[Figures in parentheses () refer to Senate Document 210; other figures refer to this compilation]
NAMES.-Admiral-Oriental Line, 14, 18, 46, 47, (29), (41), (30), (15); Ameri- can Diamond Line, 63; America-France Line, 63; American Line Steamship Corporation, 46, 47, 54, (42), (21), (22); American Scantic Line, 14, 35, 46, (42), (5), (15); American South African Line. 34, 14, 46, (42), (36), (15); American West African Line, 14, 46, 47, (43), (36), (15); Atlantic and Carib- bean Steam Navigation Co., 46, (43); steamship American Legion (13); steamship Argosy, (6); Argentine Republic, (12); Auckland, New Zealand, (17); Australia, (18); Allen, Senator, (34). SUBJECTS.-Accuracy and integrity of Senate Document 210, 17, 18; accounting methods in shipping, 6, (16), (8); advertisements framed to favor special lines, 5, see also supra, 17 (c), vIII, Digest Table of Contents; administra- tion of the law versus the text of the law, (27); American tonnage inadequate in Philippine Islands trade, 5, (32), see also 18 (c), VIII, Digest-Contents; amortization of capital investment, 22, 7, (16), sce also 11 (d), VIII, Digest- Contents; annual reports of United States Shipping Board cited, 18, 21, 48, 49; archaic vessels subsidized, 19, 20; article in New York Journal of Com- merce on Senate Document 210, 61; American vessels exclusively? 8, 14, 16, see also 15, VIII, Digest-Contents; "Are the contracts modified or nullified?' (6) awards compared with awards under the 1920 act, (32); attitude of certain Senators to direct subsidies; also of author of Senate Document 210, 9, (14), (1), (2), (3).
NAMES.-Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co., 59; Black Diamond Steamship Co., 63; Black Sea ports, (7); Brazil, (12); Buenos Aires. (12); Senator Black, 52. SUBJECTS.-Basic intent of Congress should be clearly defined, 20, (2); Bipar- tisan or nonpartisan policy for merchant marine, (39); Bidding was not competitive, 4, (3).
NAMES.-Colombian Steamship Co., 46; Cunard Steamship Co., 38, (17); Cos- mopolitan Steamship Co., 63; Collins Line, 39; steamship California, 54 (22); California, 31, (17); Canal Zone, (21), (22); China, 32; Copenhagen, (6); Cuba, (7); chairman United States Shipping Board, 12; Representative Car- ter, 57, 58; Senator Copeland, 44, 45, 52, 53. SUBJECTS.-Coastwise service, vessels in. should not be subsidized, (21); coastwise line nevertheless subsidized, (21); coastwise laws, proposed exten- sion to Philippine Islands, (32); competition required by law but intention- ally excluded in practice, in many cases, 5, (3); comparison of subsidies under the 1920 and the 1928 acts, respectively, (72); Congress: What some Congressman understood in passing the 1928 act. 9, (14), (1), (2), (3); contracts made under the 1928 act; the tabulation in Senate Document 210, (41); the tabulation introduced by Senator Fletcher, 46-47; construction loans, see 20, 1x, Digest-Contents; cost of construction, tabulated list, 14; concessions in sales price, 14; criticisms of Senate Document 210 by Commis- sioner Plummer, 31, see "Replies " thereto, 17; confidence in Senate Docu- ment 210 expressed by Senators, notwithstanding the criticisms, 40.
NAMES.-Dollar Steamship Line, 2, 10, 14, 18, 24, 32, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 46, 48, (43), (44), (2), (12), (15); see also Admiral Oriental Line; Robert Dollar Co., ; Denmark (5); Congressman Ewen L. Davis, (14), (15); Senator Dill, 56. SUBJECTS.-Debtors to Government not entitled to preference, (2), (36). see also 17 (g), VIII, Digest Contents; depreciation of vessels, allowance for, 22, 7, (16); defects in present law, 14, (27); Diesel engines, 20, 49, (12); "discretion" in allowing contracts, see "This is a Government by Laws," (34); discrimination against South-Atlantic ports, 25, 30; see also 19, IX, Digest-Contents; distinction between cost and market values, 13, (14); double subsidies, 11, (12); Dollar's opposition to proposed new direct route between San Francisco and Manila, P. I., see 18, VIII, Digest-Contents.
NAMES.-Eastern Steamship Lines, 46, (44), (4), (210); Export Steamship Corporation, 5, 6, 13, 14, 19, 20, 23, 46, 47, (44), (7), (8), (14), (15), (25), (26), (32), (33), (40). SUBJECTS.-Editorial on Senate Document 210 and its author from New York Journal of Commerce, -; equipment of vessels, modern, contemplated, —; excessive subsidies, 21, 6, (8); extracts from Senate Document 210.
NAMES.-Furness, Withy & Co., 37, 38; steamship Frederick Lewis, 38. Finland, (5); Senator Frye, (37), (38), (39), 19, 20, 39; Senator Fletcher, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 42, 43, 44, 45, 53.
SUBJECTS.-Foreign-built vessels, see 15 VII, Digest-Contents; foreign competi- tion, see 10, VI, Digest-Contents.
NAMES.-Grace Steamship Co., 6, 7, 8, 16, 21, 46, 47, 48, 49, 54, (45), (8), (9), (10), (11), (14), (22), (28), (33), (40); W. R. Grace & Co., (40); Gulf Mail Steamship Co., 46, (45); steamship George Washington, (20); General Engineering & Dry Dock Co., 58, 60; Gothenberg, (6); Senator Gallinger, (38). SUBJECTS.-Geographical distribution intended, 29; Government competition on routes sold not contemplated, 31.
NAMES.-Habana, (7); Holland, (6); Honolulu, (29), (30); Hong Kong, (29), (30). Senator Mark Hanna, (37), (38), (39), 61, 62; Senator Hale, 19, 20. SUBJECTS.-Handicaps of American vessels, 6, (8), see also 10 (a), vi, Digest-
SUBJECTS.-Incongruity of shipping cotton to Europe via New York, 30; inter- coastal service, see "Coastwise"; International Postal Union rates, 7, (10); interest on loans, see 20, IX, Digest-Contents; invalidity: "Are contracts modified or nullified by reserved clauses, (6); "Is it a subsidy," (1); investment of new capital, see 17 (d), vIII, Digest-Contents.
NAMES. Journal of Commerce of New York news article, 61; editorial, 63; Japan, (32); President Andrew Jackson, (40); Senator Wesley L. Jones, 2, 25, 31, 50, 57.
NAMES.-Kobe, Japan, (29); Senator King, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 40, 41, 43, 44, 48.
NAMES.-Lamport & Holt Line, 37; Los Angeles Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., 60; Luckenbach Line, 59; Lykes Bros. Steamship Co., 46, (45); steam ship Lituania, (G); steamship Lusitania, (17), 17, 377; steamship Leviathan, (20). SUBJECTS.-Larger vessels encouraged by, but not product of subsidies, 23; law, references to, see Nos. 21, 22, Digest-Contents; law, This is a Govern- ment by, (34); law, present law defective, 14, (27); law, disapproval of, is no bar to claiming benefits under, 27; loans for ship construction, see 20, IX, Digest-Contents.
NAMES.-Matson Line, (31); Munson Steamship Line, 1, 12, 13, 14, 20, 37, 46, 48, 49, (46), (2), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (32), (33); Mississippi Shipping Co., 47; steamship Mauretania, (17), 17, 37; Manila, see Philippine Islands; Melbourne, (18); Miami, Fla., (7); Montevideo, (12); Moore Dry Dock Co., 59, 60; C. A. McAllister, 57; Robert McAlpin, 56; Senator McKellar, 2, 3, 4, 11, 17, 40, 41, 42, 48, 50, 51, 52, 61; Senator Moses, 1, 2, 3, 4, 41, 42. SUBJECTS.-Maximum rates awarded, 8, 16, (10); market values of vessels, 13, (14); merchant marine is a nonpartisan problem, (39); mid-west cities, how interested, (22); modern vessels and equipment required, 49, 20, 23, (16), see also 12, VII, Digest-Contents; "New vessels not required," (16); "New vessels and replacements," 11, VII, Digest-Contents; monopoly in bidding, 4, (3), see also 17 (a), v, Digest-Contents; Matson proposal for new direct postal route between San Francisco and Manila, see 18, VIII, Digest-Contents.
NAMES.-New York & Cuba Mail Steamship Co., 46, (46); New York & Porto Rico Steamship Co., 15, 46, (27), (47); Nippon Yusen Kabushai Kaisha, 37; New Zealand, 17; Senator Norris, 40, 41, 42, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53. SUBJECTS.-Necessity for Government aid to shipping, see 10, vr, Digest-Con- tents; New vessels not required by many contracts, 21, 23, 24, 53, 54, 55, (16), see also New vessels and replacements, 11 vII, Digest-Contents.
NAMES.-Oceanic & Oriental Navigation Co., 14, 22, 23, 32, 46, 47, 49, (47), (15), (17); Oceanic Steamship Co., 46, 55, (47).
SUBJECTS.-Operating agents of board not entitled to preference, (2), (23), see also 17 (h), VIII, Digest-Contents; Obsolescence, see 10 (a), vi, Digest-Con- tents; Ocean Mail Act, 1891, 19.
NAMES.-Pan American Line, see Munson Line; Panama Mail Steamship Co., 54, 55, 47; Pacific Argentine Brazil Line, 14, 47, (48), (15); Peninsular & Oriental Steamship Co., 39; Steamship Pan America, 13; Steamship Penn- sylvania, (22), 54; Panama Canal, see Canal Zone; Philippine Islands, (2), (29), (30), (31), (32); Porto Rico, (27), (39; Commissioner E. C. Plummer, his criticisms of Senate Document No. 210, 31. SUBJECTS.-Preferred treatment extended, (23); see also 17, vi, Digest-Con- tents; parcelpost, in relation to South Atlantic ports, 27, 29; parcelpost, proposed increase of rates versus ship subsidies, 40, 50; Pacific coast handicapped in competition for ship construction, 57, see also ch. 7, vi, Digest- Contents; postal contracts in force February 1, 1930, tabulated, (41); postal contracts for South Atlantic ports, see ch. 3, Iv, and 19, Ix, Digest-Contents; postal rates for mail transportation, 7; postal contracts, subsidies in, 12, (12); public benefits, subsidies justified only as, 20 (2), see also 10 (2), vi, Digest- Contents; policy of Congress should be clearly defined, 20 (2); the merchant marine involves nonpartisan business policy, (39); Postmaster General, state- ment that these contracts are really not postal matters, (36), also, suggestion that preference be given owners indebted to the Government, (35); Philip- pine Islands, proposed new direct postal route, see 18, vIII, Digest-Contents.
NAMES.-Red D Line, 58; Roosevelt Steamship Co., 47, 56; Royal Mail Steam- ship Co., 38; Robert Dollar interests, (2), (29), (31); see also Dollar Steam- ship Co.; Admiral Oriental Line; Rio Janeiro, Brazil, (7), (12). SUBJECTS.-Reply by author of Senate Document 210 to criticisms by Commis- sioner Plummer, 17; see also ch. 2, IV, Digest-Contents; reference to annual reports of United States Shipping Board, 18, 21, 48, 49; references to laws, see 21 and 22, 1x, Digest-Contents; reserver powers in the contracts, see 1 (c), 1, also 14, VII, Digest-Contents; Remedy: What is the remedy? (37); reason- able time for bidding, etc., not given, 5 (4), see also 17 (d), vi, Digest-Con- tents; reply to tabulation entitled Contracts let under merchant marine act, 1928, 53, see also ch. 6, v, Digest-Contents.
NAMES.-South Atlantic Steamship Co., 24, 26, 33, 47, (48), see also 19, IX, Digest-Contents; States Steamship Co., 14, 47, (49), (15); Steers Terminal Co., (26); Steamship Schenectady, (6); Steamship Stockholm, (6); Steam- ship Southern Cross, 13 (13); San Domingo, (27), (39); San Francisco, 21, 29, 31; Seattle, (29), (30); Shanghai, (29, (30); Savannah, Ga., see 19, IX, Digest-Contents; Senator Swanson, (34).
SUBJECTS. Subsidies to ships, see 10, VI, Digest-Contents; subsidies very ex- cessive, 21, 6, (8); subsidy in sales prices of vessels sold, 13, 19, (13); see also 13, VII, Digest-Contents; subsidy in the postal contracts, 12 (12); south- ern ports, discrimination against, 25, 30; southern commercial bodies, action by, re Savannah contracts, 30.
NAMES. Tacoma Oriental Steamship Co., 47 (49); Todd Dry Docks Co., 59. SUBJECTS.-Tests for determining proper subsidies, see 10, vi, Digest-Contents; transportation contracts or subsidies 2 (1); transportation of mails, 16, 18, (1), (29), see also 16, VIII, Digest-Contents; tabulation of sales prices and cost of construction, 14 (15); tabulation of new vessels: (a) List introduced by Senator Fletcher, 46; (b) letter alleging inaccuracies in it, 53; (c) see also ch. 6. 5, and also 11. vII. Digest-Contents; titles of Senate Document 210, see ch. 1, 1, Digest-Contents; trend of trade requirements, 20, 49 (17); transportation requirements not duly considered, 5 (3), see also 17 (b), vin, Digest-Contents.
NAMES.-United States Lines, 47, 55, 63; United Fruit Co., 47; Union Iron Works, 59; Uruguay (12).
NAMES. Steamship Virginia (22), 54; steamship Valkyrie, 37; steamship Van Dyke, 37; the Virgin Islands (39); Senator Vandenberg, 8, 52. SUBJECTS.--Voyage expenses, see 11 (a), vi, Digest-Contents; voluntary con- struction, 23, see also 11 (e), vII, Digest-Contents.
NAMES. Steamship Western World, 13 (13): Representative Welch, 57, 58. SUBJECTS." What is the remedy?" (37); "West coast can build ships."
FEBRUARY 17 (calendar day, MARCH 4), 1931.-Ordered to be printed
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