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Ques. What directions are concerning Sunday-schools?

Ans. 1. Let Sunday - schools formed in all our congregations, w ten children can be collected for purpose. Let the schools be u the control of our own Church; it is recommended that they use own publications. And it shall be especial duty of preachers hav charge of circuits and stations, w the aid of the other preachers, to that this be done; to engage t coöperation of as many of our me bers as they can; to visit the schoo as often as practicable; to preach the subject of Sunday-schools an


efore the Quarterly Conch quarterly meeting, to n its journal, a written the number and state of chools within their reits and stations, and to rt of the same to their al Conferences. uarterly Conference shall Board of Managers, havion of all the SundaySunday-school Societies

aits. commended that each Anence, where the general work will allow, request ment of a special agent, to ghout its bounds, for the promoting the interests of pols; and his expenses shall t of collections which he rected to make, or other

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Ans. To the General Conference, who have power to expel him for improper conduct, if they see it galin D no sit it

Ques. 2. What provision is made for the trial of a Bishop, if he should be accused of immorality in the interval of the General Conference?ne of

Ans. 1. When a Bishop shall be under report, or be accused, of immorality, three traveling elders shall call upon him and carefully inquire into

the case and if they believe him quilty

Bishop; and it shall be his dut summon together, at some conven place, not less than twelve trave elders, and also the witnesses by wl the accusation is expected to be tablished; and the said elders s form a committee for the invest tion of the charge brought against Bishop. And if two-thirds of th verily believe the accused to be guil they shall have power to suspend h till the ensuing General Conference

2. No charge against a Bishop sh be entertained except it be made writing, signed by those who propo to establish it; and a copy of t charge or accusation, with the speci cations, shall be delivered to the a cused a sufficient length of time to e able him to make all necessary prep rations for his defense.

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