ZANZIBAR. (SEE MUSCAT.) TREATY AS TO DUTIES ON LIQUORS AND CONSULAR POWERS. Concluded July 3, 1886; ratification advised by the Senate, with amendments, April 12, 1888; ratified by the President April 20, 1888; ratifications exchanged June 29, 1888; proclaimed August 17, 1888. (Treaties and Conventions, 1889, p. 1209.) I. Duty on liquors. II. Consular powers. ARTICLES. III. Ratification. The Government of the United States of America and His Highness Barghash bin Said Sultan of Zanzibar, being mutually desirous to confirm and strengthen the friendly relations which now subsist between the two countries by enlarging and defining the treaty stipulations already existing between them in virtue of the Treaty1 concluded on the 21st of September 1833, corresponding to the sixth day of the moon called Jamada Alawel in the year of the Allhajia 1249, between the United States of America and His Majesty Seyed Syed bin Sultan of Muscat (and Sovereign of Zanzibar), which Treaty has continued in force as to Zanzibar, and its dependencies after the separation of Zanzibar from Muscat, and has been expressly accepted, ratified and confirmed by His said Highness Barghash bin Saiid, Sultan of Zanzibar on the 20th of October 1879, corresponding to the 4th Zulkaadi, 1296, have resolved to conclude an additional treaty to that end and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries to wit: The President of the United States of America, Frederic M. Cheney, Consul of the United States at Zanzibar, and His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar his private secretary Mohamet Salim bin Mahommed Al Mavli, who having exhibited to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles. ARTICLE I. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article III of the treaty abovementioned, by which no more than five per centum duties shall be paid on the cargo landed from vessels of the United States entering any port within His Highness the Sultan's dominions, spirits and spirituous liquors containing more than 20 per centum by volume of alcohol, when imported into the dominions of His Highness the Sultan from abroad in vessels of the United States shall be subject to an 'See Treaty of 1833, p. 435. entry or import duty not exceeding 25 per centum ad valorem. Provided that no other or higher import duties shall be so levied and collected upon spirits carried to Zanzibar in vessels of the United States than are levied and collected upon like imports of spirits in the vessels of any other nation. ARTICLE II. The Consuls of the United States appointed under the stipulations of the IXth article of the Treaty abovementioned, shall in addition to the rights, powers and immunities secured by said article, enjoy all the rights, privileges, immunities and jurisdictional powers which are now or may hereafter be enjoyed by the Consuls and Consular Agents of the most favored nations and conversely, the Consuls and Consular Agents which His Highness the Sultan may appoint to reside in the United States shall have the treatment of Agents of like grade of the most favored nation. ARTICLE III. This treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications exchanged at Zanzibar, as soon as possible. Done in duplicate each copy being in the English and Arabic languages, at Zanzibar the third day of July 1886, corresponding to the thirtieth day of the moon called Ramajan in the year of the Hegira, 1303. FREDERIC M. CHENEY, [SEAL] U. S. Consul. MOHAMET SALIM BIN MAHOMMED ALI MAVLI. [SEAL] INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND ACTS TO WHICH THE UNITED STATES IS A PARTY. 1864. AMELIORATION OF THE CONDITION OF THE WOUNDED IN TIME OF WAR. Concluded at Geneva, Switzerland, August 22, 1864; ratifications exchanged by original signatories June 22, 1865; adhesion declared by the President March 1, 1882; accession advised by the Senate March 16, 1882; adhesion accepted by the Swiss Confederation June 9, 1882; proclaimed July 26, 1882. (Treaties and Conventions, 1889, (The President's ratification of the act of accession, as transmitted to Berne and exchanged for the ratifications of the other signatory and adhesory powers, embraces the French text of the convention of August 22, 1864, and the additional articles of October 20, 1868. The French text is, therefore, for all international purposes, the standard one. The text printed here is from the proclamation of the President. The adhesion of the following States has been communicated: Sweden, December 13, 1864; Greece, January 5-17, 1865; Great Britain, February 18, 1865; Mecklenburg-Schwerin, March 9, 1865; Turkey, July 5, 1865; Wurttemberg. June 2, 1866; Hesse, June 22, 1866; Bavaria, June 30, 1866; Austria, July 21, 1866; Russia, May 10-22. 1867; Persia, December 5, 1874; Roumania, November 18-30, 1874; Salvador, December 30, 1874; Montenegro, November 17-29, 1875; Servia, March 24, 1879; Bolivia, October 16, 1879; Chile, November 15, 1879; Argentine Republic, November 25, 1879; Peru, April 22, 1880.) ARTICLES. I. Neutrality of ambulances and hos- II. Neutrality of hospital employees. IV. Equipment. V. Neutrality of persons caring for the wounded. VI. Care of sick and wounded; evacuations. VII. Flag and arm-badge. VIII. Regulation of details of execu- IX. Accession of other countries. The Swiss Confederation; His Royal Highness the Grand-Duke of Baden; His Majesty the King of the Belgians; His Majesty the King of Denmark; Her Majesty the Queen of Spain; His Majesty the Emperor of the French; His Royal Highness the Grand-Duke of Hesse; His Majesty the King of Italy; His Majesty the King of the Netherlands; His Majesty the King of Portugal and of the Algarves; His Majesty the King of Prussia; His Majesty the King of Würtemberg, being equally animated with the desire to soften, as much as depends on them, the evils of warfare, to suppress its useless hardships and |