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necessary to a choice 81. The anti-administration candidates were all elected by an average majority of about 10 votes. On the ensuing day, Mr Hunton was qualified as governor, and transmitted a message to both branches of the legisla


The following are the principal topics recommended to their attention.

'The affairs of the State Prison at Thomaston, are said to demand of the legislature the most careful attention. Since the 13th of April, 1823, more than $70,000 have been drawn from the treasury of the state on account of this establishment: to which sum must be added the earnings of the convicts, to make an estimate of the total expense.' The Public Lands of the State are next mentioned as making one of the most important subjects of consideration that can be presented. There appear to have been inaccuracies and deficiencies in the surveys heretofore made on the part of the Government, which affect the sales and prices of the lands, and produce other unfavorable consequences, and some legislative remedy is called for. Original surveys should never be partial and imperfect, nor be farmed out by the job to the lowest bidder; increased care and expense in the beginning is in the end the greatest economy. In the public lands the present generation is intrusted with a fund of great value, and care must be taken that we do not leave to posterity little else but lawsuits to settle the boundaries of their farms, instead of those accumulated benefits which might be reasonably expected from so rich a patrimony.' The existing state of the very important question relating to our northeastern boundary, furnishes an urgent motive for placing in the archives of every State in the Union, a correct map of the territory of this State, as designated by the treaty of 1783. Adverting more fully to this question the Governor adds- Since the last session of the Legislature, copies of the commissions of the several Governors of the provinces of Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick from the year 1763 to 1786 inclusive, have been deposited in the Secretary's office by the Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary for the United States to the Court of

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the Netherlands, with a copy of " a map of the territory contained between the lines respectively contended for by the United States and Great Britain,as being the northeastern boundary of the U. S., in conformity to the treaty of peace of 1783." The copies of the commissions were obtained by the general government in 1828, and are the first copies in extenso of these documents which have ever existed in the United States. In the description of the boundaries of the Provinces adjoining this State, the same lines now claimed by us as the limits of our territory, are particularly laid down in these commissions, and none other.

'We cannot rationally suppose that a claim so unjust and sophistical in its character, as that raised by the British Government, to hold nearly a third part of the territory of Maine, as described by the treaty of 1783, can be supported, when the merits are fully understood, by any intelligent and impartial tribunal.'

The Governor expresses his confidence in the mediation to which the dispute is referred; but as the decision may not be definitely known for a year, care is advised that no waste of valuable timber be meantime permitted on the territory in dispute, nor aggressions on the citizens of the State allowed.

Early in the last year the agent of the Penobscot Indians, was directed by the Governor and Council, to procure some man to assist and instruct the tribe in agriculture, agreeably with their request and the condition of the treaty which has been made with them, instead of hiring persons by the day, to furnish their ploughing and other ox labor. A man has been employed to render such assistance and instruction as the treaty seemed to require. Although one year is not sufficient to test the utility of this method of managing the agricultural concerns of the tribe, yet nothing has appeared to discourage the undertaking.

Under the authority of the Resolve of the 7th of February last, a gentleman was appointed to negotiate with the Indians for two townships of land at the mouth of the Mattawamkeag river. The negotiation has proved unsuccessful, and the report of the agent is communicated herewith.'


Oct. 1829. A coal mine has been recently discovered in Bath, in this state, near the banks of the great AmE*

monoosuck, and but a few miles from the Connecticut river. Its product resembles the Lehigh coal.

March, 1830. Matthew Harvey was elected governor-votes for M. Harvey, (Jackson) 23,214 Timothy Upham, (anti-Jackson) 19,040 June 2d. The Legislature met at Concord on the 2d inst. In the Senate, Joseph M. Harper was chosen President; and Samuel Dinsmore, jun. Clerk. In the House of Representatives, James B. Thornton (lately appointed Second Comptroller of the United States Treasury, in the place of Mr Hill) was chosen Speaker,receiving 132 votes and Ichabod Bartlett (anti-Jackson) 86 votes.

Mr Isaac Hill was elected a senator of the United States for six years from the fourth March next, in place of Mr Woodbury who retired For Mr Hill, in the house of representatives 117, scattering 103-in the senate 9, scattering 3.

The militia returns for the year ending June, 1830, showed a force of Cavalry

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1.588 1,568 24,970 Riflemen 1,003 amounting in the whole to twentynine thousand one hundred and fortynine, and

an increase from the last year's return of two hundred and fortynine.

LEGISLATIVE BOUNTIES.-By the accounts of the Treasurer, it appears that in the year ending June 12, $2331, 60 were paid as bounties for the destruction of wolves, bears, wild-cats, and crows.

In 138 towns which made returns to the Legislature, there were 1679 paupers supported at an annual expense of $44,083, being an average of $26 25 cents each. The expense of litigation on questions relating to the settlement of paupers, amounted to $1172.

The expenses of the state of New Hampshire, for its last financial year were $47,807.

The number of convicts in the state prison at Concord on the 31st of May, 1830, was 54. The income of their labor the past year after deducting the cost of stock and tools, was, in the stone shop $3.298; smiths' shop $1,344; shoe shop $1,222; coopers' shop $95; tailors and weavers' shop $46; and received from visiters $190. Total $6,195. The expenditure for provisions, clothing, furniture, fuei, &c, &c, amounted to $4,037 leaving a net profit of $2,158.


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Lieutenant Governor.

Henry Olin (anti-Jackson)
Lyman Fitch (Jackson)

14,325 7,346 3,973 50

19,740 4,481

76 The Hon. D. A. A. Buck was chosen Speaker, and Timothy Merrill, Clerk. Norman Williams was appointed Secretary of State.

Samuel Prentiss was appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State.

The school fund of the State, on loan, amounts to $73,763 32; it having been increased $8,060 during the past year.

BANKS. It appears from the report of a Committee of the Legislature that the amount of paper in circulation by the several banks of the State, is $689,281. Specie and bills of other banks, and

deposits in Boston and New York, $428,820.

The Legislature terminated its session on the 30th of October. Little business was done out of the ordinary routine.— The following are enumerated as the measures of most importance:

A charter was granted to a company for constructing a canal through the val ley of Connecticut river, from the southern line of the state to lake Memphre magog, which is in continuation of one already begun from the tide waters of Long Island Sound. A company was also incorporated by the name of 'The Connecticut River Steam Boat Company.' Several bills were before the Assembly for further relief of poor debtors, which were generally unsuccessful.

The new act relative to the militia, provides for but one annual training in each year, for the inspection of arms, &c. and that musters and all other trainings and drills, are to be dispensed with; general, field and all other officers are to be retained as heretofore.

The whole expenditure of the State, including the salaries of the Governor and Judges, the pay of the Legislature, and the expense for schools and prisons,

&c., is said to be under fifty two thousand dollars; of which forty thousand dollars are raised by taxes.

In the council of Vermont this session, there were 5 attorneys, 3 merchants, 1 manufacturer, and 3 farmers.

In the house of representatives, 17 merchants, 7 manufacturers, 2 mechanics, 1 mail contractor, 20 attorneys, 5 clergymen, 6 physicians, and 164 far


THE CONNECTICUT RIVER. A steam-boat bearing the name of the state, Vermont, arrived at Winsor, October,5, and the event was celebrated by ringing the bells and a salute of artillery.

April, 1830. A branch of the bank of the United States was established at Burlington and Heman Allen chosen President

BANKS.-There are eight Banks in this State. The following is a statement of their condition. Whole amount of Stock paid


2,400 1,083,593 3,397 48,313

District schools, (about)
Acres of taxable land,
Mills, stores, and distilleries
Number of oxen,
Cows and other cattle, 3 yrs old, 121,400
Cattle of 2 years old,
Whole number of sheep, 725,965

COPPERAS.-On Mill river, in the township of Shrewsbury, is an entensive mine of the sulphuret of iron, from which is obtained the first quality of copperas. The bed is situated upon the southern side of a very high and abrupt mountain, on solid ledges of rocks, and was discovered by a Mr Robinson, a few years since, who sold it the last season to the Vermont mineral factory company, for the sum of five thousand dollars. This company, residing principally in Boston,have been engaged in the manufacture of copperas for twentyfive years past, at Strafford. They commenced the manufacture of a small quantity of it here in the fall of 1828, but lately were making a ton and a half per day, which was calculated to be extended to the manufacturing of three tons in the same length of time. The buildings and utensils prepared for the manufacture and the process of obtaining it, are of the following description: the factory edifice is one hundred and forty feet in length and seventytwo in width; which together with a house and other buildings, compose the entire establishment. The ore is covered with a reddish soil intermixed with stones of 16,170 from one to three feet in depth. Below 260,679 this covering of earth appears the bed of 235,749 sulphuret of iron; it is very compact and 3,420 diversified in its appearance, with vari885 ous colors, and is raised by blasting, the 151 large masses of which have to be pound49 ed to pieces with hammers, when it is 2 thrown together in large piles of several 35 feet in height.

$393,000 00 Deposits and dividends due, 107,000 00 Bills in circulation, 751,000 00 Funds and Property on Hand. Notes discounted. 793,000 00 Specie, bills of other banks, and deposits out of state, 506,202 05 Real estate, 26,205 97 STATISTICS.-Number of gentlemen who have officiated as governors, 10 Whole number of the militia, Number of militia returned as equipped,

Population of the state in 1830,

Population in 1820,

Free colored persons,

Aliens in the state in 1830,

Deaf and dumb,

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Sept. 1829. Lowell is the greatest manufacturing village in the U.S. It is situated at the confluence of the Concord and Merrimac rivers. The soil is sandy, unfit for cultivation, but the water privileges have rendered the spot admirably adapted to the establishment of factories. There are four companies, viz. Merrimac, Hamilton, Appleton, and Lowell. The Merrimac company is the most wealthy and extensive. It consists of four splendid brick 6 and 5 story buildings, besides dying, printing and several other necessary establishments. There are upwards of twenty thousand spindles

in constant operation. The buildings are fifty feet distant from each other, and to prevent the communication of fire, they have now resorted to sheet iron window blinds, so that no wood work is exposed to the contact of flames or heat. The printing works are most admirable for their ingenuity and rapid execution: block printing is laid aside except in some indispensable cases. The process is now by means of beautifully polished brass cylinders which have upon them the stamp which is to be transferred to the cloth. A manufactory of carpets is now put into effect, though its origin is very

recent. Kidderminster and Brussels, have already been woven. Three men are required to perform the weaving; about three yards only can be worked in a day.

About five thousand persons are em ployed in all these factories, of every age and sex. The females are paid in proportion to their industry. The average wages are $1 75 per week besides board, which costs $1 25. The men mostly receive $1 per diem; monthly payments are made to every individual.

1830. The city debt of Boston amount ed at the commencement of the year to $883,631. Bonds and securities due the city, $257,241.

The legislature held its prorogued session on the 6th of January, and Governor Lincoln transmitted his message the same day to both houses.

The following are the chief topics of interest alluded to.


Respecting the militia system, he observes, 'the period seems to have arrived, when the claims of more than fifty thousand of our fellow-citizens to be relieved from unequal and onerous burdens, under the present Militia Laws of the Commonwealth, will not admit of further postponement. A militia system, how of a modified and improved character, better adapted to the feelings of the people, and conformed to the original design of the institution, can never, with safety, it is believed, be dispensed with. In all periods of the world, and under every form of government, an organized physical force, of some description, has been found necessary, for the maintenance of internal quiet, and for protection from external danger.

'A proposition, which sometimes has been made, to dispense by Law, with all military parade, instead of amending the system, would utterly destroy the institution. Besides, the paramount laws of the United States, on this subject, would be violated, or evaded, in all their provisions, by the effects of such state legis lation. The arrangement of the militia, required by these statues, into divisions and distinctions of minor corps, would soon be destroyed, and the obligations of enrolment and equipment, instruction in tactics, inspections, and returns, cease to be performed.

"The essential alterations in accordance with the laws of the United States, which have occurred to me, as promising to equalize,in the most satisfactory manner, the still necessary burdens of militia service, and remove the strongest objections to the present system, are to increase the penalties for neglect of duty to such ex

tent, as better to enforce the obligations to its personal performance in the Train Bands, by those of whom it is required; to extend conditional exemption to minors and enrolled persons above the age of thirty; and to repeal, altogether, the provision for the payment of money as part of the condition of exemption.'

He also states, that the affairs of the State Prison have reached a promising point of improvement. The new prison building was completed in Oct. and the convicts were immediately removed thither. A more steady and strict discipline was introduced, and the experiment has commenced of the effect of entire solitude in confinement by night, and silent and constant inspection at labor by day; and there is reason to expect, that the Prison, after the expenses already incurred, will cease to be a tax upon the Treasury. The annual statement of accounts made up to the first of October, exhibits a balance of expenses in the support and government of the convicts, beyond their earnings of $8,396 43; less by almost four thousand dollars than the preceding year.

"The interest of the Commonwealth in the public lands in Maine, continues to be satisfactorily and advantageously managed by the Agent of the Government. The sales of land and timber the last year have amounted to $21,129 29, for which the agent has accounted with the Treas ury.'"

Some measures are recommended for the preservation of the Lumber trade of the state, which has been affected by the changes growing out of the separation of Maine from Massachusetts.

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By far the greater part of the boards, plank, joist and building timber, used in our commercial towns, and nearly all exported thence to foreign countries, is first obtained from the state of Maine.

The annual accounts of the State Treasury, made up to the first inst. present a result, similar to that of several preceding years, in a deficit of the ordinary revenue to meet the expenditures of the Government The debt of the Commonwealth to the Banks, is $107, 300, and to prevent its accumulation, an annual tax of moderate amount will be required.

The expenditures of the last five years for the State House, amounting to $30,000, and for the new prison at Charlestown, to $80,000, form together an ag gregate exceeding the present debt of the State.'

The subject of the mauufacturing interest, in which Massachusetts is so much concerned, is next considered at length.

From the Governor's observations we select the more important parts.

"The melancholy experience of the past year has put to the test, the policy of the laws of the Commonwealth, in relation to Manufacturing Corporations. The worst effect which had been anticipated from these statues, was, that capital would, thereby, be driven for investment in manufactures, without the state, but they have been found to work a far greater mischief than this, within. Proprietorship is attended with overwhelming responsibilities. The amount of private interest measures no degrees of personal liability, short of the whole debt of the Corporation; and instances, numerous and distressing, are presented, of fortunes made bankrupt, and families suddenly and unexpectedly reduced to poverty and wretchedness, as a consequence of the most inconsiderable contributions to manufacturing capital.

In the present state of things, the credit of Corporations and Stockholders is equally destroyed, and for all the purposes of trade, the whole capital invested in manufactures, is lost. So universal has become the distrust of this species of property, from the unlimited and tremendous responsibilities which attend its possession, that it has almost ceased to be transferable in the market, upon any consideration. The stock of the Corporation is discredited and depreciated, be cause it attaches personal liabilities to proprietors, and the personal credit of proprietors is distrusted, in turn, because of their stock in Corporations. If no limitation of liability is hereafter to protect them from danger of loss in corporations, beyond their respective proportions in the stock, their engagements in them will cease, and the manufacturing interest, to a great extent, must be abandoned in Massachusetts.'

The appropriation of the State for educating its deaf and dumb at the American Asylum,now amount to $6,500 annually. All are invited to avail themselves of the opportunity, yet but rine applications have been preferred during the year. The number being so unexpectedly small, twentythree of the class whose term was about to expire, and who were most distinguished for talents and proficiency in acquirement were permitted to remain another year. The whole number now at the Asylum, on the charge of the state, is fortyfive less by eleven than might be supported under the appropriation. There is good reason, from many circumstances, to believe, that when these shall have com

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Salaries of public officers,
Pay of councillors,

senators, representatives, Roll of accounts, County treasurer's balances of accounts, Principal and interest of 5 per cent. debt, Adjutant general and quarter

master's department, Agricultural societies, Education of deaf and dumb, Pensioners and wounded soldiers, Miscellaneous, Banks, repayment of loans, interest on do. Cash in the treasury, January 1, 1830.

17,981 49

997 19 1,569 67

1,271 52

291 75

229 02 205,300 00,

490,968 83

$55,525 62

1,836 00

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168,000 00 5,946 46.

29,026 38 $490,968 83 MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL RETURNS.By the returns from one hundred and thirtyone towns, presented to the legis lature, it appears that the amount annually paid in those towns for public schools, is $177,206 82, and the number of scholars receiving instruction is 70,599. The number of pupils attending private schools in the same towns, is 12,393, at an expense of $170,342 96. The number of persons in those towns, be tween the ages of fourteen and twentyone,who are unable to read er write, is 58.

In the town of Hancock, Berkshire county, there are only three persons be tween the ages of fourteen and twenty,

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