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F. G. MCGAVOCK, Arkansas,
B. S. BROWN, Ohio,

R. W. GIBBES, South Carolina,
W. P. REESE, Alabama,

F. B. SHUFORD, Mississippi,

R. M. COOPER, New Jersey,
S. O. SCRUGGS, Louisiana,
P. CASSIDY, Pennsylvania,
THOS. S. POWELL, Georgia,
J. B. LINDSLEY, Tennessee,

On motion of Dr. HOOKER, of Connecticut, it was resolved that the President, Dr. PITCHER, be now requested to deliver his annual address.

After the delivery of the address

On motion of Dr. FLINT, of Kentucky, the thanks of the Association were tendered to the President for his very able address, and the same was referred to the Committee of Publication.

The Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements announced that the sessions of the Association would be, from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M.

JUDGE CATRON, of the U. S. Supreme Court, being present, was invited to a seat on the stand.

The Nominating Committee then retired for the purpose of nominating officers for the ensuing year.

The Report of the Committee of Publication being called for, it was read by Dr. CASPAR WISTER, of Pennsylvania, and, on motion, was accepted and referred to the Committee of Publication.

Dr. WISTER also read his report as Treasurer, which was received and adopted.

On motion of Dr. FLINT, of Kentucky, Dr. R. T. FLEMING, of Kentucky, was admitted as a member of the Association by invitation.

The Committee on Prize Essays being called upon to report, requested further time, because of the late hour at which the essays were handed in, which was granted.

The President informed the Association that Dr. F. CAMPBELL STEWART, of New York, Dr. ALDEN MARCH, of New York, Dr. ISIDORE GLÜCK, of New York, and Dr. JOSEPH PANCOAST, of Pennsylvania, had been appointed to represent this Association in foreign scientific bodies.

The Committee on Medical Education was called, but made no report.*

The Committee on Medical Literature was called--no report.

Received after the adjournment.

The Committee on Medical Topography and Epidemics being called, a communication from Dr. J. C. WATSON, of Maine, was read, asking for further time to make a report, which was granted. Dr. ARNOLD, of Georgia, offered the following resolution, which was adopted :

Resolved, That the Committee on Nominations be constituted a standing committee during the present session of the Association, to which shall be referred all business of the Association on which an immediate vote is not required.

Dr. JAS. MAURAN, of the Committee on Medical Topography and Epidemics for Rhode Island, being called for, the Secretary read his apology, which was accepted.

Dr. PEREGRINE WROTH, of same Committee for Maryland, sent in his report, with accompanying reports of Drs. A. M. WHITE and EDMUND E. WATERS, which were received and referred to the Committee of Publication.

Dr. W. L. SUTTON, of same Committee for Kentucky, sent an apology and asked for further time, which was granted.

The members of the same Committee for the States of New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, District of Columbia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Minnesota being called, no reports were made.

The delegates from Connecticut and Louisiana being absent for the time, the consideration of their reports was postponed until to


A report from Dr. J. F. POSEY, of Georgia, was presented by Dr. ARNOLD, and subsequently withdrawn by him for the purpose of preparing an abstract of it.

The Committee on Nominations then appeared, and through their Chairman, Dr. J. B. LINDSLEY, reported the following officers of the Association for the ensuing year, viz:


DR. PAUL F. EVE, of Tennessee.


R.J. BRECKINRIDGE, of Kentucky, W. H. BYFORD, of Indiana,

D. M. REESE, of New York,

HENRY F. CAMPBELL, of Georgia.

On motion of Dr. ARNOLD, of Georgia, the report was accepted.

The Chairman stated that the Secretaries would be selected when it is ascertained where the next meeting of the Association will be held.

Dr. WISTER, of Pennsylvania, moved that a committee of three be appointed by the President to conduct the newly elected officers to the chair, which was carried.

The President appointed as such committee, Drs. WISTER, ARNOLD, and MCGUGIN.

The President elect being absent, the Association adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock A. M., to-morrow.

May, 6, 1857.

The Association met pursuant to adjournment. The minutes of yesterday were read and adopted.

The Committee appointed yesterday, Drs. WISTER, ARNOLD, and MCGUGIN, were then requested to conduct the newly elected officers to their respective seats.

Dr. EVE, of Tennessee, in taking the chair, addressed the Association as follows:

Gentlemen of the American Medical Association: It is with deep emotion that I attempt to return you my heartfelt thanks for this distinguished honor. In elevating one so unworthy of this station, so ill-prepared to preside over your deliberations, or carry out the great designs of this body, I must express the apprehension that you have done yourselves injustice, and, it may be, not advanced its best interests. But, believing that this office should neither be sought nor declined, when tendered as it has been, after my State had declined to take any part in the nomination of a presiding officer, I enter upon the discharge of its onerous duties with much diffidence, and shall have frequent occasion to throw myself upon your considerate indulgence.

We are engaged, gentlemen, in a good and noble work. Life, the greatest of human blessings, and health, the sweetest stimulus to earthly enjoyments, are our end and aim. We live to secure the one and to preserve the other. To promote these all important objects, the medical profession of our country have, during the past twelve years, annually appointed delegates to assemble and counsel how this may be effected. And we are here to-day on one of these great festive occasions, and, amidst our mutual congratulations, these glorious reunions of good-will and fellowship among the brotherhood, must not forget that to us is committed the health and

lives of others. In maintaining the honor and increasing the usefulness of medical science, we become the best contributors to the welfare and happiness of those around us. You have come up hither from the North and from the South, from the East and from the West, and have done well neither to count the cost nor calculate the sacrifice; for the cause in which you are engaged is worthy of you. You present again the sublime spectacle of brethren from all sections of this widely extended Union, congregated to devise the best means to relieve suffering humanity; and may I not add, we are here with

"Our souls by love together knit,

Cemented, mixed in one;

One hope, one heart, one mind, one voice ?"

Dr. WINSTON, of Tennessee, read the names of additional delegates to the Association.

Dr. HOOKER, from the Committee on Medical Topography and Epidemics for the State of Connecticut, being called on for his report, arose and explained that it was his understanding that the Committee were to have three years in which to make their report, and at the end of that time he would either be prepared or ask the indulgence of the Association for further time.

The President, under a resolution passed at the last meeting, appointed Drs. CURREY, GRANT, and EVANS a Committee on Voluntary Contributions.

Reports now being in order, the report of Dr. POSEY, of Georgia, was called for; Dr. ARNOLD, of Georgia, read an abstract of the report of Dr. POSEY; all of which, on motion of Dr. PALMER, of Michigan, was referred to the Committee of Publication, under a suspension of the rule.

On motion of Dr. WOOD, of New York, the reports which were presented yesterday were also referred to the Committee of Publication, under a suspension of the rule.

The State of Ohio being called upon for a report upon its Medical Topography and Epidemics, the Secretary read an apology from Dr. G. MENDENHALL, who asked further time in which to make a report, which was granted.

The States of Mississippi, Missouri, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, California, and the U. S. Navy, being called, no response was made.

A telegraphic dispatch from Dr. J. M. SIMS, of New York, who

was to report on the Treatment of the Results of Obstructed Labor, was received and referred to the appropriate committee.

A communication was received from the Southern Methodist Publishing House, inviting the members of the Association to visit that establishment, which was accepted.

A communication was read by Dr. LINDSLEY, of Tennessee, from the Medical Association of Washington City, inviting the National Association to hold their next annual meeting in that city. On motion, the communication was referred to the Committee on Nominations.

A resolution was offered by Dr. BARTLETT, of Wisconsin, tender/ing a vote of thanks to the late President, ZINA PITCHER, for the able manner in which he has presided over the deliberations of this body, which was unanimously adopted.

The Reports of Special Committees for 1856-7, being next in order, they were called in order as follows:

Inflammation-Its Pathology, etc.-Dr. E. R. PEASLEE, Maine. Asked further time.

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Anatomy and Histology of the Cervix Uteri.-Drs. H. HUTCHINSON and CHARLES E. ISAACS, New York. No report.

Treatment of Cholera.-Dr. J. TAYLOR BRADFORD, Kentucky. No report.

Treatment best adapted to each variety of Cataract, etc.—Dr. MARK STEPHENSON, New York. Further time asked. Referred.

Causes of the Impulse of the Heart, etc.-Dr. J. W. CORSON, of New York. A communication was received, and ou motion of Dr. BRODIE, he was continued.

Causes of Infant Mortality, etc.-Dr. D. MEREDITH REESE, of New York, read an abstract of his report, which was referred to the Committee of Publication.

The venerable Dr. SHELBY, of Tennessee, being present, was invited to a seat on the stand. His appearance was warmly acknowledged.

Dr. HOBBS, of Illinois, offered the following resolution :

Resolved, That a Committee on Essays (not including Prize Essays) be appointed, to whom all essays prepared for publication by this Association shall be referred, which Committee shall transfer to the Committee on Publication all essays they judge worth publishing. That said Committee of Essays make a full report of their proceedings to the Association at its next annual session; provided, authors of rejected essays being informed of said rejection by said

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