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not inspec

R. S., 4409.

visions of this Title according to the true intent and mean-
ing thereof; and they shall, as far as practicable, harmonize
differences of opinion existing in different local boards.
The supervising inspector shall visit any collection dis- Districts
trict in which there is at any time no board of inspectors, tors.
and within which steam-vessels are owned or employed.
Each supervising inspector shall have full power in any
such district, or in any district where, from distance or
other cause, it is inconvenient to resort to the local board,
to inspect any steam-vessel and the boilers of such
steamer, and to grant certificates of approval, and to do
and perform all the duties imposed upon local boards.
Each supervising inspector shall report, in writing, at
the end of each fiscal year to the Supervising Inspector
General the general business transacted in his district
during the year, embracing all violations of the laws Stat., 116).
regulating vessels, and the action taken in relation to the
same; all investigations and decisions by local inspectors;
and all cases of appeal and the result thereof. The board
shall examine into all the acts of each supervising in-
spector and local board, and all complaints made against
the same, in relation to the performance of their duties
under the law, and the judgment of the board in each case
shall be entered upon their journal; and the board shall,
as far as possible, correct mistakes where they exist.

Annual reports spectors.

of supervising in

R. S., 4410.

May 22, 1912 (37

to furnishing in


The board of supervising inspectors shall establish such, Regulations as regulations as may be necessary to make known in a formation to local proper manner, to local inspectors, the names of all per-p. S.,4411. sons licensed under the provisions of this Title, the names of all persons from whom licenses have been withheld, and the names of all whose licenses have been suspended or revoked; also the names of all steam-vessels neglecting or refusing to make such repairs as may be ordered pursuant to law, and the names of all that have been refused certificates of inspection.

to steamers pass

R. S., 4412.

The board of supervising inspectors shall establish, Regulations as such regulations to be observed by all steam-vessels in ing. passing each other, as they shall from time to time deem necessary for safety; two printed copies of such regulations, signed by them, shall be furnished to each of such vessels, and shall at all times be kept posted up in conspicuous places in such vessels.

lation of regula

2 Every pilot, engineer, mate, or master of any steam-, Penalty for viovessel who neglects or willfully refuses to observe the tions. regulations established in pursuance of the preceding section, shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars, and for

1 Section 4412 is limited by section 5 of the act of June 7, 1897, to the Red River of the North and rivers emptying into the Gulf of Mexico, and their tributaries; and superseded by section 2 of said act, applying to the inland waters of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts; and superseded by section 3 of the act of February 8, 1895, applying to the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as Montreal.

2 Section 4413 is limited by section 5 of the act of June 7, 1897, to the Red River of the North and rivers emptying into the Gulf of Mexico and their tributaries, and the Great Lakes and their connecting and tributary waters as far east as Montreal; and superseded by section 3 of said act, applying to the inland waters of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

R. S., 4413.

Number of local inspectors. R. S., 4414.

Stat., 354).

(26 Stat., 292).

Stat., 699).

Stat., 843).

Feb. 15, 1897 (29 Stat., 530).

Stat., 360).

Stat., 262).

all damages sustained by any passenger, in his person or baggage, by such neglect or refusal.

1 There shall be in each of the following collection districts, namely, the districts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Jan. 1887 (24 San Francisco, California; New London, Connecticut; July 26, 1890 Baltimore, Maryland; Detroit, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Mar. 1, 1895 (28 Bangor, Maine; New Haven, Connecticut; Michigan, MichMar. 2, 1895 (28 igan; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Willamette, Oregon; Puget Sound, Washington; Savannah, Georgia; Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Oswego, New York; Charleston, South Apr. 21, 1898 (30 Carolina; Duluth, Minnesota; Superior, Michigan; ApaJune 2, 1900 (31 lachicola, Florida; Galveston, Texas; Mobile, Alabama; Mar. 3, 1905 (33 Providence, Rhode Island, and in each of the following Apr. 9, 1906 (34 ports: New York, New York; Jacksonville, Florida; Portland, Maine; Boston, Massachusetts; Buffalo, New York; Cleveland, Ohio; Toledo, Ohio; Norfolk, Virginia; Evansville, Indiana; Dubuque, Iowa; Louisville, Kentucky; Albany, New York; Cincinnati, Ohio; Memphis, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennessee; Saint Louis, Missouri; Port Mar. 4, 1918 (87 Huron, Michigan; New Orleans, Louisiana; Los Angeles, California; Juneau, Alaska; Saint Michael, Alaska; Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and Burlington, Vermont; HonMay 28, 1908 (35 olulu, Hawaii, and San Juan, Porto Rico, one inspector of hulls and one inspector of boilers.

Stat., 1026).

Stat., 106).

Stat., 1013).

Stat., 428).

Salaries of local inspectors.

The inspectors of hulls and the inspectors of boilers in the districts and ports enumerated in the preceding paragraph shall be entitled to the following salaries, to be paid under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce, namely:

For the port of New York, New York, at the rate of two thousand five hundred dollars per year for each local inspector.

For the districts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; San Francisco, California, and Puget Sound, Washington, and the ports of Boston, Massachusetts; Buffalo, New York, and New Orleans, Louisiana, at the rate of two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per year for each local inspector.

For the districts of Michigan, Michigan; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Duluth, Minnesota; Providence, Rhode Island; Chicago, Illinois, and the ports of Albany, New Mar. 4, 1913 (37 York; Cleveland, Ohio; Portland, Maine; Los Angeles, California; Juneau, Alaska; Saint Michael, Alaska, and May 28, 1908 (35 Norfolk, Virginia; Honolulu, Hawaii, and San Juan, Porto Rico, at the rate of two thousand dollars per year for each local inspector.

Stat., 1013).

Stat., 428).

For the districts of Oswego, New York; Willamette, Oregon; Detroit, Michigan, and Mobile, Alabama, and the ports of Saint Louis, Missouri, and Port Huron,

1 The salaries of all officers and clerks of the Steamboat-Inspection Service are provided for in the annual appropriation acts of Congress, and appropriations for clerk hire are limited in the aggregate and to a salary not exceeding $1,500 a year to each person appointed as clerk.

Michigan, at the rate of one thousand eight hundred dollars per year for each local inspector.

Assistant in

For the districts of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; New Haven, Connecticut; Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; Galveston, Texas; New London, Connecticut; Superior, Michigan; Bangor, Maine, and Apalachicola, Florida, and the ports of Dubuque, Iowa; Toledo, Ohio; Evansville, Indiana; Memphis, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennessee; Point Pleasant, West Virginia; Burlington, Vermont; Jacksonville, Florida; Louisville, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, Ohio, at the rate of one thousand five hundred dollars per year for each local inspector. And in addition the Secretary of Commerce may ap- spectors. point, in districts or ports where there are two hundred and twenty-five steamers and upward to be inspected annually, assistant inspectors, at a salary, for the port of New York, of two thousand dollars a year each; for the port of New Orleans, Louisiana; the districts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Maryland; the ports of Boston, Massachusetts; Chicago, Illinois, and the district of San Francisco, California, at one thousand eight hundred dollars per year each, and for all other districts and ports at a salary not exceeding, one thousand six hundred dollars a year each; and he may appoint a clerk to any such board at a compensation not exceeding one thousand six hundred dollars a year to each person so appointed. Every inspector provided for in this or the preceding sections of this title shall be paid his actual and reasonable traveling expenses or mileage, at the rate of five cents a mile, incurred in the performance of his duties, together with his actual and reasonable expenses for transportation of instruments, which shall be certified and sworn to under such instructions as shall be given by the Secretary of Commerce.


Assistant inspectors, appointed as provided by law, shall perform such duties of actual inspection as may be assigned to them under the direction, supervision, and control of the local inspectors.

And the Secretary of Commerce may from time to Mileage, etc. time detail said assistant inspectors of one port or district for service in any other port or district, as the needs of the Steamboat-Inspection Service may, in his discretion, require, and the actual and reasonable traveling expenses or mileage of assistant inspectors so detailed shall, subject to such limitations as the said Secretary may in his discretion prescribe, be paid in the same manner as provided in this section for inspectors.



The inspector of hulls shall be a person of good char- and appointment acter and suitable qualifications and attainments to per- of local inspec form the services required of an inspector of hulls, who R. S., 4415. from his practical knowledge of shipbuilding and navi- Stat., 1028). gation and the uses of steam in navigation is fully competent to make a reliable estimate of the strength, sea

1 See note, page 172.

Mar. 3, 1905 (33

worthiness, and other qualities of the hulls of vessels and their equipment deemed essential to safety of life in their navigation; and the inspector of boilers shall be a person of good character and suitable qualifications and attainments to perform the services required of an inspector of boilers, who from his knowledge and experience of the duties of an engineer employed in navigating vessels by steam, and also of the construction and use of boilers, and machinery and appurtenances therewith connected, is able to form a reliable opinion of the strength, form, workmanship, and suitableness of boilers and machinery to be employed, without hazard to life from imperfection in the material, workmanship, or arrangement of any Local boards. part of such apparatus for steaming. The inspector of hulls and the inspector of boilers designated by the Secretary of Commerce shall, from the date of designation, constitute a board of local inspectors.

What persons are not eligible.

R. S., 4416.

Stat., 1029).

No person interested, either directly or indirectly, in any patented article required to be used on any steamer Mar. 3, 1905 (33 by this title, or who is a member of any association of owners, masters, engineers, or pilots of steamboats, or who is, directly or indirectly, pecuniarily interested in any steam vessel, or who has not the qualifications and acquirements prescribed by this title, or who is intemperate in his habits, shall be eligible to hold the office of either supervising, local, or assistant inspector, or to discharge the duties thereof; and if any such person shall attempt to exercise the functions of the office of either inspector he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of five hundred dollars, and shall be dismissed from office.



R. S., 4417.


The local inspectors shall, once in every year, at least; Steam vessels. carefully inspect the hull of each steam vessel within their respective districts, and shall satisfy themselves that every such vessel so submitted to their inspection is of a structure suitable for the service in which she is to be employed, has suitable accommodations for passengers and the crew, and is in a condition to warrant the belief that she may be used in navigation as a steamer, with safety to life, and that all the requirements of law in regard to fires, boats, pumps, hose, life-preservers, floats, anchors, cables, and other things are faithfully complied with; and if they deem it expedient they may direct the vessel to be put in motion, and may adopt any other suitable means to test her sufficiency and that of her equipment. The local inspectors shall, once in every year, Stat., 765), sec. 4. at least, carefully inspect the hull of each sail vessel of over seven hundred tons carrying passengers for hire and all other vessels and barges of over one hundred tons burden carrying passengers for hire within their respective districts, and shall satisfy themselves that every such vessel so submitted to their inspection is of a structure suitable for the service in which she is to be employed, has suitable accommodations for the crew, and is in condi

Sail vessels.

Dec. 21, 1898 (30

Mar. 3, 1905 (33 Stat., 1023).

vessels while laid

tion to warrant the belief that she may be used in navigation with safety to life: Provided, That vessels while laid Exemption of up and dismantled and out of commission may, by regu-up. lations established by the Board of Supervising Inspectors, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, be exempted from any or all inspection under sections forty-four hundred and seventeen, forty-four hundred and eighteen, forty-four hundred and twentysix, forty-four hundred and twenty-seven. Whenever any inspector or assistant inspector shall, in the performance of his duty, find on board any vessel subject to the provisions of this title, as part of the required equipment thereof, any equipment, machinery, apparatus, or appliances not conforming to the requirements of law, he shall require the same to be placed in proper condition by the owner or master of the said vessel, if possible; and if said inspector or assistant inspector shall find on board any such vessel any life-preservers or fire hose so defective as to be incapable of repair, he shall require that the same be destroyed in his presence by such owner or master. And in any of the foregoing cases local inspectors by whom or under whose supervision said vessel is then being inspected shall have power to enforce the foregoing requirements by revoking the certificate of the said vessel, and by refusing to issue a new certificate to the said vessel until the said requirements shall have been fully complied with or until such action of the local inspectors shall have been reversed, modified, or set aside by the supervising inspector of the district on proper appeal by the owner or master of said vessel, which appeal shall be made to the said supervising inspector within ten days after the final action as aforesaid by the local inspectors; and upon such appeal, duly made, the supervising inspector shall have power to affirm, modify, or set aside such action by the focal inspectors.



R. S., 4418.
June 19, 1886 (24

The local inspectors shall also inspect the boilers and, their appurtenances in all steam vessels before the same shall be used, and once at least in every year thereafter, Stat., 82), sec. 14. and shall subject all boilers to the hydrostatic pressure. Mar. 3, 1905 (33 All such vessels shall comply with the following requirements, namely: That the boilers are well made, of good and suitable material; that the openings for the passage of water and steam, respectively, and all pipes and tubes exposed to heat, are of proper dimensions and free from obstructions; that the spaces between and around the flues are sufficient; that flues, boilers, furnaces, safety valves, fusible plugs, low-water indicators, feed-water apparatus, gauge cocks, steam gauges, water and steam pipes connecting boilers, means of prevention of sparks and flames from fire doors, low-water gauges, means of removing mud and sediment from boilers, and all other such machinery and appurtenances thereof, are of such construction, shape, condition[,] arrangement, and material that the same may be safely employed in the

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