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United Provinces: The same duties shall be paid, and the same drawbacks and bounties allowed, on the exportation of any articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of His Britannick Majesty's dominions to the said United Provinces, whether such exportation shall be in vessels of the said United Provinces, or in British vessels; and the same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties and drawbacks allowed, on the exportation of any articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the said United Provinces to His Britannick Majesty's dominions, whether such exportation shall be in British vessels, or in vessels of the said United Provinces.

ART. 7. In order to avoid any misunderstanding with respect to the regulations which may respectively constitute a British vessel, or a vessel of the said United Provinces, it is hereby agreed, that all vessels built in the dominions of His Britannick Majesty, and owned, navigated, and registered according to the laws of Great Britain, shall be considered as British vessels; and that all vessels built in the territories of the said United Provinces, properly registered, and owned by the citizens thereof, or any of them, and whereof the master and three-fourths of the mariners, at least, are citizens of the said United Provinces, shall be considered as vessels of the said United Provinces.

ART. 8. All merchants, commanders of ships, and others, the subjects of His Britannick Majesty, shall have the same liberty, in all the territories of the said United Provinces, as the natives thereof, to manage their own affairs themselves, or to commit them to the management of whomsoever they please, as broker, factor, agent, or interpreter; nor shall they be obliged to employ any other persons for those purposes, nor to pay them any salary or remuneration, unless they shall chose to employ them, and absolute freedom shall be allowed, in all cases, to the buyer and seller to bargain and fix the price of any goods. wares, or merchandize imported into, or exported from, the said United Provinces, as they shall see good.

ART. 9. In whatever relates to the lading and unlading of ships, the safety of merchandize, goods, and effects, the disposal of property of every sort and denomination, by sale, donation, or exchange, or in any other manner whatsoever, as also the administration of justice, the subjects and citizens of the two Contracting Parties shall enjoy, in their respective dominions, the same privileges, liberties. and rights, as the most favoured nation, and shall not be charged, in any of these respects, with any higher duties or imposts than those which are paid, or may be paid, by the native subjects or citizens of the Power in whose dominions they may be resident. They shall be exempted from all compulsory military service whatsoever, whether by sea or land, and from all forced loans, or military exaction or requisitions; neither shall they be compelled to pay any ordinary taxes, under any pretext whatsoever, greater than those that are paid by native subjects or citizens.

ART. 10. It shall be free for each of the two Contracting Parties to appoint Consuls for the protection of trade, to reside in the dominions and territories of the other party; but before any Consul shall act as such, he shall, in the

usual form, be approved and admitted by the Government to which he is sent; and either of the Contracting Parties may except from the residence of Consuls, such particular places as either of them may judge fit to be so excepted.

ART. 11. For the better security of commerce between the subjects of His Britannick Majesty, and the inhabitants of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, it is agreed, that if at any time any interruption of friendly commercial intercourse, or any rupture should unfortunately take place between the two Contracting Parties, the subjects or citizens of either of the two Contracting Parties residing in the dominions of the other, shall have the privilege of remaining and continuing their trade therein, without any manner of interruption, so long as they behave peaceably, and commit no offence against the laws; and their effects and property, whether entrusted to individuals or to the State, shall not be liable to seizure or sequestration, or to any other demands than those which may be made upon the like effects or property, belonging to the native inhabitants of the State in which such subjects or citizens may reside.

ART. 12. The subjects of His Britannic Majesty residing in the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, shall not be disturbed, persecuted, or annoyed on account of their religion, but they shall have perfect liberty of conscience therein, and to celebrate divine service either within their own private houses, or in their own particular churches or chapels, which they shall be at liberty to build and maintain in convenient places, approved of by the government of the said United Provinces: liberty shall also be granted to bury the subjects of His Britannic Majesty who may die in the territories of the said United Provinces, in their own burial places, which, in the same manner, they may freely estabish and maintain. In the like manner, the citizens of the said United Provinces shall enjoy, within all the dominions of His Britannic Majesty, a perfect and unrestrained liberty of conscience and of exercising their religion publickly or privately, within their own dwelling houses, or in the chapels and places of worship appointed for that purpose, agreeably to the system of toleration established in the dominions of His said Majesty.

ART. 13. It shall be free for the subjects of His Britannic Majesty, residing in the United Provinces of Rio de La Plata, to dispose of their property, of every description, by will or testament, as they may judge fit; and, in the event of any British subject dying without such will or testament in the territories of the said United Provinces, the British Consul-General, or, in his absence, his representative, shall have the right to nominate curators to take charge of the property of the deceased, for the benefit of his lawful heirs and ereditors, without interference, giving convenient notice thereof to the authorities of the country; and reciprocally.

ART. 14. His Britannic Majesty being extremely desirous of totally abolishing the Slave Trade, the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata engage to 00-operate with His Britannic Majesty for the completion of so beneficent a work, and to prohibit all persons inhabiting within the said United Provinces,

or subject to their jurisdiction, in the most effectual manner, and by the most solemn laws, from taking any share in such trade.

ART. 15. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in London within four months, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed their seals thereunto.

Done at Buenos Ayres, the 2d. day of February, in the year of our

Lord 1825.


No. 50. Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between his Britannic Majesty, and his Majesty the Emperor of Brazil. Rio Ja eiro, August 17th, 1827. In the name of the Holy and Invisible Trinity.

ART. 1. There shall be peace and friendship for ever, between his majesty the emperor of Brazil, and his majes' y the king of the united kingdoms of Great Britain and I eland, their heirs and successors. their subjects, states and countries, without distinction of person or of place.

ART 2. His imperial Majesty, and his Britannic majesty, have agreed, that each of the high contracting parties shall have the right of naming, and placing consuls-general, consuls, and vice consuls in all or any of the ports of the other, as may be judged necessary for the commercial interests and advantage of its subjects. The consuls of each class cannot enter upon their functions, unless named by their respective monarchs, with all the requisite formalities, and confirmed by the monarch upon whose territory they are placed. The most perfect equality is to exist between the consuls of each class throughout the territory of each of the high contracting parties. The consuls shall enjoy the privileges attached to their rank, as generally recognised and granted. In all civil and criminal affairs, they are to submit like the rest of their fe lowcountrymen, to the laws of the land in which they reside, and to enjoy the entire protection of those laws during their observance of them.

ART. 3. The consuls, and vice-consuls of the two nations shall, each in his respective residence take cognizance and decide upon the differences which may arise between the subjects, the captains, and crews. of the vessels of their respective nations, without the intervention of the authorities of the countries, unless the public tranquillity demand it, or unless the parties themselves carry the affairs before the tribunals of the territory, in which the difference arises. In like manner. they shall have the right of administering the property of the sbujects of their own nation, dying intestate, for the benefit of the legitimate heirs of said property, or creditors, conformable to the laws of their respective


ART. 4. The subjects of each of the high contracting parties are to enjoy, throughout the territory of the other, the most perfect liberty of conscience in all matters of religion, conformably to the system of toleration, introduced and followed in each of their respective countries.

ART. 5. The subjects of either sovereign may, at their own pleasure, dispose of their property by sale, exchange, testament, or in any other manner, without let or hinderance. Their houses, goods, and effects, shall be protec ted and respected, and no authority shall invade them, without the will of their proprietors. They shall be exempted from all service upon land, and upon the sea; from all forced loans, and contributions, for war or for the service of the state; they shall not be required to pay any ordinary tax. under any denomi nation whatsoever, at a higher rate than that paid by the subjects of the mon arch, whose territory they inhabit. They shall not be subjected to any arbitrary domiciliary visits; their books or papers shall not be demanded nor examined under any pretence. It is agreed that domiciliary and other visits, and examinations, shall only take place in the presence of the competent authorities, in cases of high treason, smuggling, and other crimes, provided for by the laws of the respective nations. In general it is expressly stipulated, that the subjects of each party shall enjoy, throughout the territory of the other, as regards their own persons, the same rights, favours and franchises, which are or may afterwards be granted, to the subjects of the most favoured nations.

ART. 6. The constitution of the empire having abolished all separate jurisdictions, it is agreed that the office of judge advocate (juiz conservador) of the British nation shall be suppressed, and that in the mean time a sufficient substitute shall be provided. for the protection of the persons and property of the subjects of his Britannic majesty. Hereby it is understood, that the subjects of his Britannic majesty shall enjoy in Brazil, the same rights and advantages enjoyed by Brazilian subjects. in civil and criminal matters; that they cannot be arrested without previous inquest, and the orders of the proper authorities, except in cases where they are taken in flagrante delictu, and that their persons are to be free from arrest, in all cases in which the law allows bail.

ART. 7. If, which Heaven avert, any misunderstanding, breach of friendship, or rupture. should take place between the two crowns, such rupture shall not be considered as existing, until after the recall or the departure of the diplomatic agents of the two powers. The subjects of either power remaining within the territory of the other, shall have the right of regulating their affairs, or of carrying on their business with the interior, provided they continue to act peaceably, and do nothing contrary to the laws. Nevertheless, whenever their conduct gives rise to suspicions, they may be obliged to quit the country, every possible facility being afforded them, to retire with their property and effects, and sufficient time being granted them; in no case, however, to exceed six months.

ART 8. It is also agreed, that neither of the two contracting parties shall knowingly or designedly take or keep in his service, those subjects of the other, who have deserted from the sea or land service, but shall on proper demand, dismiss all such from his employ. It is moreover declared and agreed, that every favour which can be granted by one of the powers to the other, relative



to deserters from his service, shall be considered as also conceded in the site case, as fully as if expressed in the present treaty. It also agreed that in the case of sailors or marines, deserting from ships belonging to subjects of either power, during their sojourn in the ports of the other, the authorities are bound to render all possible assistance, for the arrest of such deserters; in like manner the necessary reclamations shall be made by the consul-general, the consul, or his deputies and representatives; and moreover, no religious or civil corporation shall protect or receive the said deserters.

ART. 9. Salutes in ports, and between flags, shall be made conformably to the usual existing regulations between maritime states.

ART. 10. Liberty of commerce and navigation shall be reciprocally enjoyed, by the respective subjects of the two powers, in ships of both nations, and in all and every port, city, and territory, belonging to the said contracting powers, excepting those to which entrance is exp: essly forbidden to any foreign nation. It is agreed, that as soon as a port which has been thus interdicted, shall be opened to the commerce of any other nation, it shall be, from that moment, also opened to the subjects of the two high contracting parties. The subjects of the two high contracting parties may enter with their respective ships, into all the ports, harbours, bays and anchorages, of the territories belonging to each of the two parties, unload the whole or a part of their cargoes, and take in or re-export merchandises. They may remain there, rent houses and stores, travel, trade, open shops, transport goods, boats or money, and attend to all their concerns, without being thereby subjected to any surveil. lance, and transact their business at their pleasure, by means of agents and clerks. Nevertheless, it is agreed that the coasting trade between ports, with articles of consumption, either with the interior, or with other nations, shall be excepted, and that this trade can only be carried on in ships of the country; the subjects of the two powers are, however, permitted to load such ships with their property, merchandise and money, on paying the same duties.

ART. 11. The ships of the subjects of each of the two high contracting powers, shall pay no higher port, tonnage, and the like duties, than those which are or may hereafter be required of the most favoured nations.

ART. 12. In order to prevent all doubts concerning the nation to which a ship may belong, the two parties have agreed to consider as English, those ships which are purchased, registered, and employed in navigation, conformable to the laws of Great Britain. On the other hand, such are to be considered Brazilian, as are built upon the Brazilian territory, belong to Brazilian subjects, and whose captain and three fourths of the crew, are Brazilians. All ships shall likewise be considered as Brazilian, taken from the enemy by ships of his majesty, the emperor of Brazil, or his subjects, furnished with letters of marque, if they have been declared lawful prize by the Brazilian prize court; also those which have been condemned by a competent tribunal, for infraction of the laws prohibiting the slave-trade, and those bought by Brazilian subjects, with crews constituted as above mentioned.

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