review except by the Supreme Court of Nicaragua and then, only in questions of excess of power or questions of jurisdiction. VII Persons violating the Regulations (if there is no civil law) or the Laws (if there is a civil law) governing traffic in arms, ammunition and military stores, shall be punished by a fine of from fifty to one thousand cordobas or imprisonment of from ninety days to five years, or both; for which purpose the Government of Nicaragua will present to Congress a project of law to amend the criminal laws in the sense indicated. VIII The Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua shall be under the control of the President of Nicaragua and all orders from him pertaining to the Guardia Nacional shall be delivered to the Chief thereof. All other civil officials desiring protection or the services of the Guardia Nacional will make application to the senior officer of the Guardia Nacional in that locality. IX An adequate amount as provided in Article I of this Agreement shall be appropriated annually to defray the expenses for pay, allowances, equipment, uniforms, transportation, administration and other current expenses of the Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua. Allotments for the various needs of the Guardia Nacional shall be made from this sum by the Chief of the Guardia Nacional. X Reports of expenditures shall be made by the Chief of the Guardia Nacional as directed by the President of Nicaragua and audited in accordance with the law. Savings effected under any title may be expended under any other title upon written approval of the Chief of the Guardia Nacional. ΧΙ The laws necessary to make effective the above provisions shall be submitted to the legislative body of Nicaragua. XII In consideration of the foregoing the Government of the United States in virtue of authority conferred on the President by the Act of Congress approved May 19, 1926, entitled "An Act to authorize the President to detail officers and enlisted men of the United States Army, Navy and Marine Corps to assist the governments of the Latin-American Republics in military and naval matters" undertakes to detail officers and enlisted men of the United States Navy and Marine Corps to assist the Government of Nicaragua in the organizing and training of a constabulary as herein provided. SD-71-3-VOL 15-17 All American officers serving with the Guardia Nacional of Nicaragua shall be appointed from personnel of the United States Navy and Marine Corps by the President of Nicaragua upon nomination of the President of the United States. They will be replaced by Nicaraguans when the latter have successfully completed the course. of instructions prescribed by the Chief of the Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua and have shown by their conduct and examination that they are fit for command. Officers and enlisted men of the United States Navy and Marine Corps serving with the Guardia Nacional will not be tried by Nicaraguan civil courts or courts-martial but will be subject to trial by court-martial under the laws of the United States for the government of the Navy. In witness whereof, the undersigned have hereunto signed their names and affixed their seals in duplicate, in the city of Managua, this twenty-second day of December, 1927. DANA G. MONCADA, CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS, OMAHA, NEBR., AND, BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH COMMUNICATION FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TRANSMITTING DRAFT OF A PROPOSED PROVISION PERTAINING TO AN EXISTING APPROPRIATION FOR THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT, FOR SITES AND CONSTRUCTION, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, ACT OF MAY 25, 1926, AS AMENDED FEBRUARY 17 (calendar day, FEBRUARY 21), 1931.-Read, referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed The PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, February 21, 1931. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith for the consideration of Congress a draft of a proposed provision pertaining to an existing appropriation for the Treasury Department, for sites and construction, public buildings, act of May 25, 1926, as amended. The details of the proposed provision, the necessity therefor, and the reason for its transmission at this time are set forth in the letter of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget transmitted herewith, with whose comments and observations thereon I concur. Respectfully, HERBERT HOOVER. BUREAU OF THE BUDGET, SIR: I have the honor to submit for your consideration a draft of a proposed provision pertaining to an existing appropriation for the Treasury Department, for sites and construction, public buildings, act of May 25, 1926, as amended, as follows: PUBLIC BUILDINGS Sites and construction, public buildings, act of May 25, 1926, as amended: Omaha, Nebr., Federal office building: For demolition of building and construction of a new building on a site owned by the Government, under an estimated total cost of $740,000, and there is hereby transferred from the War Department to the Treasury Department the land comprising the site of the old Post Office and Customhouse Building at Omaha, Nebraska, together with the improvements thereon, which was turned over by the Secretary of the Treasury to the Secretary of War, under authority of the act of Congress, approved January 21, 1889 (25 Stat. 652). Bingham Canyon, Utah, post office, and so forth: For acquisition of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $75,000. The prupose of this provision is to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to enter into contracts for the public buildings projects above mentioned in amounts not exceeding in the aggregate the limit of cost fixed for each project, and to provide that lump-sum appropriations for public buildings heretofore or hereafter made pursuant to the provisions of the public building act, approved May 25, 1926, as amended, shall be available for the purpose. The foregoing draft of a proposed provision pertaining to an existing appropriation is required to meet contingencies and conditions which have arisen since the transmission to Congress of the Budget for 1931. I recommend that the draft of the proposed provision be transmitted to Congress. Very respectfully, The PRESIDENT. J. CLAWSON ROOP, Director of the Bureau of the Budget. О TABLET TO NANCY HART COMMUNICATION FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TRANSMITTING A SUPPLEMENTAL ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION FOR AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT FOR FURNISHING AND ERECTING A TABLET OR MARKER TO COMMEMORATE THE MEMORY OF NANCY HART, AMOUNTING TO $650 FEBRUARY 17 (calendar day, FEBRUARY 21), 1931.-Read, referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed The PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, February 21, 1981. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith for the consideration of Congress a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, to remain available until expended, for the War Department, for tablet to Nancy Hart, amounting to $650. The details of this estimate, the necessity therefor, and the reasons for its transmission at this time are set forth in the letter of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, transmitted herewith, with whose comments and observations thereon I concur. Respectfully, HERBERT HOOVER. BUREAU OF the Budget, SIR: I have the honor to submit for your consideration a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1931, to remain available until expended, for the War Department, for tablet to Nancy Hart, amounting to $650, as follows: Tablet to Nancy Hart: For an additional amount for furnishing and erecting a tablet or marker to commemorate the memory of Nancy Hart, in accordance |