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A true List of all the polls and Ratable Estates In the Town of Derryfield for the year Ad: 1770 and Each mans tax Cariad out against his Name as Satt Down In the fore Going List

William mac Clintok
John Moor

Alex macmurphy

Recorded this 8th Day of Decm3 Ad: 1770



David Starrett Town Clerk

Province of Newhampshire To Benjamin Baker Constable for the Town of Derryfield In the province of Newhampshire Greeting

In his Majestyes Name you are Required to Levey and Collect off the Sevirall parsons Named in the List hear with Commited unto you Each one his Respective proportion therein Satt Down

The Sum total of Said List of Assessments, is a Tax Laid on the Male polls Estates and Incomes of the Inhabitants of the affore Said Town of Derryfield for the Seport and maintanince of Said province and the Remendor of Said List for Defraying the Charges of Said Town for the present year and you are to pay to the Treasurer of Said Province for the Time Being the Sum of five pounds four Shillings Six pance Lawfull money on or Before the Twenty fifth Day of this Instant and pay the whole of the Remander of Said List to us or our order or to the Select men for the Time Being or thar order and make up the whole of your Collection of the whole Sum of Said List at or Before the first monday In February nixt, and If aney parson or parsons Named In Said List Shall Neglect or Refuse to pay the Sum or Sums whereat he or thay are therein Respectively assessed you are to observe and follow the Derictions In the Law In Lavying and Collecting the Same. Given under our hands and Seal at Derryfield affore Said the Eighth Day of Decamber In the Eleventh

year of his majestys Reigen Anno Que Domini one Thousand

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Province of New Hampshire To Benjamin Baker Constable for the Town of Derryfield Greeting

You are Hereby Required In his majestes Name to Warn all the free Holders and Inhabitants of Derryfield, Quelafied by Law to Vote In Town meeting, that they Meet at their meeting House upon monday the forth Day of march Nixt at Teen of the Clock In the forenoon, whan meet to act on the artticuls hereafter mantioned.

first to Chouse a Moderator to Regulat Said meeting. Secondly to hear the Town accoumpts and to aprove or not aprove of them

Thirdly to Chouse all the Town officers for the Corrent

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Forthly to See how much money the Town will Rease for priching for the Corrant year

Fifthly to Hear the accoumpts Con" John Goffe and William Mac Clintok as ajents for the Town to Defand the Town against the action Livtn John Hall Commenced against the Town of Derryfield and to aprove or Not aprove

Sixthly to See If the Town will Chuse a Commettee to Sattle with Livtn John Hall all the accumpts Betwen Said Hall and the Town of Derryfield

Seventhly to See how much money the Town will Rease to Defray the Charges of the Town for the present year

Eightly to See what method the Town will take for the support of Elizabeth Messey for the present year

Ninthly to See what method the Town will vote for warning Town Meetings for the present year, & make Due Return

of this presept and of your Doings there In unto us at or before the first monday of march Nixt and this Shall be your Suffishant warrant

Given under our hands and Seal at Derryfield this Eighteenth Day of February In the Eleventh year of his majestes Reigen anno, Que Domini, 1771

William Mac Clintok
Alexander Mac Murphy
Select Men

Recorded this 11th Day of march Anno, Que Domini 1771 David Starrett Town Clerk

Province of New Hampshire Derryfield March the 4th Day Ad: 1771

By Virtue of this presept I have Given warning to All the free Holders and Inhabitantes of Said Town of time and places of Meeting According to the Vote of Said Town For Warning Town meetings and the Artticuls theirin Assarted. pr. Banjamin Baker Constable

Recorded this 11th Day of march Ad: 1771

David Starrett Town Clerk

Province of New Hampshire Derryfield March the 4th Day Ad: 1771 At A meeting of the Free Holders and In Habitants of the Town of Derryfield affore Said Legely Caled and assembeled In the Meeting House on Said Day

1ly Voted Capt John Stark Moderator of Said Meeting

Voted to Ajourn this meeting Into Livtn John Halls House then Meet According to an ajournment the Moderator and Clerk present and the Meeting Caled

Voted on the Second articul In the warrent to alow the Town accounts for the year Ad: 1770, as they Have Ben Rad In Said Meeting In the following order (viz)

Province of New Hampshire March the 2th Day, Ad: 1771, John Hall and Natheniell Boyd Been Chousen by a Vote of the Inhabitants of Derryfield at their Last Anuel meeting to Eximin the Accoumpts of the Select Men and Constable for

the year, Ad: 1770, and the Totel Sum of the List Shown to us By the Select Men of the above year is £27:17:5:2

Credet By the province Tax.

January 29th Cor Goffe and Willm MacClintok

to David Starrett for taking the Invoice . to Dito Abatment for a Cow.

to Willm MacClintok Juner for Elizabeth Masseys Child

to Willm Mac Clintok for his Sarvise as Selectman for the year Ad: 1770. .

to Capt John Moor for his Sarvise as Select
man for the year Ad 1770,

to Captn Alexander mac Murphy for his Sarvise
as Selectman for the year Ad: 1770 .
to Banjamin Baker for warning Widow mac-
farland out of Town and Keeping Widow
Crombey and three Children and taking tham
to Londonderry and other Servesses alowed By
the Selectmen the sum of .

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Ditto to 2 Shiftes 0:6:0 one patticot 0:6:0 & one short gound 0:3:0 .

to Will Mac Clintok Juner for taking Elizabeth Masseys child .

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to abatment of John Burdues Rates.

to John Hall for Intertaining the minastars. Dito to Said Hall for Sateling accumpts with the Selectmen

to Nathenill Boyd for Sateling accumpts with the Selectmen and Counstable in Behalf of the Town

to Cor" John Goffe three dolers and Five Shillings to pay for preching and for horse and chais to Londonderry .

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