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I thank thee for protecting me through the dangers of the past night, and for restoring to me the free and full exercise of my mental and bodily powers this morning. Of these powers may the act of devotion which I have now been performing, dispose and enable me to make a better use than I have hitherto done; and whenever they shall be suspended by death, may I sleep in Jesus, qualified to enter with him at his return into the joys of thy heavenly kingdom.

Accept, most gracious Father! this my morning oblation of thanksgiving and praise for all the manifestations of thy goodness towards me-keep me through the remaining part of the present uncertain life, in the constant fear and love of thee, and finally introduce me to a life of endless duration and felicity beyond the grave. Amen.


O GREAT and good, eternal and all-seeing God! my creator, preserver, and benefactor, through whom I live, by whose presence !

am always, at all times and in all places, surrounded. Thou hast crowned another day with thy goodness. My days, as they revolve, bear testimony to thy presence and benevolence; to thy kind care, keeping me from many dangers; to thy bounty, supplying my wants; to thy patience and forbearance, giving me further time for repentance; to thy merciful designs for my everlasting happiness, providing the means and hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

It becometh me to take shame to myself, not only for every instance wherein I have openly violated thy law or neglected my duty, but for all the secret faults I have committed ; for all the evil imaginations which I have wilfully entertained. Under a humiliating sense of unworthiness and guilt, I rejoice in thee, the Father of mercies, and in the assurance of thy free pardon and acceptance, upon confessing and forsaking our sins, which thou hast given us in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pardon, good Lord, whatever hath been amiss in my temper and conduct, through this day. With a humble hope in thy mercy, I would compose myself to sleep. I devoutly and

cheerfully rely on thy continued protection, through the hours of insensibility and dark


May I awake, in the morning, refreshed by the calm slumbers of the night, and still find myself blessed with thy favour, and guarded by thy powerful protection. Dispose me, when the morning opens, to devote myself again to thy service, and to thy praise. May thy precepts rule and govern me. May thy promises comfort me, and animate me to the practice of all piety and virtue. May the example of Jesus, thy holy and beloved servant, the minister of thy truth and mercy, and our Lord and master, be always in my contemplation. May I follow him in zeal for thy honour, in love to mankind, and in doing good. May it be my glory and happiness to be approved of thee, the omniscient witness of my conduct, as his true disciple; and when he, who brought life and immortality to light by his gospel, shall appear again at the end of the world, may I also appear with him in glory.

May the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ spread every where knowledge and truth, and

prevail in its purity and simplicity. Bless my country, and show thyself the watchful guardian of its rights and liberties. Comfort, O God of consolation, the afflicted. Encompass with thy favour my friends and relations. May my life, while I am passing through this world, be always directed towards heaven. And, finally, grant to me a joyful entrance into thy glorious and everlasting kingdom, through Jesus Christ, the truth and the life: for whom, and for all the blessings of his ministry and gospel, be given unto thee, the Father of mercies, everlasting praises. Amen.


Upon the Plan of the LORD'S PRAYER.

ALMIGHTY and most gracious God! Thy throne is established in heaven, and thy supreme, unlimited dominion will eternally endure; for thou art the God and Father of all. I esteem it my highest honour, and the foundation of all my happiness, that I am permitted to call thee my Father, and encouraged

to address my devotions to thee, under that most venerable and endearing name. I desire therefore, with the profoundest reverence and adoration, and with true filial piety and affec tion, to present myself before thee, and to direct the whole attention of my mind to thee, the most high and only God, the most benevolent and wise Parent of the universe, from whom every blessing most freely descends; and with whom there is no variableness, nor shadow of turning. In all the works of thy hands, in the heavens above, in the earth beneath, in the infinite variety of thy creatures around me, and in my own stupendous frame, and structure of body and mind, thy perfections, O God, are displayed in such a light, as strikes me with the highest admiration, and possesses my heart with the deepest sentiments of reverence and gratitude to thee.

May thy great name be universally known and adored; that thy almighty power, thy infinite wisdom, and all-comprehending goodness, may be duly acknowledged, and celebrated by all thy intelligent creatures. Even inanimate nature silently praises thee, by the glorious and magnificent appearance which it

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