Gambar halaman

in their respec-children, or women, and bind them to some useful avoca

tive counties.

Master is re

er 3 months

each year to school.


SEC. 4. The master to whom the indenture is made, quired to sendis hereby required to send said apprentice to school, if Indian prison-there be a school in the district, or vicinity, for the term of three months in each year; and at a time when said In Idian child shall be between the ages of seven years and sixteen. The master shall clothe his apprentice in a comTo clothe themfortable and becoming manner, according to his, said mascomfortably. ters, condition in life.

Approved, March 6, 1852.

dians in vicin


SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Indian traders Assembly of the Territory of Utah, That if any Indian assembling in-trader or traders, shall by any notice, or previous arity of white rangement, assemble or cause to be'assembled, any number settlements. of Indians, within the neighborhood, or immediate vicinity of any white settlement in this Territory, for the purpose of trading with them, to the annoyance of the citizens, or any neighborhood in this Territory, he shall be considered as breaking the peace, and may be proceeded against by any citizen of this Territory, in a suit at law, and may be fined in any sum not less than twenty five dollars, nor exceeding one thousand dollars, at the disdiscretion of the Court having jurisdiction. Approved March 3d, 1852.



SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative As-` sembly of the Territory of Utah, That the office of county


surveyor, be and hereby is created; and that there shall County survey be a county surveyor, to be elected in each county, by the qualified voters at the next general election, whose term of office shall be two years, and until his successor in office shall be qualified.


SEC. 2. The county surveyor shall before entering up-Bond and seen on the duties of his office, take an oath of office and give' bonds, and security to be approved by the Probate Judge, and to be filed in the office of the clerk of the Probate Court.

to be trans

SEC. 3. The county surveyor shall within thirty days Copies of sur after completing any survey, make true copies, or dia-mitted to sur grams of the same, and transmit one to the surveyor gen-veyor general. eral, and one to the county recorder; and give a certificate of such survey, to the person for whom it was made, describing the tract, block or lot, and number of acres contained; and such certificate shall be title of possession Certificate. to the person or persons holding the same.

SEC. 4. Where any survey has been made within thisFirst resurvey. Territory, and the bounds cannot be identified, and disputes arise between rightful claimants, respecting said line and bounds, the parties so in dispute, or either of them, may, by notifying the other party, of his, her, or their intention, have a re-survey of the said lands so in dispute, to be re-surveyed by either the surveyor general, or the county surveyor, at the option of the party, or parties so requiring such re-survey. Should the parties or either of them be dissatisfied with such re-survey, they, or either of them, may, at his, her, or their expense, have another re-survey by both the surveyor general and county sur-vey. veyor, whose duty it shall be to make the re-survey as near like the former survey as they can, and such re-survey shall be final, and establish such bounds.

Second re sur

SEC. 5. Where any transfer shall be made of any Transfer of surveyed lands, or part or parts thereof, it shall be thelands. duty of the transferer, to certify in writing such transfer to the person to whom the transfer is made, with a full description of what part or parts, how much or length of line or lines, and number of acres, and the person persons, to whom transferred; to legalize a claim to such land, shall within thirty days thereafter cause such transfer to be recorded in the county recorder's office.



SEC 6. If any surveyor shall survey land or lands for

Survey may bethe purpose of cultivation, where to irrigate it, would rob other previously cultivated lands of the needful portion of water, such last survey shall be void for cultivating purposes.

in rela

Sec. 7. Whenever a surveyor shall survey a piece of Sylland, for a joint enclosure, he shall plot, and number the tion to fence. fence around the survey, noting the length of each persons portion of fence.

be transferred

SEC. 8. All books, records, plots, and papers of surveys Books&c. must made within the Territory, kept by, and in the possession to successor. of the surveyor general appertaining to his office, are hereby made the property of the said Territory, and it shall be his duty to transmit the same to his successor in office.

SEC. 9. Surveyors' fees shall be regulated as follows: For surveying twenty acres,


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thirty acres,


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one hundred and sixty acres,




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Governor to


three hundred and twenty acres,
six hundred and forty acres,

and for traveling to and from, ten cents per mile: Provi-
ded, That if more than one piece is surveyed at the same
time, in the same place and journey, the taveling fees for
mileage shall be apportioned according to equity: Pro-
vided, That the route to survey through, shall be bad, and
rough, in such case, the surveyor shall be allowed to
charge in proportion, to make it equal to a good route.

SEC. 10. The Governor is hereby authorized to appoint appoint county and commission the contemplated county surveyors of this Territory, who shall continue in office during the pleasure of the Governor, or until the next general election. Approved March 3, 1852.


SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, That the foreman of all Grand Juries while in session within this Territory, are, Foreшan may hereby authorized to issue process, and compel the at-issue process to tendance of witnesses, to give evidence in any matter ofcompel the at inquiry before said Grand Jury; and the foreman may witness and ad administer oaths or affirmations to the witnesses thus in' attendance.

'tendance of

minister oath.

attend or re

SEC. 2. That if any person or persons, after being duly notified (as contemplated in the first section of this act,) Persons fail to shall fail to attend, or shall wilfully refuse to testify, shallfuse to testify, be subject to such penalties as are, or may be hereafter provided by law, regulating the courts of this Terri

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how punished.

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how made.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, That it shall be the duty of the county court in each county, to divide, or cause to School districts be divided, their respective counties into proper schoolschool trustees districts, and cause to be elected by the qualified votershow elected: in each district, three trustees, who may appoint theirpoint a clerk. own clerk.

they may ap

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the trustees so elected Duty of trus to superintend the school in their respective districts; also tees and clerk the erection of school houses, the furnishing of fuel &c. It shall be the duty of their clerk to keep and preserve their records, and report to the county court at their first session in each year, the number of scholars in their respective districts.

appoint board

SEC. 3. It shall further be the duty of the county courtCounty court to appoint in their respective counties a board of examin-of managera ation, to consist of three competent men, whose duty it shall their duties

be to hear and determine the qualifications of school teachers, and all applicants of a good moral character that are considered competent, shall receive a certificate to that effect, signed by the board.

SEC. 4. That the trustees so elected shall have power to assess and collect a Tax upon all taxable property in sess and collectsaid district, for the purpose of building and keeping in repair suitable school houses, in their respective districts.

Brustee to as

In order to complete the collection of the Tax, in case of the refusal of any person to pay the Tax assessed, upon To pay taxes being duly notified thereto, the trustees have power to may dispose ofdispose of personal and real estate, and any conveyance made upon such sale shall be deemed valid. Approved March 3d, 1852.

personal & real



SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, That a Librarian shall be Librarian, howelected by a joint vote of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, whose duty it shall be to take charge of the Library, (known in law as the Utah Library) as hereinafter prescribed.


Qualify & give)


SEC. 2. Said Librarian shall hold his office during the Term of office term of two years, or until his successor is appointed, and shall give bonds for the faithful discharge of his duties in the sum of six thousand dollars, and file the same in the office of Secretary of the Territory before entering upon his duties, who may also appoint a deputy as occasion reMay appoint quires to act in his stead under the same restrictions as the principal Librarian.


Duty of Libra


SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Librarian to cause to be printed at as early a date as practicable, a full and accurate catalogue of all books, maps, globes, charts, papers, apparatus and valuable specimens in any way belonging to said Library; also to use diligent efforts to preserve from waste, loss or damage, any portion of said Library.

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