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decisions given to such merchants as may ask them.

24. No innovation in this law shall be made, unless the same be sanctioned and published six months before its operation. SILVESTRE BLANCO, President. MIGUEL A. BERRO, Secretary. Addition to the above Law.

4. Foreign vessels shall pay three rials per ton.

5. National vessels navigating the high seas, shall pay two rials per ton.

6. The duties designated in the former articles shall be paid, one half on the entrance and the other half on the clearance.

7. National and foreign ves

1. Foreign merchandize ex- sels which neither discharge nor ported to Uraguay and Parana take in cargo, and whose stay shall pay only one per cent and does not exceed six days, shall half of the Custom House charg- pay no duty comprehended in: es, now exacted. this law. Those which remain longer shall pay the third part of the duties designated in articles 4 and 5.

2. Vessels exceeding one hundred and fifty tons shall not enjoy this privilege. (Signed as before.) On the 7th of July the Hall of Representatives sanctioned the following law :

1. From the publication of the present law, national and foreign vessels shall pay the port duties designated below.

2. National coasting vessels, plying within the capes, shall obtain a license for each voyage. 3. Designates the price of the licenses.

8. Coasting vessels belonging to the Argentine Provinces, shall pay the same duty in the ports of this province that our vessels pay in the ports of that State.

9. All former duties are suppressed.

10. Except the Consular duties and those for the benefit of the Hospital of Charity.

MIGUEL A. BERRO, Secretary.


Imperial Parliament, February 4, 1830.

The royal commission was read; and the Lord Chancellor read the following speech : My Lords and Gentlemen:

We are commanded by his Majesty to inform you that his Majesty receives from all Foreign

Powers the strongest assurances of their desire to maintain and cultivate the most friendly relations with this country.

His Majesty has seen with satisfaction that the war between Russia and the Ottoman Porte has been brought to a conclusion.

The efforts of his Majesty to accomplish the main objects of the treaty of the 6th of July, 1827, have been unremitted.

His Majesty having recently concerted with his allies measures for the pacification and final settlement of Greece, trusts that he shall be enabled, at an early period, to communicate to you the particulars of this arrangement, with such information as may explain the course which his Majesty has pursued throughout the progress of these important transactions.

His Majesty laments that he is unable to announce to you the prospect of a reconciliation between the Princes of the House of Braganza.

ing the last year, has not attained the full amount at which it had been estimated, the diminution is not such as to cause any doubt as to the future prosperity of the revenue.

My Lords and Gentlemen:

His Majesty commands me to acquaint you, that his attention has been of late earnestly directed to various important considerations connected with improvements in the general administration of the law.

His Majesty has directed that measures shall be submitted for your deliberation, of which some are calculated, in the opinion of his Majesty, to facilitate and expedite the course of justice in different parts of the United Kingdom; and others appear to

His Majesty has not yet deemed it expedient to re-establish upon their ancient footing his Majesty's diplomatic relations with be necessary preliminaries to a the kingdom of Portugal. But revision of the practice and prothe numerous embarrassments ceedings of the Superior Courts. arising from the continued interruption of these relations increase his Majesty's desire to effect the termination of so serious an evil.

Gentlemen of the House of Commons :

His Majesty has directed the estimates for the current year to be laid before you. They have been framed with every attention to economy, and it will be satisfactory to you to learn that his Majesty will be enabled to make a considerable reduction in the amount of the public expenditure, without impairing the efficiency of our naval or military establish


We are commanded to assure you, that his Majesty feels confident that you will give your best attention and assistance to subjects of such deep and lasting concern to the well being of his people.

His Majesty commands us to inform you, that the export in the last year of British produce and manufactures has exceeded that of any former year.

His Majesty laments that, notwithstanding this indication of active commerce, distress should prevail among the agricultural and manufacturing classes in some parts of the United Kingdom.

We are commanded by his It would be most gratifying to Majesty to inform you, that al- the paternal feelings of his Mathough the national income, dur- jesty to be enabled to propose

for your consideration measures signing due weight to the effect of calculated to remove the difficul- unfavorable seasons, and to the operation of other causes which are beyond the reach of legislative control or remedy.

ties of any portion of his subjects, and at the same time compatible with the general and permanent interests of his people.

It is from a deep solicitude for those interests that His Majesty is impressed with the necessity of acting with extreme caution in reference to this important subject.

His Majesty feels assured that you will concur with him in as

Above all, His Majesty is convinced that no pressure of temporary difficulty will induce you to relax the determination which you have uniformly manifested, to maintain inviolate the public credit, and thus to uphold the high character and the permanent welfare of the country.


York, Jan. 8, 1830.

of it to the Grand River will com

Honorable Gentlemen of the Legislative plete this first great Provincial

Council, and Gentlemen of the House of

You are again convened for the despatch of public business; and it will be gratifying to me to give effect to the measures, which from

your general and local knowledge of the colony, may be proposed as conducive to the welfare and prosperity of the people.

The activity and industry of the agriculturists in all parts of the Province; their efforts to unlock the country, and reach the Lakes with their surplus produce; the successful culture introduced in the western townships; point out the profitable result that may be anticipated from affording proper encouragement to this individual exertion and labor.

enterprize; and will require your immediate support and protection.

These improvements must natSt Lawrence, and to the manifest urally lead your attention to the from perfecting the navigation in advantages that may be derived

that quarter.

Gentlemen of the House of Assembly:

I have directed a statement of the revenue and expenditure of the last year to be laid before you, with the estimate of supplies for the current year.

From the accounts you will perceive, that in consequence of the favorable returns of the duties, levied under the statute of the 14th Geo. 3d, the expense of the administration of Justice, and of Fortunately the difference of that part of the Civil Establishsituation of several districts has ment not provided for by His been equalized by the opening of Majesty's Government, or by the the Welland Canal; the extension annual vote of the Imperial Par


liament, has been defrayed entirely from those proceeds; and that a considerable balance accruing from the excess of former estimates beyond the expenditure, remains at the disposal of the Legislature.

The necessity of reforming the Royal Grammar School, was evident from your report at the close of last session.

In establishing a college at York, under the guidance of able masters, the object which we have in view, will, I trust, be speedily attained.

The delay that may take place in revising the charter of the University, or in framing one suitable to the Province and to the intention of the endowment, must, in fact, under present circumstances, tend to the advancement of the institution, as its use depended on the actual state of education in the Province.

Dispersed as the population is, over an extensive territory, a general efficiency in the common schools cannot be expected; particularly while the salaries of the masters will not admit of their devoting their whole time to their profession.

Honorable Gentlemen, and Gentlemen:

The King's pleasure on the Bills reserved has not yet been communicated to me.

I recommend you to examine the Acts that may be about to expire.

Your attention will also be drawn to another subject of importance, the exposure of property and the facility of depredations in certain districts, and the frequent cases of capital con


victions where, through the dispensing power of the Crown, it is thought advisable to arrest the sentence of the law, notwithstanding the evils that may arise from repeated mitigation, without a system of secondary punishment, or any means of disposing of offenders.

With regard to the questions submitted to His Majesty's Government; whatever difficulties may have occurred in determining them or in reconciling the respective interests with which they are connected, the diligent investigation through which they are passing evinces the earnest desire of His Majesty that this portion of his dominions should reap the full benefit of good laws and free institutions.

The following Resolutions passed the House of Assembly of Upper Canada at this Session:

Negro Settlers.

1. Resolved, That this House has just cause of alarm for the peace and security of the inhabitants of the western parts of this Province, by reason of the rumored intention, on the part of the Canada Company, of introducing large bodies of Negro settlers into this Province.

2. Resolved, That, in affording such encouragement, the Canada Company seem not to have duly reflected on the danger in which it involves the peace and happiness of the people; and that the act of the Imperial Parliament, constituting this Company, marks the subject of these resolutions as one of the many evils which must result from Le

gislation by the Imperial Parlia- ly inconvenient and dangerous to ment in matters of the internal those States, it is too certain that concerns of this Province.

3. Resolved, That no subject calls more seriously for the attention of the Legislature, than the settlement of the country, by all reasonable facility given to strangers to come into this Province and cultivate its wastes.

4. Resolved, That, although this House has long observed, without uneasiness, that fugitive slaves of color do, occasionally, escape into this Province; and, recognising the law of nature, which says, that the fugitive shall not be delivered up to his pursuers,' this House is still unwilling to shut the door against the outcast; yet, the sudden introduction of a mass of Black Population, likely to continue without limitation, is a matter so dangerous to the peace and comfort of the inhabitants, that it now becomes necessary to prevent or check, by some prudent restrictions, this threatened evil.

5. Resolved, That, inasmuch as such a population, sometimes surpassing, and at others approaching an equality with the whites, in several States of this Continent, has proved, in various ways, high

the like disasters must flow from the same cause in this Province, if such projects be permitted to be effected.

6. Resolved, That the Committee to whom was referred the petition of the inhabitants of Gosfield and Colchester, do bring in a bill, if it be practicable, during this session, to prevent the introduction of Blacks and Mulattoes into this Province, as settlers participating in all the civil rights of the people of this Province.

7. Resolved, That an humble address be presented to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, requesting him to forward, with as little delay as possible, these resolutions to His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies, to be by him, with His Majesty's gracious permission, laid before the Imperial House of Commons; and further requesting His Excellency to discourage, as far as may be within his power, the introduction of such population, until the Legislature of the Province may be enabled to mature some safe enactment on the subject.

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