Gambar halaman

Then Laid out a Highway for the use and Benefit of the Town of Derryfield as followeth (viz) Begining to the South of Daniel Halls saw mill upon the Road Leading to Names Cage from thance Southwesterly the Nearest and Bast Ground to a road now Improved by the afore Said Daniel, near to a Small Run from thance along Said Road or near to it. till it Coums to a Road which Leads from Livtn John Halls to Merrills Ferrey, and wee alow this Highway to be three Roods wide and wee alow So much of the Land Reserved for highways to the owners of the Lands that this Highway gose throw, as this High way taks up, and if aney be wanting wee alow three Shillings per accer to Such as come Short.

Dated at Derryfield this 12th Day of November 1772.

William mac Clintok

John Moor

Alexander macmurphy

Recorded this 24th Day of November 1772

Select Men

by me David Starrett Town Clerk

Province of New Hampshire Hillsborough s. s. To Samuel Boyd Constable for the Town of Derryfield in Said County Greeting

You are Hereby Required in his Majestyes Name to Warn all the free Holders and Inhabitants of Said Town Qualifyid to Vote in Town Meetings that they meet at their Meeting house upon monday the Thirtyith Day of December Instant at one of the Clock in Said Day

1-dly to Choues a moderator to Regalate Said meeting

2-dly to Draw a man out of the Box to Serve on the PettiJury at the Next Court of General Sessions of the peace to be Holden at Amharst on the first thursday Next after the first tuesday in january Next and make Due Return of this warrent with your Doings therein unto the Clerk of Said Town Before the Commencement of Said term.

and this Shall be your Suficent warrent.

Dated at Derryfield this 12th Day of December Ad: 1771

David Starrett Town Clerk

Province of New Hampshire. Hillsborough. S. S. Derryfield December the 30th Day Ad: 1771

by Vertue of this prepsept I have Given warning to all the freeholders and Inhabitants of Said Town of time and place of meeting according to the Vote of Said Town for warning Town meetings and the articuls theirin asserted per me

Samuel Boyd Constable

Record this 1th Day of January Ad: 1772

David Starrett Town Clerk

Province of New Hampshire Hillsborough. s. s. Derryfield December the 30th Day Ad: 1771

at a meetin of the free Houlders and inhabitants of the Town of Derryfield afore Said Legely Caled and assembled in the meting house on Said Day.

1-dly Voted John Dickey moderator of Said meeting

2-dly Drawen out of the Box Eins Samuel Stark for patti Juryer for Said Court of General Sessions

Recorded this 1th Day of January Ad: 1772.

David Starrett Town Clerk

Province of New Hampshire Hillsborough s s To Samuel Boyd of Derryfield Constable Greeting,

You are hearby Required to Warn all the freeholders and Inhabitents of Derryfield Qualifyed by Law to Vote In Town Meetings that they meet at their meeting house upon the first monday of March next at ten of the Clock in the fore Noon to act on the folowing perticqulars,

1-dly to Choues a moderator to Regulat Said meeting— 2-dly to hear the town accounts, and to aprove or Disaprove

3-dly to Chouse all there Town Ofesors for the present year

4-dly to See how much money the Town will Vote for preaching for the present year, and to Chouse Some meet person or persons to atain preaching

5-dly to See how much money the Town will Vote for the Expance of the present year

6-dly to See if the Town will give Some further Consederation to William Mac Clintok Juner for his Keeping Elisabeth Mercys child upon account of its proving Sickly, and how much

7-dly to See If the town will vote to Rease Some money to Repaire there meeting House, and how much and to Chouse Some person or persons to Geet the work Don

8-dly to See If the Town will Chouse one or more person or persons to Represent the Town in Case of aney Law Sut to be Commenced either for or against the town with full power of Substituceion

9-dly to See if the Town will abeate any Such person or persons as shall apear and Shew their Inabilety to pay thair Reates for the year by past

10-dly to See what method the Town will vote for warning of Meetings for the present year,

and this Shall be your Sufecent warrent

Given under our hands and Seal this 12th Day of Februery Ad: 1772

[blocks in formation]

Hillsborough ss Derryfield March the Second Day Ad: 1772, by Vertue of the presept I have Given warning to all the free holders and Inhabitant of Said Town of Time and place of meeting according to the Vote of Said Town for warning Town meetings and the Artticuls their In Asserted By me Samuel Boyd Constable

Recorded this 25th Day of March Ad: 1772 by me

David Starrett Town Clerk

Hillsboroughs s at a meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Derryfield Legely Caled and being assembled In their meeting house on the Second Day of March Ad: 1772

1-dly Voted. Capt John Stark moderator of Said meeting

2-dly Voted. to alow the Town accounts as they have Ben Read In Said meeing in the following mennor (viz)

Hillsborough s s Derryfield February the 24th Day 1772 We the Subscribers a Committee Chousen In Behalf of Said Town to Exemen the Select mens accounts for the year Ad: 1771 and Accordingly we met on Said Day and Cast the List and finds the Sum of, £29-17-11-2 In Lawfull money Cullected of the Inhabitents of Said Town In the year Ad: 1771-which List was Commited Into the hands of Samuel Boyd Constable and Said Select men and Constable Dischairges them Salfs of Said List in the folwing mennor (viz)

paid to the province Treasurer as By his Recpt
Paid to the County Treasurer as By his Recpt
paid to Capt John Stark for Sarvice don on
Levin John halls Case as By an order Drawn
on Said Constable By Said Select men No: 1
paid to Capt John Moor for Sarvice Don as
Select man in the year 1771 as By order Dito
No: 2
paid to Capt Alexander macmurphy for Service
Don as Select man in Said year as by Order
Dito No: 3.


paid to William mac Clintok for Sarvice Don as Select Man In Said year as by order Dito No: 4

[ocr errors]

Abated Joseph macfarland his poul tax for said


paid to Samuel Boyd Constable for warning out of Town In Said year Lull and Lasly as by his Recpt to Said Select men.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

paid to Capt John Stark for Counting with
Said Select Men and Constable In Said year
as by order No: 5
paid to David Starrett for Counting with Said
Select Men and Constable In Said year as
by order No: 6.
paid to Corll: John Goffe as by his Recpt for
Expances of the Committee that was
Chousen in Said year In order to Satel ac-
countes with Livtn John hall No: 7
paid to David [Starrett added recently] as by
his Recept for his Service for warning and
atending on the Drafts of Jury mens meet-
ings in Said year as by order No: 8

paid by Said Constable to Said Select men In
Said year In Cash

[ocr errors]

March the 2th Day of 1772

this may sertify the Town of Derryfield that we have Carefully Exemined the Vouchers and Said proper ons to the Discharge of the Sum of

0 200

0 200




27 18 4 0

and there Remains in the Constables hand the Sum of one pound Nineteen Shillings and Seven pance Lawfull money which Sum Said Constable has given his Note for to the Select men for the time being

Remains Due to Balance Said List to above £1-19-7-0.

Sertifyed By us

John Stark
David Starrett

3-dly Voted on the third Arttical in the warrent David Starrett Town Clerk for the Insuing year

4-dly Voted on Dito three Select men for the Insuing year

5-dly Voted Capt Alexander mac murphy

6-dly Voted Captn John Moor

7-dly Voted William mac Clintok.

Select men

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