The letter of the Assistant Secretary of the Interior submitting this estimate is transmitted herewith. In accordance with the provisions of the act providing for this submission, I recommend that this estimate be transmitted to Congress. Very respectfully, The PRESIDENT. J. CLAWSON ROOP, Director of the Bureau of the Budget. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Hon. J. CLAWSON ROOP, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, Director Bureau of the Budget. MY DEAR MR. ROOP: Miss Isabel Mesler, of Ashford, Washington, has filed a claim for $89 under the provisions of the act of December 28, 1922 (42 Stat. 1066). (1) The amount of the claim is $89. (2) The amount allowed is $49. (3) Claim filed December 9, 1930. (4) The claim was presented within one year of the date of its accrual. (5) Claim accrued after April 6, 1917. (6) The claim is based upon damages sustained from an automobile collision. (7) The damage was caused by the driver of a Government truck. (8) The driver of truck was acting within the scope of his employ ment. (9) The damage was caused by the negligence of the driver of Government truck in that he was operating the truck at a high rate of speed and when near Miss Mesler's car, at a crowded point on the curve, the driver applied the brakes and caused his car to skid, striking Miss Mesler's car and causing damages thereto. (10) The solicitor of the department has examined the claim and has advised me that the amount of $49 is a legal claim for submission under the act of December 28, 1922, supra. I, therefore, certify the claim as a legal claim against the United States. Very truly yours, JOHN H. EDWARDS, Assistant Secretary. O GEORGE WASHINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION COMMUNICATION FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TRANSMITTING A SUPPLEMENTAL ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION FOR EXPENSES OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GEORGE WASHINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION, AMOUNTING TO $100,000 FEBRUARY 17 (calendar day, February 25), 1931.—Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed The PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, February 24, 1931. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith for the consideration of Congress a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the District of Columbia, fiscal year 1931, to remain available until June 30, 1932, amounting to $100,000, to provide for the expenses of the District of Columbia George Washington Bicentennial Commission. The details of this estimate, the necessity therefor, and the reason for its transmission at this time are set forth in the letter of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget transmitted herewith, with whose comments and observations thereon I concur. Respectfully, HERBERT HOOVER. BUREAU OF THE BUDGET, SIR: I have the honor to submit a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the District of Columbia for the fiscal year 1931, to remain available until June 30, 1932, amounting to $100,000, as follows: George Washington Bicentennial Commission, District of Columbia: For expenses of the District of Columbia Commission for the George Washington Bicentennial, as authorized by the act approved February 24, 1931, $100,000, including rent of offices, postage, traveling expenses, employment of personal services without reference to the classification act of 1923, as amended, and all other necessary and incidental expenses, fiscal year 1931, to remain available until June 30, 1932 (act February 24, 1931). The purpose of this estimate is to provide an appropriation of $100,000, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, for the expenses of the District of Columbia George Washington Bicentennial Commission, as authorized by the act approved February 24, 1931. This supplemental estimate of appropriation is necessary to provide for legislation which has been enacted since the transmission of the Budget for the fiscal year 1931, and its transmission to Congress is recommended. Very respectfully, The PRESIDENT. J. CLAWSON ROOP, Director of the Bureau of the Budget. O INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OF COLONIAL AND COMMUNICATION FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TRANSMITTING A SUPPLEMENTAL ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION FOR AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT FOR EXPENSES OF PARTICIPATION BY THE UNITED STATES IN THE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OF COLONIAL AND OVERSEAS COUNTRIES TO BE HELD AT PARIS, FRANCE, IN 1931 FEBRUARY 17 (calendar day, FEBRUARY 25), 1931.-Read; referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed The PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, February 24, 1931. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith for the consideration of Congress a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department of State for the fiscal year 1931, to remain available until expended, amounting to $50,000, for an additional amount for the expenses of participation by the United States in the International Exposition of Colonial and Overseas Countries to be held at Paris, France, in 1931. The details of this estimate, the necessity therefor, and the reason for its transmission at this time are set forth in the letter of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget transmitted herewith, with whose comments and observations thereon I concur. Respectfully, SD-71-3-VOL 15 -19 HERBERT HOOVER. 2 EXPOSITION OF COLONIAL AND OVERSEAS COUNTRIES, PARIS BUREAU OF The Budget, Washington, February 24, 1931. SIR: I have the honor to submit for your consideration a supplemental estimate of appropriation for the Department of State for the fiscal year 1931, to remain available until expended, amounting to $50,000. International Exposition of Colonial and Overseas Countries, Paris, France: For an additional amount for the expenses of participation by the United States, as authorized by public resolutions approved June 24, 1930, and February 24, 1931, in an International Exposition of Colonial and Overseas Countries to be held at Paris, France, in 1931, and for all purposes of the said resolutions, fiscal year 1931, to remain available until expended, $50,000 (vol. 46, p. 888). Supplemental estimate 1931, $50,000. Appropriated 1931, $250,000. The purpose of this estimate is to provide additional funds for the expenses of participation by the United States in the International Exposition of Colonial and Overseas Countries to be held at Paris, France, in 1931, as authorized by the public resolution approved February 24, 1931, which provides that section 4 of the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution for the participation of the United States in an exposition to be held at Paris, France, in 1931," approved June 24, 1930, is amended by striking out "$250,000" and inserting in lieu thereof "$300,000." Public Resolution No. 95, approved June 24, 1930, accepts the invitation extended by the Government of France to the United States to participate in the International Exposition of Colonial and Overseas Countries to be held at Paris, France, in 1931, and authorizes the President to appoint a commissioner general and one commissioner to represent the United States in the exposition. There was authorized by section 4 of this resolution an appropriation of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to defray the expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the act, to remain available until expended, and this amount was appropriated by the second deficiency act, fiscal year 1930. The commissioner general estimates that it will cost $85,995 for buildings, $93,000 for exhibits, and $100,000 for administration, a total of $278,995, or $28,995 in excess of the amount already appropriated, and states that if the $50,000 asked for be appropriated, it will give the commission a leeway of $21,005, which will be regarded as an emergency balance to meet contingencies which can not be foreseen. This estimate of appropriation is submitted in furtherance of legislation which has been enacted since the transmission of the Budget for the fiscal year 1931, and its approval is recommended. Very respectfully, J. CLAWSON ROOP, Director of the Bureau of the Budget. The PRESIDENT. O |