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71st Congress, 3d Session

(December 1, 1930–March 4, 1931)


VOL. 2






270. Second polar year program.

271. Construction of public buildings.

272. Completion of dam no. 2, etc., at Muscle Shoals.

274. Estimate for Federal Employment Stabilization Board.

275. Supplemental estimate for construction of vessels by Navy Department.

276. Construction of post office, Texas City, Tex.

277. Paving Missionary Ridge Crest road and Crest and Gap road, Ga.

278. Estimate for survey for flood control of Salmon River, Alaska.

279. Claim of Rederiaktiebolaget Nordstjernan, Swedish corporation.

280. Veto message relating to claims of Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians.

281. Claims allowed by General Accounting Office.

282. Draft of legislation relating to Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery.

283. Facilities for radio research investigations, Bureau of Standards.

284. Claims for damages to privately owned property.

285. Judgments rendered against Government by District Courts.

286. Judgments rendered by Court of Claims.

287. Annual reports of public utility companies of D. C., 1930.

288. Report relative to maintenance of United States marines in Nicaragua.

289. Construction of public buildings, Omaha, Nebr., and Bingham Canyon, Utah.

290. Supplemental estimate for erection of tablet to Nancy Hart.

291. Estimate for expenses of 4th Pan American Commercial Conference.

292. Estimate for construction of buildings on Government Island, Calif.

293. Estimate for printing and binding, Court of Customs and Patent Appeals.

294. Judgments rendered by Court of Claims.

295. Supplemental estimates for Bureau of Indian Affairs.

296. Construction of Court of Claims Building, Washington, D. C.

297. Appropriations for Federal Power Commission.

298. Draft of legislation relating to pay and subsistence of Army, 1931.

299. Contested election of Heflin v. Bankhead.

301. Estimate to pay claim of Isabel Mesler for damages to her car.

302. Estimate for D. C. George Washington Bicentennial Commission.

303. International Exposition of Colonial and Overseas Countries, Paris.

304. Estimate to pay claim of Henry W. Bennett.

305. Estimate to pay damage claim of Warren F. Brenizer Co.

308. Progress report on national hydraulic laboratory.

309. Vocational education in United States.

310. Statistics of foreign and domestic wages, prices, etc.

311. Estimate for Department of Vehicles and Traffic, D. C.

312. Outstanding loans of Federal land banks.

313. Roosevelt Steamship Co. and International Mercantile Marine Co. merger.

314. Survey of Seminole Indians of Florida.

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