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haan annlied?

brace only the sums raised and pai the claims of the Presiding Elder the preacher.)

8. What has been raised the pre quarter for other objects?

(Let the answer to this question brace the sums raised for all other 1 poses, not included in the preced report.)

9. Who are elected Stewards for ensuing Conference-year? [4] 10. Who is elected Recording Ste ard? [4]

11. Who is elected District Ste ard? [4]

12. Are there any reports from t Trustees of Church-property? [4]

13. Who are elected to fill vaca cies in Boards of Trustees?

14. Are there any application for 1 cense to preach or exhort?

mendations to the Annual Cone to be admitted on trial into veling connection, or for reäd? [4]

What local preachers are recom1 to the Annual Conference for on? [4]

Have the local preachers and s passed in examination of er, and have their licenses been


s there a Church Register beto the charge, and has it been 7 kept? [4]

ave the General Rules been

hat is doing for the cause of

hat is doing for the cause of ? [2]

there any miscellaneous busi



ence, over which the preacher in charge shall preside. It may be held at any time most convenient for assembling the greatest number of members; but if on the Sabbath, it should not interfere with the morning public worship.

2. A secretary shall be elected annually, at the first meeting after the session of the Annual Conference. He shall make a record of the proceedings, and shall keep in a book, and return to the Quarterly Conference, all the statistics which the Discipline requires to be reported to an Annual Conference.

3. The roll of members shall be called at every meeting, unless otherwise ordered, and the Conference may strike off the names of any who, on account of removal or other cause, have been lost sight of for twelve months. provided however, that if

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