Gambar halaman

1 to make Choyes of a moderator

2ly to see if the town will aprove of Resing money for Preching by the Last years Invoic or aney way they shall judge more proper

3ly to see where the town will think it most proper for the publick worship to be keep for this seson or till such time as there Can be a Houes Bulte for that purpos

4ly to see what method the town will take for Bulding a Pounde or Pounds forth with

And this shall be your suffint warant

Given ounder our

hands and seeal this second day of July 1752

Thomais Gorge Constable

John Goffe
Archibald Stark
Alex mac murphy

Province of Newhampshire accourding to the withine precipt I have warned all the freehoulders and other inhabitantes in Derry field that they meet at the time and place appointed by setting up three Coppys at the three seviral places voted thy shuld be set at (viz) one at John Goffe Esq' one at John Hall Gent and one at Banjamines Hadleys

Recourded pr me

pr Thomas Gorge Constable John Hall town Clark

at ameetien of the free Houlderes and In Habitentes of the town of Derryfield Hild Juely ye 20: 1752 agriebel to the forgowen warnin met at the houes of obiell Barcker Lette of this town Desed

Vouted John Goffe Esqr modrator

Vouted to Agourne the meetien to the Eisteand of William quembeys houes

Vouted that the secound article Be Dismised

Vouted that the Placieses of Publick Worishep be held at Banjmien Stivenes and William m° Clintos the firest sabouth

at Banjmien Stivenes & the nixt at William mc Clintos and sow sabouth about till the nixt town meetien

Vouted that the fourth artecle be Dismised sow farr as William me Clintos Barran be apound till the nixt town meetien

Province of Newhampshier To thomas George Constable for the Town of Derryfield Greetting:

you are hearby Required in his majesteys name to warn all the freeholders and Inhabetants of the Town of Derry field that they meet one friday the second day of February next at ten of the Clock in the fornoon at the Barn of Banjmin Stivenes in said Derry field to actt on the following Particulars

first to Chuse amoderator

2ly to se whether the town will raise money to defray the Charge of laying out the Highway from the head of Namaskeeg falls to Litchfield line by order of the General Court of quarter sessions of the peace Holden at Portsmouth for the province of New hampshire aforsaid upon the first tuesday of September last

3ly to se whether they Inhabitants will Employ anew Comitte or hold to the former to find us Priching untill the money votted for at our last annuall meeting be Expended

4ly to se whether they will Chuse where the minister will preach or leave it to the sellectt men and where he shall be keept and this Shall be your sufficent warrant givin under our hands and seall this sevententh of January 1753

John Goffe
Archibald Stark


at a meeting of the free Houlderes and Inhabtitencs of the Town of Derryfield held febuarey the secound agriebel to the for gowen warrnin met at the Barn of Banjmien Stivenes in said Derry field

Votted Capt William Pirham moderator

Votted oun the second artecle in the Warrant nout to Pay Eaney of the Courts Commiteys Coust or Charges that wase apouinted for Laying out the higway from the head of Namaskeeg falls to Lichfield Line

Votted oun the third artecle in the warrant to Hould to the formor Coumitey tille the monney votted be Expended Votted that Banjmien Stivenes Barn and William m Clintos Barn be the tow placeses of Publick worshep till the mouney vouted at the last march meeting be Expended Votted that the minister Should be Keep at william m Clinto

Recourded pr me

John Hall town Clark

Province of New Hampshire To Thomas Gorge Cunstable For the town of Derry field in the Provence of New Hampshire Greeting

You are Here by Required In his majestyes name to warn all the free holders and other Inhabitants of the town of Derry field Qualedfied by Law that they meett at Houes of Benjamins Stevenses in Said Derryfield upon mondey the fifeth Day of march next at ten of the Clock in the fore noon then & ther when miet to act on the folloing Pertecrlars 1 To Chuse amodrator

2ly to Chuse all town officers

3ly to see How much mony the town will Raise for the Presant year to Defray the Charges of the town

4ly to see how much the town will Raies to pay for Preaching for the presant year

5ly to see what meathod the town will take to prevent stray Cattel being Brought in to the town to Eat up our feed on the Comimon Land or unfenced Land

6ly to see if the town will Joyn with the town of Bedford In Giving mr me Doel a Call to the worke of the ministry Between the two towns and to Do and act in that affair that the town shall think proper

and this shall be your sufficant warrant Given undr our hands and Seal Dated at Derry field this 12th Day of febry

in the 26th year of his majestyes Regn anno que Domini 1753

John Goffe

Archibald Stark
Alexander me murphy


Province of New Hampshire Derryfield march ye 5 1753 according to the within precipt I Have warned the free holders and other Inhabitants acording to the vote of the town of time and place of meeting

pr Thomas Gorge Cunstable

at a meetieng of the free Houlderes and Inhabitents of Derry field held march ye 25: 1753 agrieble to the forgowen warnen mete at the Houese of Banjmien Stievenes

Votted Capt Willeam pirham modrator

Votted Leveitantent John Hall town Clark

Votted Capt Willam Perham

Votted m Alixander mac murphey

Votted mr John Riddell


Votted Archablald Stark Counstable

Votted for Suvvires of Highwayes Insign Dainel mo Niell John Harvey Robert Andrson & thomas Gorge Willam tagourt


Votted for tayethemen William Gamble & Chariles Emer

Votted for fencesveres Nethainel Boyed & moses Willes Votted for Couler of Staves Banjmien Stavienes Votted for Survire of Bourdes plank & Joyes Abrham mirrell

Votted Nethainel Boyed town trashour

Votted Commesioners for assessments to Examine the selectmen acoumpts m' Willam m° Clinto & Levetant John Hall Votted for Dear Keepers mickell me Clinto & Ebizniezer Stivenes

Votted for Invocemen Levetant John Hall & Sargant Robert Andrson

Votted for field Driveres Walltor mcfarland John Juell Chairles Emerson thomas Gilles James Ridille

Votted for Howards Adam Dickey Banjmien Hidliey Votted for town Charges twountey poundes old tenour*

*To the readers who may not understand the meaning of this term, which appears frequently in the records of those days, a brief description of the financial situation during those periods may not be out of place. Various expedients were resorted to by the colonists in order to effect means of business intercourse. The General Court of Massachusetts in 1690 issued what were known as "Bills of Credit" to the amount of seven thousand pounds. These bills circulated also in New Hampshire, and soon beginning to depreciate in value caused considerable hardship among the people. Late in 1709, in trying to meet the obligations incurred by border warfare, New Hampshire issued bills of credit to the amount of three thousand pounds. These were to be redeemed in five years, and this was the first emission of paper money in New Hampshire. In 1714, the year of their maturity, there was another emission, followed by others in 1717, 1722, 1724, 1725, 1726, 1727, 1729. These bills depreciated so rapidly in value that in 1741 the Government was able to pay only one fourth of the value expressed on their face, and this was more than they were worth on the market.

In an effort to remedy the evil, the Government issued in 1742, new bills, giving on the back the year and the value according to the old and the new rates. Thus all currency issued previous to this date became known as "Old Tenor," and that of 1742 and subsequent as "New Tenor." Another emission of bills to cover the expense of the Louisburg expedition was made in 1745, but the confusion and loss caused by these attempts to keep up a paper currency caused Parliament to prohibit the Governors of the colonies to allow the Colonial Assemblies to issue further bills, unless under extraordinary circumstances. During the French and Indian War, three issues were made, one of them, in 1756, known as "New Tenor, or Crown Point Bills." Fifteen shillings of this issue were equal to one dollar in specie. But these and following bills soon depreciated in value, and finally sterling money became the standard in value, paper passing as currency regulated in its valuation by the price of silver.-ED.

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