Gambar halaman

4ly to See what meathod the town will take to Build a Pound or Pounds and vote theron & wether ther Shall Be more pounds then one in Sd town and how many

5ly to Hear the Commitees Report Relating the aCompts thy were to Settel

6ly to vote or act on any other thing that the Comunety Shall thinke fite when meet and thies Shall be your Sufficnt warrat Given under our Hands at Derryfield this 15 day of Octobr 1764

[blocks in formation]

Province of Newhampshier October 29th 1764

according to this precept I Have warned the freeholders and other inhabitants of time and place of holding Sd Meeting by posting the Copay at the places voted for warring meetings in Sd town of Derryfield

William Pirham Constable for Derryfield

Record febry 28= 1766

John Hall Town Clark

At a meetinge of the free Houlderes and Inhabtaintes of the town of Derryfield hild Octobr 29 1764 agrieabel to the fore Goun warrnien in the meeting Houes in Sd town.

1ly Voted John Goffe Modrator

2ly Voted that the Money that wase Reased in the year 1763 for Prichien and note Expinded for prichien and sinces was voted to Repiear the meeting houes in the year 1764 Should Gow to pay the towns Debt for money Borrowad

3ly Voted Con' John Goffe & Capt John Stark to Sitel the aCoumpts with James Pitiers Counstable

4ly Voted Con' John Goffe Have the Libertiey to Buld a Pound for the town at hies Cost near the Great Brige at hies House

febry 28th 1766

Record John Hall Town Clark

Province of New Hampshir To William Porham Jun' Constable of the Town of Derryfield in Sa Province Greet

In his Majestyes Name you are Required to warn all the free Holders and other Inhabitants of the Sd town of Derryfield that thy meet at the meeting House In Said town upon Monday the forth Day of march next at ten of the Clock before noon then & their when meet

1ly to Chuse a moderator

2ly to Chouse all town offecers as the Law Directs

3ly to Hear the Commitees Report Concerning the debts and Cridets of the town So far as they have proceeded

4ly to See how much money the town will Raise for to Defray the Charges of the present year and vote theron

5ly to See weather the town will Raise any mony to pay for preaching for the present year and how much and vote theiron—and if they Raies any money for Sd use to Choose a man or men to provide preching for Such Sum as they Shall Raise if any

6ly To hear the town accompts Read

7ly To See weather the town will alow William mc Clintock to buld a Pound at or near his house upon his own Cost and also buld apound at Ameskeegfalls near Mr Russ at the Coste of any person and that they may be all town pounds

8ly To See wether the town will Choues a Commitee and Invest them with full power to sue and Recover and and to agree and Settel with Constable James Petters so as to make a full Settelment of his List

and thies shall be your Sufficant Warrant Given under our hands and Seal this 15 Day of febTM anna domin 1765—and in the fifth year of hies majesteys Reign

William Mc Clintock
John Stark

John Moor

Secelect Men

Record March 1 1766

John Hall Town Clark

Province of Nowhampshier By vertue of thies precept I have warned all the Inhabitants of Derryfield of the time and Designs of holding Said Meeting by posting a Coppy of this warrant at Levt John Hall & Mr Thomas Russ and Con1 John Goffes

Recorded march 1th 1766

William Pirham Cunstable

John Hall Town Clark

Province of Nowhampshier At a Meeting of the freehoulders and Inhabitants of Derryfield Leagely asmbled March 4


Voted Capt Alixandor me Murphey Modrator

Voted to ajourn this meeting to John Hall Houese

Voted to Carey on this meeting by writen votes

Voted John Hall Town Clark

Voted Capt William Pirham and William mc Clintock and Abrham Mirall Seclet Men

Voted Chairals Eamrson Cunstable

Voted to Carey on the remainen parte of the meetinge by

hand vote or Polen if needfull

Voted William Gembil

Voted Thomas Russ

Voted Samuel Moor

Voted John Harve

Be Surveyors High Ways

Voted James Hornor thomas Numan tythingmen

Voted David Stiriet tack the Invoices of the Poles and Es

tates of the town for the year 1765

Voted the Siccletmen be Fence vewers and Apprizers of Damiges for the Corent year

Voted mickel m° Clintock Capt John Moor Dearr Keepears Voted Abrham Mirall Survier of Lumber

Voted Thomas Russ Sealer of Leather

Voted Con1 John Goffe Capt John Stark Davit Stiriet a Commity to Count with the Siclet Men for the Cornt year

Voted William Nutt John Heron Ellizer Robens Piarish Richardson Houge Reeafes

Voted Con1 John Goffe Clarke of the Market

Voted to ajorned thies Meeting till the Last Mondy of march at ten of the Clock of Sa Daye at John Hall house

March 25 1765 Meet aCording to the adjornment the Modrator and town Clark both present and the Meeting opned

Voted ajourn the third artical till the Laste of the Meeting Voted one the forth artical thirtey pounds old tenor for nensery Charges

Voted one fifth artical that the Sielte Men find prichien for the Cournt year at the Coste of the Inhabitants

Voted to allow the aCoumptes for the year 1764 Sow far as thy heave be Read in the meetinge

Voted to Diesmies the Sevinth artical in the warrning

Voted one the Eight artical note to Chues a Comitey to Sitel with James piters but the present Siceletmen

Voted to Diesmies the third artical for the Commitey did note ofer aney aCompte in the meeting

Record March the 3 Day 1766

John Hall Town Clark

Province of Newhampshier To Chairalss Emerson Counstable for the town of Derryfield Greeting

In hies Majestes Name you are Requred to warn all the freehoulders & inhabitentes of the town of Derryfield that they meet a the Meeting Houese in Sd town upon the firest Monday of febry nixt at ten of the Clock of Sd Day then & ther to act on the following Perticulars (Viz)

1ly to Chues a Modrator to Regluat Sd Meeting

2ly to heaier the Commites Reportes that hies Been Choueson at Sundery tiemes

3ly if the formor Commiteys Dow not Render a true a Coumpte of the troste Reposed in them but Still ther are money due to the town in Sume of the Counstables handes or any of ye formor Sicelet Mens Handes or any the Committes Handes then to See if the town will Chuese a Nother Com

mitey to procute all thoes persons that Dow not maeke Speedey payment to be procut to finel judgment and Exeacution

and thies Shall Bee your Sufficeant warrant

Given under

our Handes and Seal at Derryfield 26 Day of Decmbr 1765

William Parham

William mc Clintock

Abrham Mirall

Seclt Men

Recorded pr me

John Hall town Clark

at a meeting of the free Houlders and inhabitantes of Derryfield Legaly asembled feby 3= 1766 agriebel to a formor warning

Voted Capt Alixandr Mc Murphey Modrator

Upon Hearien the Committeyes Reporte of the towns aCoumptes thy weare thought not to be feaier nor Juste in perticquler money that was Sd to be pied to the Revrt Dainel Michel for prichien

it is voted that the Said Commitey Be Continued till nixt marche till siee if thy Render a true aCoumpt of the trost Comited to them

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