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of their own or Land Lords name, and if any House keeper within this City shall neglect to procure and have ready in their respective Dwelling Houses the number of Leather Buckets in manner herein before mentioned, such House keeper shall forfeit for every such neglect the sum of six shillings, and that all Buckets used at any fire and afterwards detained from their owner thereof about forty-eight hours after such fire is distinguished, the person so detaining such Buckets shall forfeit and pay for each Bucket so detained the sum of ten shillings, and if the owners of such Buckets are not known, such Bucket or Buckets shall be sent to the City hall of this City and there to be delivered to the Marshall or under sheriff in order that the right owner thereof may find and have them, and altho it seems astonishing that in a Christian country where the assential principles of professed religion lay the people under an indispensible obligation to do to others as they would others should do unto them, should see their neighbours Houses on fire and not use their utmost endeavours to assist them to quench it, notwithstanding experience shews that there are people so far abandoned as to appear, as it were to shew their indefferance, and instead of assisting, a duty required by the Laws of Christianity & nature, often impede and hinder others from assisting their neighbours in such casualty and distress, for remedy of such enexcusable remissness in such dangerous casualties.

4. And be it further ordained by the authority afores, that the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Assistants and Sheriff for the future, as often as any fire shall break out within this City either by day or by night, by the first notice thereof as aforesaid shall and will repair to the place where such fire happen and take the direction thereof and that things may be carried on with more regularity, the Mayor, Recorder, and in their absence the first two Aldermen and Sheriff who shall happen to be next first shall have the care and direction of the people & Fire ingines, with all other Tools and Instruments for the speedy extinguishing the same fire, and the remaining Aldermen and Assistants with the assistance of the Constables to have the ranking, placing and directing of the people to hand water, and any person or persons being ordered and directed at or about such fire by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Assistants or Sheriff, who shall neglect or refuse to obay and perform the same, he or they so neglecting shall forfeit and pay for every such neglect or refusal the sum of ten shilling current money aforesaid.

5. And be it further ordained by the authority af that no person or persons whatsoever shall from the publication hereof have, keep or put any hay or straw in his or their yard or yards, garden or gardens, or in any other place or places except in close buildings proper for the purpose, and also that no person or persons whatsoever shall have, keep or put any hay or straw in any house, stable, or other buildings in this City aforesaid that is or shall be within ten feet of any Chimney, Hearth or Fire place or place for keeping Ashes under the Penalty of twenty shillings for each offence, and that every person and persons shall be subject to the like penalty as often as he she or they shall continue to keep hay straw in any or either of the houses, stables or places as aforesaid above forty-eight hours after every conviction.

6. And be it further ordained by the authority afore1 that if any children, youth, apprintices, servents or other persons do fire or discharge any gun or pistol, leadon gun, Rockets, Crackers, Squibs or other fire works at any

mark or at randum against any fence, pales or other place in any street, lane or alley, Garden or other enclosure or in any place where persons frequently to walk, such persons so offending shall forfiet for every such offence the sum of six shillings current money of New York, and on refusing to pay the same shall be committed to the goal or stocks at the direction of the Mayor, Recorder or Aldermen or any one of them before whom such offender shall be convicted, there to remain committed not exceeding three days unless such forfieture as aforesaid be sooner paid with the lawfull fees of commitment, one half thereof to the informer with costs the other half the Church wardens of this City for the use of the poor.

7. And be it further ordained by the authority afore that in case of any outcry of fire or any other alarm, riot, rout or insurrection that all and every of the Citizens and Inhabitants that dwell in rooms fronting the streets, lanes or alleys of this City or are or shall be in possession thereof shall immediately illuminate and set three or more Candles in his, her or their front windows, there to remain illuminated untill Day Light unless such fire alarm, riot, rout, insurrection shall sooner be extinguished or quelled, and if any Citizen or Inhabitant shall neglect to set Candles in his, her or their front windows as aforesaid, such Citizen or Inhabitant shall forfiet for every such offence three shillings.

8. And be it further ordained by the authority afd that the one half of all the Fines, forfietures and Penaltys aforesaid shall be paid to such person or persons as shall sue for and prosecute the same to effect, the other half to the Church wardens of the said City for the use of the poor thereof, and shall and may be recovered before the Mayor, Recorder or Aldermen or any other of them with costs of suit.

The following officers were this day sworn & qualified, viz:

First Ward-Peter Lansing & Sybrant Van Schaick, Aldermen; Thomas Seeger & John Leandart, Constables.

Second Ward-John Bleecker & Jacob J. Lansing, Aldermen; John Beekman & Gerrardus Lansing, Common Council; Peter Dennis & Wm I. Grosbeeck, Constables.

Third Ward-Cornelius Ten Broeck & Abraham Yates, Aldermen ; Thomas Hun & Abraham Ten Broeck, Common Council; Ryneer Van Yeaveren & James Williams, Constables.

Ordered by this Board that the Treasurer pay to Mr. John Bleecker the sum of forty five one shilling and six perce as per account delivered in this day.

Ordered that there is to be allowed to Thomas Williams the sum of seven pounds seventeen shillings.

Ordered by this Board that there be allowed to Mr. Abraham Yates, J′, four pounds eight shillings and two pence as per account.

The Question being put and the opinion desired wether the new Pile of Barracks shall be immediately taken down or to remain untill next Spring. Carried in the affirmetive.

For the Affirmetive-John Ten Eyck, Esq', Recorder, Cornelius Ten Broeck, Sybrant Van Schaick, John R. Bleeker, Jacob J. Lansing, Abraham Yates, Ju', Esqrs, Aldermen; Abrm Ten Broeck, John Beekman, Gerrardus Lansing, Thomas Hunn, Assistants.

Negetive Volkert P. Douw, Esq, Mayor; Peter Lansing, Esq', Alder". Ordered by this Board that Jacobus Radclift be allowed five pounds for ringeng the Bell for the year 1765.

At a Common Council held at the City Hall of the City of Albany on Saturday the 9th of November, 1765.

Hendrick Bogard & John Van Alen sworn and qualified as Common Council.

Ordered that the Account of Robert Lansing of £7:16 be allowed, the sum of £5 being included for taking care of the fire Indians from the 23d June, 1764, to June 23d, 1765.

Ordered that the Clerk draw an order on the Treasurer for the same. Ordered that an Advertisement be struck up that the people bring in their Accounts on by Wednesday next to the different [Aldermen] and Common Councel of the respective wards.

At a Common Council held at the City Hall of the City of Albany on Wednesday the 13th Nov, 1765.

Ordered that the Clerk draw an order upon the City Treasurer in favour of the patron for liberty of cutting wood in the mannor from the 22d Novr 1759 to 22d Nov 1765, at eleven pounds a year, amounting in the whole to £66. Several Accompts were delivered in and thereupon a Committee of the following persons were appointed to inspect into the same Accounts, Aldermen Lansing, Abraham Ten Broeck, John Beekman, Thomas Hunn. Fire Masters appointed as follows: Lucas Hoogekerk, Peter Jones, for the first ward; Nicholas Merselis, John Visher, for the second ward; Nanning H. Visher, Gerrit Rooseboom, for the third ward.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany at the City Hall of the said City on Thursday the 21 Nov 1765.

This Board being informed that some person has cut down Timber in the Corporation right in order to build in said right, ordered that the said Timber be distroyed and such person be prosecuted to build thereon, and that one or two of the members go to view the same.

Ordered that the Mayor sign and send the following Letter to the General Gage:

Sr: From the many Letters passed between your Excellency and this Corporation and also by a paragraph in a Letter from your Excellency to Cap Montressor and by Conversation between your Excellency and the Mayor of this Board, we expected we were at liberty to remove the new pile of Barracks when we pleased, which work we should have begun to perform before now but were not able to procure workman. Those Barracks are now taken up and possessed by a number of Troops lately arrived from Crown Point and other posts which we cannot think is in consequence of your Excellencys order and especially as the Hospital is Large and convenient enough for their reception and your Excellency was of opinion. that the Hospital would do for any Troops that in all probebility would be here, we lately informed the Commanding officer of our intention to break down that building, but he said he could not suffer it without your orders first signified to him for that purpose; we would therefore request your Excellency to send orders to the Commanding officer here to have those Troops removed to the Hospital that we may be enabled to go on with the work.

Att a Common Council held at the City Hall of the City of Albany on Monday the 25th Nov 1765.

An account being produced to this Board for work done in making an addition to the Market in the third ward to which Mr. Mayor objected because it was ordered to be done by two of the Aldermen without leave of the Corporation.

Resolved that it is the unanimous opinion of this Board that it is unprecedented and contrary to the rules of this Corporation.

Abraham Ten Broeck produced the said account and it being put to the Question whether the said account should be allowed or not:

In the Affirmative-John Ten Eyck, Sybrant Van Schaick, Jacob Lansing, Abraham T. Broeck, John Beekman, Gerrardus Lansing. Negative-Volkert P. Douw, Peter Lansing.

The Committe appointed having examined the following account and agreeable to their report on the same,

Ordered that there be allowed to Jacob Lansing, Jun', the sum of £30:1:4 as per account delivered for the box and drain in the second ward.

Ordered that there be allowed to Alderman Peter Lansing as per account for Disbursements for the City, £60:6:9.

Ordered that there be allowed unto the Executors of the estate of John Rooseboom, late City Treasurer, £25:2:10.

Ordered that there be allowed unto Alderman Sybrant Van Schaick for Disbursements for the City, £41:4:1.

Ordered that there be allowed unto Alderman Ten Broeck the sum of £145:4:2.

Ordered that the Clerk draw an order on the Treasurer to pay the said Accounts.

Whereas Lucas Hoogekerk and Peter Jones, who were appointed Fire Masters for the first ward, have given sufficient reasons why they cant attend that Business,

Ordered that Isaac Hoogekerk and Johannis Van Valkenbergh be pointed in their room.


Resolved that this Board address his Excellency Sir Henry Moore, Governour of New York, and that the Mayor sign and Mr. Ten Broeck & the Mayor deliver the same.

Resolved that no Buildings or other things be mended on the Citys account without consent of the Board.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany at the City Hall of the said City on the 31st day of December, 1765.

Ordered by this Board that there be allowed Mr. Philip Ryley £6 for attending the Town Clock one year. Ordered that the Clerk draw an order on Treasurer for the same.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany at the City Hall of the said City on Thursday the 16 day of Jany, 1766.

Ordered that John Van Alen be a fireman in the room of Stephen Schuyler who is removed out of Town.

Hendrick Wendell and Hendrick R. Lansing to be added to the number already appointed, and also Philip Lansing & also William Winne.

At a Common Council held at the City Hall of the City of Albany on Saturday the 15 day of Febry 1766.

The whole Board being unanimous of opinion that it was requisite a Dock should be made and the Question arose where it ought to be made most convenient and advantageous for the City, the following were of opinion at the north end of the Town: John Ten Eyck, Cornelius Ten Broeck, Abraham Yates, Sybrant Van Schaick, Jacob Lansing, John Beekman, Abraham T. Broeck, Thomas Hunn, John R. Bleeker.

The following where of opinion it should be made between the house where Patrick McGee dec1 formerly lived and Millers: Volkert P. Douw, John Van Alen, Peter Lansing, Garrardus Lansing.

Ordered that the Recorder, Thomas Hunn, John Bleeker and Abraham Ten Broeck be appointed a Committee to manage and agree with workmen, &c., to get meterials & build the same.

Ordered that the Clerk draw an order on the Treasurer for six Skipple of wheat in favour of Johs Seager.

Ordered that the Clerk draw an order on the Treasurer in favour of Thomas Seager for ten pounds in full for attending City watches sixteen months, the order the Mayor give him a few days ago inclusive.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany at the City Hall of the said City on Tuesday the 4th March, 1766.

This Board unanimously resolved that there should be three Docks erected, one at the north side of the Town nearly opposite the stone wall of the following dimensions, viz: with the breath of thirty feet down to the Channel or debth of the River and along the said Channel eighty feet and forty feet in breadth.

The second to be near Mr. Harme Gansevoorts with the breadth of thirty feet down to the Channel or depth of the River and along the Channel eighty feet in length and thirty feet in breadth.

The other to be nearly behind the City Hall with the breadth of thirty feet down to the Channel or depth of the River and along the Channel eighty feet in length and thirty feet in breadth.

The following persons are appointed by this Board as a Committee to manage and agree for materials in building the said, viz: for the first Dock near the stone wall, John Ten Eyck, Esqr, Recorder, Cornelius Ten Broeck, Thomas Hun and Abraham Ten Broeck.

For the second Dock near Gansevoorts, John R. Bleecker, Jacob J. Lansing, Gerrardus Lansing and John J. Beeckman.

For the third Dock nearly behind the City Hall, Sybrant Van Schaick, Peter Lansing, Henry Bogart and John Van Alen.

Att a Common Council held for the City of Albany at the City Hall of the said City on Fryday the 21st day of March, 1766.

Volkert P. Douw, Esqr, Mayor, produced an account of £3:15:6 in behalf of Michael Wagener for sweeping Chimneys.

John R. Bleecker, Esq', produces an account £2:2:3 in behalf of Frans Pruyn.

Sybrant Van Schaick, Esq', produces an account of £1:4 in behalf of Wilhelmus Van Antwerpen.

Ordered that the Clerk draw orders on the Treasurer for the same.

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