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jesty's possessions in the West Indies and South America, and in certain other of His Majesty's possessions abroad, upon and from certain days in the said order for that purpose appointed, and which are long since passed: And whereas, by a certain other order of his said late Majesty in Council, bearing date the 16th of July, the said last mentioned order was confirmed: And whereas, in pursuance of the acts of Parliament in that behalf made and provided, his said late Majesty, by a certain order in Council bearing date the 21st day of July, 1823, and by the said order in Council bearing date the 27th day of July, 1826, was pleased to order that there should be charged on all vessels of the said United States which should enter any of the ports of His Majesty's possessions in the West Indies or America, with articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of the said States, certain duties of tonnage and of customs therein particularly specified: And whereas it hath been made to appear to His Majesty in Council that the restrictions heretofore imposed by the laws of the United States aforesaid upon British vessels navigating between the said States and His Majesty's possessions in the West Indies and America have been repealed, and that the discriminating duties of tonnage and of customs heretofore imposed by the laws of the said United States upon British vessels and their cargoes, entering the ports of the said States from His Majesty's said possessions, have also been repealed; and that the

ports of the United States are now open to British vessels and their cargoes coming from His Majesty's possessions aforesaid. His Majesty doth, therefore, with the advice of his Privy Council, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers so vested in him as aforesaid, by the said act so passed in the sixth year of the reign of his said late Majesty, or by any other act or acts of Parliament, declare that the said recited orders in Council of the 21st day of July, 1823, and of the 27th day of July, 1826, and the said order in Council of the 16th day of July, 1827, (so far as the such last mentioned order relates to the said United States,) shall be, and the same are hereby, respectively revoked: And His Majesty doth further, by the advice aforesaid, and in pursuance of the powers aforesaid, declare that the ships of and belonging to the United States of America may import from the United States aforesaid, into the British possessions abroad, goods the produce of those States, and may export goods from the British possessions abroad, to be carried to any foreign country whatever.

And the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, and the Right Honorable Sir George Murray, one of His Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, are to give the necessary directions herein, as to them may respectively appcrtain.


A true copy. Council Office, Whitehall, Nov. 6, 1830.

Present and proposed Import Duties in the American Colonies.

TABLE OF DUTIES on certain articles of provisions, and of wood and lumber, not being the growth, production, or manufacture of the United Kingdom, nor of any British possession, imported or brought by sea, or by inland carriage or navigation, into the several British possessions in America.


Imported or brought into the British possessions on the continent of South America, or in the West Indies, the Bahama and Bermuda islands included, viz.

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Imported or brought into the British possessions in N. America.

0 1 2 duty free. 060

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10 per cent.

duty free.

070 duty free. 0 14 0 duty free.

0 15 0 0 12 6 duty free. 053 duty free.

1 1 0

1 8 0
07 0

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NOTE. By act 6. George IV. e. 114, food and vietuals, among other things, fit and necessary for the British fisheries in America, and imported in British ships into the place at or from whence the fishery is carried on, are duty free.

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[May be warehoused, without payment of daty, for exportation to the southern colonies.]

duty free.

Documents concerning the Relations between the United States and the Creek and Cherokee Indians.

Indian Talk. From the President of the United States to the Creek Indians, through Col.

each other to live in harmony and peace. Your game is destroyed, and many of your people will not work and till the earth. Beyond

Crowell. FRIENDS AND BROTHERS: By the great river Mississippi, where permission of the Great Spirit a part of your nation has gone, above, and the voice of the peo- your father has provided a counple, I have been made President try large enough for all of you, of the United States, and now and he advises you to remove to speak to you as your father and it. There your white brothers friend, and request you to listen. will not trouble you; they will Your warriors have known me have no claim to the land, and long. You know I love my white you can live upon it, you and all and red children, and always your children, as long as the grass speak with a straight, and not grows or the water runs, in peace with a forked tongue; that I have and plenty. It will be yours foralways told you the truth. I now ever. For the improvements in speak to you as to my children, the country where you now live, in the language of truth-Listen. and for all the stock which you cannot take with you, your father will pay you a fair price.

Your bad men have made my heart sicken and bleed by the murder of one of my white children in Georgia. Our peaceful mother earth has been stained by the blood of the white man, and calls for the punishment of his murderers, whose surrender is now demanded under the solemn obligation of the treaty which your Chiefs and warriors in council have agreed to. To prevent the spilling of more blood, you must surrender the murderers, and restore the property they have taken. To preserve peace, you must comply with your own treaty.

Friends and Brothers, listen: Where you now are, you and my white children are too near to

In my talk to you in the Creek nation, many years ago, I told you of this new country, where you might be preserved as a great nation, and where your white brothers would not disturb you. In that country your Father, the President, now promises to protect you, to feed you, and to shield you from all encroachment. Where you now live, your white brothers have always claimed the land. The land beyond the Mississippi belongs to the President, and to none else; and he will give it to you forever.

My children, listen. The late murder of one of my white children in Georgia, shows you that

you and they are too near to each other. These bad men must be now delivered up, and suffer the penalties of the law for the blood they have shed.

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I have sent my agent. and your friend Col. Crowell, to demand the surrender of the nurderers, and to consult with you upon the subject of your removing to the land I have provided for you west of the Mississippi, in order that my white and red children may live in peace, and that the land may not be stained with the blood of my children again. I have instructed Col. Crowell to speak the truth to you, and to assure you, that your Father, the President, will deal fairly and justly with you; and while he feels a Father's love for you, that he advises your whole nation to go to the place where he can protect and foster you. Should any incline to remain and come under the laws of Alabama, land will be laid off for them, and their families in fee.

My children listen. My white children in Alabama have extended their law over your country. If you remain in it, you must be subject to that law. If you remove across the Mississippi, you will be subject to your own laws, and the care of your Father the President. You will be treated with kindness, and the land will be yours forever.

Friends and Brothers, listen. This is a straight and good talk. It is for your nation's good, and your Father requests you to hear his counsel.


March 23, 1829.


Secretary of War to the
Cherokee Delegation.

Department of War,
April 18, 1829.

To Messrs. John Ross, Richard Taylor, Edward Gunter, and William S. Coody, Cherokee Delegation.

FRIENDS AND BROTHERS: Your letter of the 17th of February addressed to the late Secretary of War, has been brought to the notice of this Department, since the communication made to you on the 11th inst. and having conversed freely and fully with the President of the United States, I am directed by him to submit the following as the views which are entertained, in reference to the subjects which you have submitted for consideration.

You state that,' the Legislature of Georgia, in defiance of the laws of the United States, and the most solemn treaties existing,' have extended a jurisdiction over your nation, to take effect in June, 1830. That 'your nation had no voice in the formation of the confederacy of the Union, and has ever been unshackled with the laws of individual States, because independent of them;" and that consequently this act of Georgia is to be viewed in no other light than a wanton usurpation of power, guarantied to no State, neither. by the common law of the land, nor by the laws of nature.'

To all this, there is a plain and obvious answer, deducible from the known history of the country. During the war of the Revolution, your nation was the friend and ally of Great Britain: a power which then claimed entire sove

reignty within the limits of what of Hopewell, conceded to your constituted the thirteen United nation. The soil, and the use of States. By the Declaration of it, were suffered to remain with Independence, and, subsequently, you, while the sovereignty abided the treaty of 1783, all the rights precisely where it did before, in of sovereignty pertaining to Great those States within whose limits Britain became vested respectively you were situated. in the original States of the Union, Subsequent to this, your peoincluding North Carolina and ple were at enmity with the United Georgia, within whose territorial States, and waged a war upon limits, as defined and known, your our frontier settlements; a duranation was then situated. If, as ble peace was not entered into is the case, you have been per- with you until 1791. At that mitted to abide on your own lands period a good understanding obfrom that period to the present, tained, hostilities ceased, and by enjoying the right of soil and the treaty made and concluded, privilege to hunt, it is not thence your nation was placed under the to be inferred, that this was any- protection of our Government, thing more than a permission and a guarantee given, favorable growing out of compacts with to the occupancy and possession your nation; nor is it a circum- of your country. But the United stance whence now to deny to States, always mindful of the authose States the exercise of their thority of the States, even when original sovereignty. treating for what was so much desired, peace with their red brothers, forbore to offer a guarantee adverse to the sovereignty of Georgia. They could not do so; they had not the power.

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In the year 1785, three years after the independence of the States, which compose this Union, had been acknowledged by Great Britain, a treaty at Hopewell was concluded with your nation by the United States. The emphatic language it contains cannot be mistaken, commencing as follows: -The commissioners plenipotentiaries of the United States in Congress assembled, give peace to all the Cherokees, and receive them into favor and protection of the United States of America.' It proceeds then to allot and to define your limits and your hunting grounds. You were secured in the privilege of pursuing the game and from encroachments by the whites. No right, however, save a mere possessory one, is, by the provisions of the treaty

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At a more recent period, to wit, in 1802, the State of Georgia, defining her own proper limits, ceded to the United States all her western territory upon a condition, which was accepted, that the United States shall, at their own expense, extinguish for the use of Georgia, as early as the same can be peaceably obtained on reasonable terms, the Indian title to all the lands within the State of Georgia.' She did not ask the military arm of the Government to be employed, but in her mildness and forbearance, only, that the soil might be yielded to her, so soon as it could peaceably be obtained, and on

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