Gambar halaman

At a meetien of the free houlders & in Habitents of the town of Derryfield Legealy warned and assembled one the 30 Day of march 1758 at the Barrn of John Hall Inholder in Sd Derryfield

Voted William mc Clintok modrator

Voted to ajourn this meetien to be hield In John Hall Houes

Voted to peay Conol John Goffe Sixtey wan pounds old tenor to peaye the Revernt Binjmen Buttler for priching

Voted to peay the Revirent Samuel me Clintok Sevin pounds old tenor for prich In the year 1756

Voted to peay Conol John Goffe twontey Eight pounds Eigh Shillens old tenor which Sa Goffe acnoileges to Be In full of all his Demands that hee his aginst the town of Deeryfield

Voted to peay Archibald Stark two pounds old tenor In full of all his Demands

Voted to peay John Riddell two pounds old tenor in full of all his Demands

Voted to peay William Mc Clintok two pounds old tenor In full of all his Demands

Voted to peay Capt William Perham fave pounds fore Shillens old tenor

Voted to peay John Hall two pounds old tenor for Serven Siceletman ye year 1754

Voted to ajourn this meetien till thursday 20th day of Apitel at teen a Clock in the foor noon to Be holden in John Hall Houes Inholder in Sd town

Apirel ye 20- 1758

meet a Courding to ajournment the modrator & Clark Being present and the meeting binge opened

Voted to pay John Hall for sitelien acoumpts woth ye Secletmen ye year 1758 (7) and taken the Invoice the year 1758 Six pounds old tenor

Voted to allow the Sume of Sixtey Eight pounds fore shillens & seven pences old tenor out of William Quimbeys List for the year 1756 as it his ben pied out by the Seceletmen for the youess of the town

Voted to allow a order of for pounds out of Quimbys List to Hugh Stirlen for taken the Invoice In the year 1757

Voted to allow the acoumpts In the year 1755 the Sum of onehundred and twall pounds teen Shillens & three pences out of William mc Clintokes List

Voted to allow a 11 pounds Sixteen Shillens & fave pences of abetments out of mickel me Clintos List for ye year 1757 Voted to peay the Seceletmen for ther sirves In the year 1757 twonty pounds old tenor

Voted forteen pounds old tenor of Intris money to ye Sicelect men In ye year 1756 for ye provence tax pied by them

Voted fave men for a Commitey to Exaimien the towns acoumpts and to allow or Dissallow of all the acoumpts that ye find to be Just or not Just & tak Discharges & give Discharges In be half of the town.

Voted Capt Willam Pirham Sergent William mClintok & Sergent Abrham mirall & Adam Dickey & John Hall Comitey


Voted one the forth artictal In the Waront to take the Waront and List out of Binjmens Hiddallys hand for the folling reesings that Some Pipeal are Deed and Some Removed out of the town & others Come In to the town that would Ingoy privigles wothout piayen ther Equeall preporishen. But Still allowes of the Saiem Sume of money to be Collect from the freeholders & Inhabitents of Sa town & to Be aplayed for the Same youes & in the Same places when the town Stands In need of it

Voted that William me Clintok provied prichien for thies year

Voted that the Secelet men Peay all old Rireges & detes Due by the town

Voted that a Warrine for town meetiens for thies year Shall Be Lawfull to be Set oup at John Hall Inholder in Sa town

Recorded this 3 Day of march 1759

John Hall town Clark

Derryfield Auguest ye 27 1758

To the Select-men of the town of Derryfield Gent-men freeholders and inhabitants of Sd town Wee the under subcribers loking upon our Selves under a great Disadvanteg for want of a pleace of Publick Worship as wee have resing fameleys which Cannot atend at other pleces and as it would be Incoregment to minesters to Com and preach with us if we were forward in getting aplace for Publick worshipe of god our Selves.

[blocks in formation]

Province of Newhampshire To Binjmen Stivens Constabel for the town of Derry field Greeting

(Sel) You are Hearby Required in his majestyes name to Warn all the freeholders and Inhabetants in the town of Derryfield that they meet at the Barrn of John Hall Inholder in Sa town upon thursday the twenty firest Day of this Instant at Eight of the Clock In the for noon then and ther to act on the fowlinge artecetels (viz)

1ly to Chues a moderator to Regulat Said meeting 2ly to See if the free Houlders and Inhabitantes of the town will vote to Bueld a meetien Houes this present year

3ly to See What Spout of Ground the town will vote to Buld Saied meetien Houes on

4ly to See How much money the town will vote to Raies for Buldeng saied meetien houes

5ly to See what Demensuiens thy Will vot to Buld Sa meeting hous

6ly to See if the town will vote to Chues a Committey to Cary on the Bulding of Saied meetien houes

7ly to See if the town Will vot to Raiese Eany money for Preching this year & How mouch

and this Shall be your Suffecant Warrant Givien under onr hands and Seall Dated at Derry field this Secound Day of September 1758

William Perham
William mc Clintok
Abrham miral

Recorded this 3 Day of march 1759


John Hall town Clark

At a meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitents of the town of Derryfield Holden Septembr ye 21 1758 agriebal to the fore goieng warnien meet at the Barrn of John Hall Inholder In Saied Derry field

1ly Voted Capt Alix' m2 murphey modrator

2ly Voted to Buld a meet Houes this Present year

3ly Voted to Buld the meetienhoues on John Hall Land Joyineng the Rod Leding to thomas Hall ferry and amies kege falls

4ly Voted to Rese Six Hundered pounds to Carey on the Bulden of the Sa meetien Houes

5ly Voted to Reaise Saied meeting Houes fortey feet In Lenth thirtey fave feet in Brenth

6ly Voted to Chues a Comitey to carey on the Bulden of Said meeting Houes

7ly Voted Capt William Perham & Levt Hugh Stirlen and John Hall the Comitey to Carey on the Bulden of the above Saied meetien Houes

Voted to Dissmise the Seventh artical In the Warent

Recorded this 3 Day of march 1759

John Hall town Clark

A Rood or Highway Lead out In Derryfield Octobor y 15 1759 (Begining at the North Eind of Hugh Sterling Barn Runing Near a Norwast Point By marked trees upon the North Said of Saied trees to the Banck of the Interveall and then Runing upon a wast pointe by marked trees to Meramack Rever to a white assh tree marked H

Noot Said Rood to be three Roads wide and Six Roods wide upoun ye River Bank fore Rodes from Low water mark)

[blocks in formation]

Lead out a highway Roning as followeth Begining at the highway betwixt ye Secound & third Lot In the firest Reang & Runing Southerlay betwen ye two lotes to a Borge & So by marked trees a Lounge the Wast Siead of ye Borge to a Small Broock & Southerlay by marked trees to Sezer Griefiens land at ye Norwast Courner & So to his Houes and So by marked trees to the Lien Betwixt London Derry & Derryfield

the Rood is two Roodes wide & we allowe half a dollor pr aeeker for the Land tacken oupe by the Rood to the man houes Land it Gowes one

William Perham
William mc Clintock

Seelet men

John Hall town Clark

Recorded thies 10 Day Junery 1760

Province of Newhampshier To Benjamen Stiphens Counstabl for the town of Derryfield Greeting

you are Hearby Required In his Majestyes name to Warn all the freehoulders and Inhabetants in the town of Derry

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