubt so far operated in the parliament of king William, that the provision was at first made temporary, but it was afterwards thought expedient that the provision should be for life. The same line of conduct was pursued on the accession of queen Anne, and has been followed up in all the succeeding reigns. The right hon. gentleman has anticipated the answer which might be given to some parts of his statement. I know that it has been a mistake made, not by lawyers er other well-informed persons, but by courtiers, that the hereditary revenue formed only a part of the revenue of the crown. From general recollection also (for I have not lately had much access to the Journals) I think that in the reign of queen Anne an application was made to parliament in aid of the civil list, at a time when 800,000l. had been expended, though the grant was no more than 700,000l. Great stress has been laid on the expenses his majesty has been put to in consequence of his family; but let it be remembered, that there were equal incumbrances in the reign of George 1st; that in the reign of George 2nd annuities to the duke of Cumberland, the princess Amelia, and the dowager princess of Wales, were charged upon the civil list to the amount of 100,000l. which, out of the grant of 700,000l., left only 600,000l. of actual revenue. It is true, that in that reign there were three applications to parliament for relieving the civil list; but I believe, and think I may say with some confidence, that the relief was effected by a two-penny tax on all pensions and salaries, which was, in fact, a mode of making the civil list supply and make good its own defalcations, without any additional burthens on the public. In the same reign there was a successful [VOL. XXXVI.]

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application to parliament at one particular period; but, if I mistake not, it was merely to make up the deficiency between the actual receipts of the revenue, and 800,000l., which was about that time settled as the limit of the civil list. The right hon. gentleman has urged, that the civil list of his present majesty had been loaded with annuities to the princess Amelia, the duke of Cumberland, &c.; but if these were liens on the civil list in the present, they were equally so in the reign of George 2nd, who had also to pay 100,000l. a year to the then prince of Wales. These annuities continued from 1745 to 1760; the remainder of the civil list of his present majesty only for five; but George 2nd had paid them for the space of fifteen years. I mention this principally, because I do not esteem it altogether becoming in gentlemen to appear in this House, in the shape and manner of counsel, to depreciate the amount of the present revenues of the crown.

It is to be observed, that all those annuities which bung as incumbrances on the civil list of his present majesty, ceased in the year 1786; that to the duke of Cumberland expired in 1765; that to the dowager princess of Wales in 1763; and that to the princess Amelia in 1786; so that, in fact, the whole of them ceased before the debt now brought forward began to accumulate. The proposition, so much boasted of, which was made in the beginning of the present reign, would have been a good one, if properly followed up. By that proposal the king relinquished nothing, because, constitutionally, he had nothing to give up in point of right, there being no right in existence. All that was done may more properly be considered in the way of an exchange. His majesty, indeed, had a right to expect that parliament would make the same allowance to him that they did to his ancestors; but when a civil list of 800,000l. a-year was granted to his grandfather, it was implied that the excess, which was never very considerable, should be subject to the controul of parliament, and that he should possess no more income from the revenues of this country than what the parliament thought proper to allow him. The right hon. gentleman, in tracing the history of the civil list through the course of the present reign, might have called to mind, that it was settled under an administration composed [2 C]

of persons who were considered as his majesty's peculiar favourites. The duke of Newcastle was then prime minister, and lord Bute and the late lord Chatham, secretaries of state. The right hon. gentleman seems to think the provision was less than it ought to be; but let me ask, is it to be believed that such an administration would ever have thought of proposing an inadequate revenue? But supposing they had done so, yet we must recollect, that the several annuities already mentioned were then so many incumbrances on the civil list; and yet we find that the debts it incurred in the first nine years amounted to no more than 500,000l. Though I was at that time a member of this House, I remember little of the discussion, and do not recollect that I was even present at the debate; but I recollect reading some pamphlets at that time published on the subject: one of these was written by a gentleman whose pursuits have since taken a more serious and holy turn-I mean Dr. Tucker, dean of Gloucester, who treated the matter in a very facetious and good-humoured manner. In offering an apology for the proceedings, he said, that it was no extraordinary thing if a very young man, just come to his estate, and consequently not so prudent and economical as experience might in time teach him to be, and who had lately incurred the expenses of matrimony, enhanced by fêtes, a coronation, installation, &c.-It was no very extraordinary thing if such a man, possesed of 800,000l. annually should in nine years contract a debt of 500,000l. The debt first incurred was at the rate of 50,000l. a-year beyond the income allotted. Parliament, it is true, consented to pay it; but, by doing so, acted, in the opinion of many persons, rather rashly. In the year 1777 the ministers came again with another demand; and it appeared that the debt had increased more within the eight years between 1769 and 1777, than it had done in the former nine years. The demand I now refer to was for the sum of 600,000%; and though ministers were successful, yet the minority, which condemned the payment of the sum, was by no means insignificant in point of numbers, but still less so in respect to character and talents, as the committee will acknowledge when I enumerate among them sir George Saville, Mr. Burke, Lord Sydney, &c. I have frequently had occasion to be convinced, that the more parliament agrees

to act (what, in the vulgar phrase, is called) handsomely by the monarch on the throne in pecuniary affairs, the worse effect is sure to flow from it; and I always feel great pleasure in recollecting the speech which the then Speaker of the House of Commons, sir Fletcher Norton, made upon that occasion to his majesty at the bar of the House of Lords, May 7, 1777. That intrepid and public-spirited man told the king, that "in a time of public distress, full of difficulty and danger, their constituents labouring under burthens almost too heavy to be borne; your faithful Commons have not only granted to your majesty a large present supply, but also a very great additional revenue; great beyond example; great beyond your majesty's highest expense; all this they have done in the well-grounded confidence that you will apply wisely what they have granted liberally." But if sir Fletcher Norton spoke thus of the distress and burthens of the country in 1777, what character can be given to those of the present day?

It reminds me, Sir, of the observation of Florus, who, living at a period when the Roman empire was so infinitely extended, reflects with surprise, that his ancestors allowed a triumph for victories over the Volsci; and, in the same manner, when we look back to the year 1777, when the public burthens were then spoken of as so grievous, and when we view the infinite accumulation of taxes since that period, we are tempted to compare it to the observation of Florus on the triumphs of the Romans over the Volsci, or some other petty tribes. The speech of sir Fletcher Norton, notwithstanding the clamours of courtiers, was approved. Although court sycophancy. has of late increased to a degree that must disgust every generous mind, although servility has made such rapid strides as, to every philosophic observer, evidently tends to the utter destruction of the constitution, yet we cannot forget the subserviency and sycophancy of former periods. Notwithstanding the resentment of the courtiers at the manly and spirited language of the Speaker, it was finally carried, on a motion brought forward by myself, to thank sir Fletcher for his general conduct in the chair, and particularly for the speech in question. This speech was made by a man of eminent qualities,

• See vol. 19, p. 213.

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