Gambar halaman

field that they meet at the Barrn of John Hall Inhoulder in Sa town upon the first monday In march next at teen of the Clock in the fornoon then & there to acct one the following Perticqulars (viz)

1 to Chues a modrator to Regluat Said meeting

2ly to Heare the town a Coumptes Red & to aprove or Disaprove

3ly to Chueas ther Town officers for this presen year

4ly to See How much Moneay the town Will Raies for Defraying Nesiseary Charges for the Present year

5ly to See how much money the town Will Raies for Preachen for the present year and Likwies to See if the Will Chuas a man or menn to provied Preachien for thies present year

6ly to Hear the Report of the Commitey that was to Examien the a Coumptes of the Seclet-men and Cunstabels from the year 1751 till the year 1758

7ly to See What the town Will Done With Elizabath Masey and acct ther one

and thies Shall Be your Sufient Warrant Given ounder ouer handes and Seale thies tenth Day of feb 1759

William Perham

William mc Clintock
Abraham Merall

Seelct Men

Recourded thies firest Day of March 1760

John Hall Town Clark

At a meeting of the freehoulderrs and Inhabitentes of the town of Derryfield meet agrieabeal to the foregowen Warrinen a Levt John Hall Barrn In Sd Derryfield march 5th 1759 Voted that William mc Clintock be modrator

Voted to ajourn the Secound artical till all the town officears are Chosen

Voted John Hall Be Town Clark

Voted Capt William Pirham and William m Clintock & Abraham Mirrell Seelct Men

Voted Thomas Russ Be Constable

Voted to ajourn this meetien till John Hall Houss Voted William Geambel & James m° Night & Nehemiea mc Niell be Tything meen

Voted that the Secelet Men Be Fence Vewers

Voted that John Hall take the Invoce thies year

Voted Capt William Pirham & Levt Hugh Stirlen and Lˇ John Mooress and Einsin Robrt Andrson Be Sarveyers of Higways

Voted James Pierceas & William Pirham Junr & Ezeekeal Stiphenss Hog Revies

Voted Levt Hugh Stirlean Sealer of Leather

Voted Capt William Pirham Clarke of the market

Vot John Hall John moors Elizer Robiens Dieer Keepiers Voted the Secelet men to aprices the Daimeages Don In fields

Voted Ebinizer Stipheness Survier of Bordes Joyes & Timber

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Voted Levt Hugh Stirllen & John Hall to Seetel Acoumptes woth the Secelet-men

Voted fortey Pouindes old tenor for Nesserey Charges Voted one Hundred Poundes old tenor for prichien thies year

Voted Conal John Goffe & Capt Alix mo murphey to provied prechien till the Hundred pounds old tenor that is voted be Spent

Voted to Ajourn this meetin till the Last monday In march at John Hall Houes at teen of the Clock In the for noon

Accordingly monday the 26 Day of march 1759 meet a Ccording to ajournment at John Hall Houes & the modrator & Clark Being present and the meeting Being opned

Voted to aprove of all the Coumptes of the Secelmen as they Have Been Reead for the yeare 1758 which amouintes to the foull of what was Collected in Sa year

Voted to Chues a Counstable In the Rome of thomas Russ as hie his not apiered to Let the town now wother he will Serve as he was Choues by a vot of the town at ther anuel

march meetien to Serve a Counstable In the town of Derryfield for ye year 1759

Voted that Thomas Russ Shall peay the fiennas the Law Dirieckes for not Quilifien him Self a Cording to Law to Serve a Counstabl In the town a Cording to the vote of Sa town

Voted Chairels Eamerson & Benjmen Hedley Taything


Voted John Hall to provied prichien a Lonnge woth Conol John Goffe and Capt Ali me murphey till the money be spent that is voted for the present year

Voted one the Sixt artical to allow the Report of the Commity that was Choues to Sitel all the a Coumptes In Behalf of the town wothe the Counstables & Secelet men till the year 1758 and to Record the Saiem In the town Book as it hies be Read

Voted to ajourn thies meetien till ye Last monday In apireal at tow a Clock In the Eafter nooan at John Hall Houes Recorded may 1759

John Hall Town Clark

Province of Newhampshier Juen 26 1759

agriebrel to the powr Granted to uss by a vot of Sa town to Exaimen The Seelct men & Counstble a Coumpts till ye present Deat & to allow or Disallow aCordien as we juge to be righ for ye Beenifit of the town we Sirtify that we have accted aCordien to our troust Invisted in ous & findes all ye for minched Seelct men & Counstabls Proprly DisCharged by Resetes from the provincs traishour for peart of the money & by aplayien the Rest of the money for the uese of the town

William Parham

William Mcc Clintok

Abraham merrill

John Hall


Recorded Febuary 6-1761

John Hall Town Clark

Province of Newhampshire To Thomas Russ Counstable for the town of Derry field Greetien

You are Hearby Required In his Majestyes Name to warn all the freeholderes and Inhabetants In the town of Derryfield that they meet at the Barrn of John Hall In Said town upon the firest thursday In Juley nixt at tow of the Clock In the Eafter Noon of Said Day then and ther to acct one the following Perticqulears (viz)

firest to Chueas a Modrator to Regeluat Said Meetin 2ly to See what methouied the town Will take to Boord & Shingell ther meetien Houess this Present year

3ly to See if they will vote to Chueas a man or men to aplay to those Gent men who hies Land In Sd town & now Sitelmen or Improvment one the Same for money to Hielp ous In Bulden our meetien Houess

4ly to See if the town will vote a Warrinen for town meetiens to Be Lawfull to Be posted up at Som Publick places In Sa town for thies Present year

and thies Shall be your Suficeant warrant Given under our handes & Seall

Dat at Derryfield June 13th 1759

William mc Clintocke
Abraham Merrill

Seclet men

Recorded thies twonty Sixt Day of feb 1760

John Hall town Clark

At a meetien of the free Houlders & In Habitantes of Derryfield Hield Juley 5th- 1759 agriebel to the fore gowen


Voted Capt Alix Mac Murphey Modrator

Voted to Colect fave Hundred Poundes old tenor this Present year to Be aplayed towardes the Boorden & Shingelen of our meetien Houes Said Soum is to be tacken out of the Six houndred poundes Newtenor that was voted In the year 1758 for Bulden the a Bove Said meeting Houes

Voted Capt William perham Levt Hugh Stirellen & John Hall a Committey to Spend the fave Houndred pounds old tenor to Wardes Bording & Shingelien the meetien Houes

Voted one the thirde artical that John Hall are to aplay to the Gent men that hies Land not Coltveted or Improved In Derryfield for money to Hielp ous to In Bulden our meeting houes in Said town

Voted that Howsover Peayes Eany money to the a Bove Så meeting Houes Shall Have ther names & Soum of money they Peay Recourded In Derry field town Book of Recordes

Voted one the forthe artical that a warrnien for town meetiens Shall Be Lawfull for thies present year by Setien a Notifiycashon of the Same at Conal John Goffe thomas Russ & John Hall Houess In Said Derryfield

Receorded febr 27- 1760

John Hall Town Clark

Derryfield June 21-1759

I Have given Lawfull Warrning to all the freehoulders and other Inhabitance who are Legully Qualified for voting In town meetings in Sa town that they give their persnol attendance on thursday at tow of the Clock In the Eafternoone the 5 Day Juley Nixt Insuing at the Barrn of John Hall then & ther to acct agreeable to the writen warrant

Attest Thomas Russ Counstable

Receorded feb 27 1760

John Hall Town Clark

Province of Newhampshire To Thomas Russ Counstable for the town of Derryfield Greetien

You are hearby Required In his Majestyes Nam to Warrn all the freehoulders & Inhabitants of the town of Derryfield that they meet at they meetinghoues In Sd town upon thursday ye fifteenth day of Novmber next at teen of the Clock In the forenoon then & there to act on the following Perticulers (viz)

to Chuse a Modrator to Regulate said meeting

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