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The above Bill is materials and making the Bridges.

To Jacobus Van Sante & Jacob Hylton,

To Staats Van Santvoort,

To John Williams, Goaler,

To Jacob Ten Eyck,

To Abraham Douw, for the ballance of his Acc1,
To Peter Lansing,

To David Van Derheyden,

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0: 7:0 22:10:0 4:16:0

1: 0:0


5: 4:0

4: 8:0



£68: 4:3




0: 7:0 17:18:4

1: 1:6 22: 0:0


Ordered that the Aldermen and Common Council see the Bridges finished, and bring in the Accounts that the same may be paid.

Mess's Joseph Yates and Thomas Williams, made application to this Board to buy the Creek as far as they bound upon the said Creek, which this Board takes into consideration.

At a Common Councill held for the City of Albany on the 13th day of November, 1760-Present, the Mayor, John H. Lydius, Cornelis Ten Broeck, Harmanus Wendell, Abm Ten Broeck, Jacob Van Schaick, John Hansen.

The following Accounts were allowed and ordered that the Clerk draw upon the Treasurer to pay the same, by order of Common Council.

To John Hansen,

To Wilhelmus Van Den Berg, Jun',

To Volkert Van Den Berg,

£4: 1:0

2: 4:3


Ordered that the Clerk pay Claas Van Den Bergh three pounds for wood for the Bun fire at the King's Birth day.

This Board appoints the following persons Fire Masters for the ensueing year, to witt:

Thomas Lansing, Abm Joseph Yates, first ward.

Henry Williams, Jacob Harse, second ward.

Harmanus I. Wendell, Jan Gerse Yates, third ward.

Ordered, That Warrants be given the Fire Masters of each ward accordingly, and that the Clerk sign the same, by order of Common Councill. An Ordinance regulating Carmen renewed this day.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany on the 4th day of December, 1760.

This Board agrees with Mr. Abm Ten Broek for the fire wood for the ensueing year at the usual price, which is £11.

This Board allows the following Accounts:

To Mr. Abm Ten Broeck for the fire wood of this year till 22 November, 1760,

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To Harme Gansevoort, as Clerk from 1st October, 1758, to the 1st October, 1760,

To Jacobus Reatliff to Ring the Bell one year,

£11: 0:0


5 0:0

To Joh Seger for his Sellary till the 1st October, 1760, Ordered that the Clerk draw on the Treasurer to pay the above Account as soon as he has money.

At a Common Councill held for the City of Albany on the 11th day of December, 1760.

Resolved by this Board, That the Clerk put up Advertisements that a peice of Land lying on the Gallows hill containing between 10 and 11 acres, as Draft to be seen at the time of sale, to be sold at Publick Vendue on Saturday the 20th day of this current month, by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty at two of the clock in the afternoon at the City Hall in the City of Albany.

Mr. Gerardus Groesbeek produced an Account of six shillings which is allowed and ordered to be paid.

Resolved by this Board, That they shall provide and see the people paid that keep the officers from the 24th November, 1760, untill the first day of April, 1761.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany at the City Hall of the said City on the 20th day of December, 1760.

Pursuant to a Resolution made in Comon Council the 11th day of this currant month of December, this Board sold the peice of Land at Publick Vendue to Coll: John Henry Lydius for £300 currant money of New York and a reserve of £2 of like money to be paid yearly and every year, containing eleven acres three rod and eight perches, according to the Draft now at the time of sale exhibited, and that Mr. John R. Bleeker, who made the survey, explain the courses to have the Deed drawn by, and that the Clerk draw the deed accordingly.

Resolved by this Board, that the Mayor execute the same Deed and cause the City Seal to be thereunto affixed in behalf of the Common Council, and upon payment of the money the deed to be delivered.

The following Accounts were allowed and ordered that the Treasurer pay the same:

To Philip Van Veghte,

To Barent H. Ten Eyck,

£6: 0:0


2: 2:0

To John Hansen the opening the west gate,

10: 3:8

To William Hylton,

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany on 13th day of Febru

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The Ministers, Elders and Deacons of the Reformed Dutch Church of the City of Albany presented a Petition in Common Council which this Board will take in consideration.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany on the 19th day of February, 1761.

Resolved by this Board, that Mr. John R. Bleeker run the South and North Line of this City next Monday if the wether will permit, and that Mr. Bleeker provide himself with Chain bearers and mark every mile, for which this Board will pay his fees and disbursements.

This Board having taken into consideration the Petition presented to this Board by the Menister, Elders and Deacons of the Reformed Dutch Church of this City the last meeting, It being Resolved by this Board that Mr. John Bleeker make a survey of the land sett forth in their Petition, leaving sufficient room for highways, for which this Board is to give a Deed to the said Minister, Elders and Deacons and their successors for ever, for and in consideration of fifty pounds current money of New York and a reserve of twenty shillings annum for ever.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany on the first day of May, 1761.

Mr. John R. Blecker produced an Account of sundry charges in runing the City line amounting to £18:8, which is allowed and ordered that the same be paid.

Resolved that the Memorial Mr. John De Peyster delivered some time ago to the Corporation of this City relating to the destroying of the Indian Deed Tiononderoga be delivered to Messrs Volkert P. Douw and Abraham Ten Broeck in order to be laid before Councill at Law in New York in behalf of the Corporation.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany on the 2d day of May, 1761.

An Ordinance regulateing Carmen renewed and published.

Whereas William Staats was chosen one of the Constables on the 29th day of September last for the first ward of this City and now being gone for Niagara, wherefore it is Resolved by this Board that on the 7th day of this currant month of May an election be held for to chuse one Constable for the said first ward in the room of the said Wm Staats, and that one of the Aldermen of said ward give notice accordingly.

A Petition of John Christie was presented to this Board for some Land at the Sand Bergh as in the said Petition is set forth.

Resolved that John Christie have four acres of Land at the Sand Bergh and not to exceed that quantity, with liberty to build a house, &a, to have it three years at the rate of one Peper Corn annum; after the expiration of said three years to agree for the annual Rent with the Corporation of this City, this Agreement to commence the 10th of this instant, May 1761.

Resolved by this Board, that the Mayor execute a Deed in behalf of this Corporation for 153 acres of Land, according to Mr. John R. Bleeker's survey produced to this Board, to the Minister, Elders and Deacons of the Reformed Dutch Church of the City of Albany on the payment of fifty pounds consideration money, and that the Mayor cause the City Seal to be thereunto affixed.

At a Common Councill held for the City of Albany on the 22d day of June, 1761.

Ordered that the Clerk draw an order upon the Treasurer to pay Timo

thy Conner £10:13:6, and Mr. Robert Lansing for the ballance of his Account, £7:18:11.

This day sold to Johannis N. Groesbeeck a peice of Land lying at Schagtecook, commonly called and known by the Indian Land or Island, lying between the Land of Daniel Fort, dec1, and the Land of the heirs Abraham and Isaac Fort, dec1, for and in consideration of the sum of £430 currant money of New York, and a reserve of thirty Skipple of good winter wheat, to be paid yearly and every year for ever to the Corporation and their successors; £200 to be paid by the delivery of the Deed, £100 more within one year next ensueing and £130 the year then following, upon condition that the said Joh N. Groesbeck is to satisfy the Indians that have a lawfull claim on said Land.

An Ordinance renew'd and published for cleaning the streets, to commence the 25th Inst. all kind Beaf 6d, for a head & pluck of a Calf, 21d, for a head and pluck of a Sheep 12d, for a Lamb 9d.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany on the 23 day of June, 1761-Present, the Mayor, Recorder, Harmanus Wendell, Jacob Lansing, Jun, John Henry Lydius, Jacob Ten Eyck, Barent Ten Eyck, Cornelis Ten Broeck, Marte Mynderse, Harmanus Schuyler, John Hansen, Abraham Ten Broeck.

Harmanus Schuyler, Esq, produced a Commission whereby he is appointed High Sheriff for the City and County of [Albany] from the 18th June, untill the 14th October next ensueing, took the Oaths appointed by Law, subscribed the Test and sworn to the due execution of his office.

Whereas Coll. John Henry Lydius bought at Publick Vendue a peice Land lying on the Gallows hill, containing eleven acres three rod and eight perches, according to the survey thereof made by Mr. John R. Bleeker, exhibited at the sale on the 20th day of December, 1760, which the said Coll. John Henry Lydius now refuses to take according to the sale made by vertue of a resolution made in Common Councill the 11th day of December, 1760, Wherefore it is Resolved and ordered that the Clerk put up Advertisements that the said peice of Land is to be sold at Publick Vendue on the fifteenth day of July next ensueing at three of the clock in the afternoon of that day at the City hall of the said [City] by the Mayor or the Recorder, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Albany.

This Board has this day agreed with Mr. Robert Lansingh to take care of the fire Engine and have it cleand and in good order for three pounds current money of New York annum.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany at the City Hall of the said City on the 15th day of July, 1761-Present, Sybt G. Van Schaick, Esq, Mayor, Volkert P. Douw, Esqr, Recorder, and six Aldermen. Pursuant the Resolution made the 23d of June last, this Board meet in order to sell the peice Ground advertised by that Resolution and no bidders have bid high enough, therefore it remains Corporation Ground.

At a Common Council held for the City of Albany at the City Hall of the said City on the 10th day of September, 1761.

Resolved by this Board, that the Mayor execute a Deed to Jacobus Reatliff for seven years on condition that the Deed be void on the tender

of one shilling to the Lessee for a Tract of Land scituate, lying and being in the City of Albany on the Sout of Beaver Kill, beginning where said Kill emptyes itself into Hudsons River, striking from thence southerly to opposite the hay land belonging to the heirs of Gysbert Marselis, deed, thence due west along the south bounds of the pasture of the first part the same distance from the River as the Saw Mill of the heirs of Daniel Bratt, from thence northerly to the aforesaid Beaver Kill, and thence easterly along the said Kill to the place where it first begun.

Wilhelmus Smith presented a Petition to this Board for sixty acres of Land on the Wouten bergh between the north line of the City of Albany and the Edge of the hill which lays on the north side of Foxes Creek, it is the opinion of this Board not to sell so large a parcell to one person.

Patrick Magee presented a Petition for a small vacant Lott which lies unimproved on the north side of his; it is Resolved by this Board that the said Patrick may have it for five years at the rate of twenty shils year.

Angenietje Groesbeek offers to this Board a peice of Land at Schagkook formerly belonging to Corset Vedder, commonly known by the name of Flackje; as also another peice, being the full moiety or half part of four morgan formerly granted by the Corporation to Gerret Van Schaick, which this Board refuses to buy.

Resolved by this Board, that the Mayor execute a Deed to Johannis N. Groesbeek, pursuant to the agreement made the 22d day of June last past, as by the Minutes may more fully appear. The said Johannis N. Groesbeek produced the Indian Deed to this Board, which Deed is to be left with the Mayor according to agreement.

At a Common Councill held for the City of Albany on the 29th September, 1761.

This day being appointed by the Charter for chosin and electing Corporation officers, the following persons were chosen to serve the ensueing year according to the directions of the Charter, viz' :

First Ward.-Barent H. Ten Eyck, Peter Lansing, Aldermen; Marte Mynderse, Henry I. Bogart, Assistants; Thomas Seeger, James Halenbeek, Constables.

Second Ward.-Jacob Ten Eyck, Frans Pruyn, Aldermen; John Hansen, Gysbert Fonda, Assistants; John Scott, Nicholas Marselis, Constables. Third Ward.-Cornelis Ten Broek, Volkert Douw, Aldermen; Jacob Van Schaick, Abraham Ten Broek, Assistants; Tuenis H. Visher, Jacob G. Lansing, Constables.

This Board appoints John Roseboom for their Chamberlain; Johannis Seeger, Marshall; James Hallenbeek, High Constable.

At a Common Councill held for the City of Albany on the 14th October, 1761-Present, the Mayor, Jacob Ten Eyck, John H. Lydius, Jacob Lansingh, Harms Wendell, Cornelis Ten Broek, Henry Bleeker, John Hansen, Abraham Ten Broek, Jacob Van Schaick, Marte Mynderse, Harmanus Schuyler.

Volkert P. Douw, Esqr, Recorder, demanded of the Mayor to render an account of the money he had received for the several freedoms, which the Mayor refused.

Volkert P. Douw, Esq, produced a Commission appointing him Mayor

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