THE STATUTES OF NOVA SCOTIA PASSED IN THE THIRD YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE V. Being the Second Session of the Thirty-Fifth PRINTED BY WM. MACNAB & SON, 7-9-11 BEDFORD ROW, HALIFAX, N. S. 1. An Act to consolidate and amend Chapter 1, Acts of 1909, "An Act to establish a Board of Public Utility Commissioners" and Acts in amendment thereof... 1 2. An Act respecting Rural Telephone Companies.... 28 3. An Act to amend and consolidate the Acts respecting the protection of woods against fires. 39 4. An Act respecting Liens of Woodmen for 54 5. An Act to regulate the purchase, sale and transfer of stocks of goods in bulk... 64 6. An Act respecting Oyster Fisheries of Nova Scotia... 68 7. An Act respecting the Provincial Exhibition Commission. 72 8. An Act to incorporate The Nova Scotia Veterinary Association. 73 9. An Act in relation to the inspection and 78 |