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A List of Rates for the State and Town for the year 1776


David Starret

Ezekiel Stavens
John Parham

Select Men.

Recorded this 22th Day of Novbr 1776

pr David Starret T: Clerk

State of New Hampshire Hillsborough s s

(Seal) To Mr Joseph George Constable for the Town of Derryfield, in the State and County affore Said

Greeting In the Name and Vertue of the thirteen younighted States of North Amarace yo are Hereby Required to Levey and Collect of the Several Parsons Named in the List Here With Commeted Unto You Each one his Respective Proporcion Therein Sat Down the Sum Tottel of Said List of Assessment is a Tax Laid on the Mail Polls and Estates and Incoms of the Inhabitants of the Affore Said, Town, and You are to Pay to the Treasurer of Said State for the Time Being the Sum of Nine Pounds at or Before the First Day of March Next Insuing the Date Hereoff, and Pay the Whole of the Remainder of Said List to Us Or Our Order Or to the Select Men for the Time Being or their Order and Make Up the Whole of Your Collecttion of the Whole Sum of Said List at or Before the Last Monday in Februery Next, Insuing, and if Any Parson Or Persons Named in Said List Shall Neglact Or Refuse to pay the Sum or Sums Whereat he or they are therin Respectively Assessed You are to Observe and follow the Derecttions in the Law in Lavying and Collecting the Same,

Given Under Our Hands and Seal at Derryfield, Affore Said this Twentyeth Day of November Anno Que Domini 1776

Ezekiel Stavens

John Parham

David Starret

Select Men

Recorded this 22th Day of November, 1776 per me.

David Starret Town Clerk

State of New Hampshire Hillsboroughs s

(Seal) To Mr Josep George Constable for the Town of Derryfield in Said County.

Greeting You are Hereby Required to Warn a meeting of the freehoulders Inhabitants of Said Town that they meet at their meetinghouse Uppon Moday the third Day of March Insuing at teen of the Clock in the forenoon on Said Day to act on the following Articles (viz)

1-ly to Chouse a Moderator Regulate Said meeting

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2-ly to Hear the Town Accoumpts Read and to Approve or Disaprove

3-ly to See What the Town Will Alow those persons for their Services Who May be Chousen for aney Offices in Said Town for the Corrent Year that Was Usual to have Pay.

4-ly to Chouse all the Town Officers for the Curent Year.

5-ly to See if the Town Will Alow those Persions Aney Pay that Want to Cambridge Upon the first Alarm, & as yeat has had know pay

6-ly to See if the Town Will Rase Aney Money for Priching for the Curent Year, and if they Should Vote Aney Money to Appount a man or men to Procure Priching for the Current


7-ly to See what Method the Town will take for the Suport of Elisebath Marcy for the Current year or for a Longer Tarm

8-ly to See if the Town Will Pay the Jury Men that may Have to Attand at Court or Sessions for the Currant year as Usual

9-ly to See if the Town Will Dow aney thing towards Repairing the Meeting House and Clearing the Grave yeard and fancing it the Currant year.

10-ly to See if the Town will Vote that the Warnings for Town Meetings for the Currant Year be as Usuel.

11-ly to See if the Town Will Vote to Provid a Town Stock of Ammenniction and appouint a Man or Men to Procare the Same if Voted,

and this Shall Be your sufceant Warrent

Given Under our hands and Seal at Derryfield this 12th Day of Feburiy A. Q. D: 1777

David Starret

Ezekiel Stavens

John Parham

Select Men

Hillsborough s s Derryfield March the 3th Day 1777

this May Certifi that I have Posted this warrent Agreable to the Vote of Said Town

Sertifid By me &

Joseph George Constable

Recorded this 21th Day of March 1777

Per me

David Starret Town Clerk

State of New Hampshire Hillsborough s s
Derryfield March the 3th Day A: D: 1777

at a Meeting of the free Houlders Inhabitants of of Said Derryfield Legely Called and Convained

Voted Col John Goffe Moderator of Said meeting

then Voted to Ajourn Said Meeting to Levtn John Halls House

then Meet According to Ajournment the Moderator and Clerk Present and the Meeting opned,

then Voted on the Second Article to Alow the Town accoumpts as they have been Read in the following mannor With the Adicion of four Shilling apace to the Late Select Men and three Shillings to the Constable

State of New Hampshire Hillsborough County February the 24th 177 y

we the Subscribers Chousen to Sattle the Town of Derryfields accoumpts with the Select Men and Constable for the year 1776 and uppon exemenation we find the whole List Commeted to Joseph George Constabl by the Select Men of Said Derryfield Bearing Deat the 20th of November 1776 Amounts in the Whole to £26=5—6—0

the Said Constable Discharges him Self of Said Sum in manner following (viz)

to the States Treasurer the Sum of

paid to Levin John Parham for his Services as

Select man and for keeping Willm hall 8 Days in Said Year 1776

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paid to David Starret for his Services as Town Clerk and Select man and for keeping Willm hall 6 Days In Do

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£ S d f

9 0 0 0

0 16 0 0

1 0 0 0

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