Gambar halaman

Hospital mates, duties of, 130.

stewards, rank and pay of, 444, 501.

surgeons, 213.

duties of, 130.

Hospitals, allowance to, 484.

directions of admission of patients into, 130.
military, officers of, 130.

temporary and permanent, 131.

Hours for trials by court-martial, 73, 80.
Hunter, Captain James, sword presented to, 333.

IMPORTS, Collection of duties on, 463.


Imprisonment of non-commissioned officers and soldiers, 81, 110.
time of, as prisoners of war, part of service, 327.

Incorporated companies, contracts made by, 204.

Index to Constitution, 53.

Indianapolis, arsenal at, 511.

Indian affairs, organization of department on, 333.
department, appropriation for expenses, 431.
war, pay of militia in, 293.

Indians, bounty lands to, 440.

competent witnesses, 388.

employed by President, 94.

money, &c., not to be distributed to, while intoxicated, 388.
penalty for selling spirituous liquors to, 388.

protection against, 87.

provisoes in regard to peace with, 92.

trade and intercourse with, 332.

Infantry, half pay of, 339.

one hundred thousand volunteers accepted as, 532.
organization of regiment of, 88, 114, 230, 238, 473.
organized, 238.

reduced, 358.

regiment of, 342.

how composed, 307.

officers of, 474.

regiments of, 142.

completed, 92.

tactics, instructor of, 355.

Inquiry, courts of, by whom appointed, 156.

courts of, organization and powers of, 82, 192.
proceedings admitted as evidence, 192.
proceedings of, authenticated, 192.
prohibited, when, 192.

organization of courts of, 82.

Insane, government hospital for, 437, 438.

organization of institution for in District of Columbia, 461.

persons not to be confined in jail, 445.

reception of, into hospital, 458.

Inspection of arms at musters, 159.

[blocks in formation]

Inspector-general, President may appoint, 123.
secretary allowed to, 159.

Inspector, light-house, 425.
of artillery, 128.

of fortifications appointed, 137.
duties of, 157.

Inspectors, duties and pay of, 88.
general, rank and pay of, 308,

two additional, rank and pay of, 4×9.
medical, rank, pay, and duties of, 302.
pay of, 2×6,

Insurgents, proclamation to, to disperse, 95, 477.
Insurrections in District of Columbia, 166,

power of President to suppress, 108, 465.
suppressed, 94, 199, 241.

Interest on moneys refunded, 392.
Invalid pensioners, 295, 627.

soldiers of war of 1×12 456.

soldiers, pensions of, 12%,

Invalids of United States, 112, 117.

pensions to, 9, 195, 206, 271, 296.

Invasion, detence of United States against, 353.

militia called by whom, on an, 165.

Invasions, power of President to suppress, 108, 465.

repelled, 94, 341.

Inventions, patented, purchase of, 460,


JACKSON, Major General, thanks of Congress, and gold me ial, voted to, 26×,
Johnston, Lieutenant Benjamin, sword presented to his representative, j63.
Judge-advocate, 147.

and witnesses, caths of x2.

appointment of, 118, 403.
appointment and pay of, 215.
duties of, 187, 191.

for each army, 5.2.

form of oath administered by, 192.

general, 72, 52.

oath administered to, 72, ×D),

oaths administered by, 80,

pay of 2×5.

[blocks in formation]

LABORERS, bounty and clothing to, 255.

Land, allowance of toch ers at 1 soichiers, 211, 214.
given to soi hiers discharged or prom ted 274,
granted to sldiers on dis large or death 21.
purchased on account

to be purchase for forthcat, nn, 195

transfers of 270

warrants, *{},

Land warrants, act in relation to, 397.
assignable, 420, 440, 454.

patent for, how procured, 277.
title to, 412.

Lands, cessions of, received by President, 102.
public, payment for, 222.

Laws in regard to sutlers, 497, 499.

military, of United States, 85.

of United States, opposition to, suppressed, 94.
Legion of United States completed, 111.

officers of, 115.

Legionary commanders, duties of, 153.
court, extraordinary, 157.
of inquiry, 157.

of inquiry, collector of, 164.
courts, cavalry subject to, 233.
musters, 158, 231.

[blocks in formation]

title of, 449.

third, to each troop or company, 237.

Lieutenants having appointments of quartermaster, 385.
of cavalry and artillery, forage for horses, 525.

pay of, 93, 118.

Light artillery, 306.

equipments, forage, &c., 216.

uniform clothing of, 217.

dragoons, uniform clothing of, 217.

infantry, one company for each battalion, 98.

regiment of, 347.

Light-house Board of United States, 424.

districts, 425.

Light-houses, appropriations for, 424.

board of officers for examining, 419.

materials for construction of, 425.

officers from engineer corps to superintend construction of, 419.
surveys to determine site for, 418.

Limitation of arrest, 81.

of corporeal punishment, 76, 81.

Little Rock arsenal, pay of military storekeeper at, 410.

Loan of arms, &c., 125, 126.

of artillery to militia corps, 124.

surplus duties pledged for paying interest of, 133.

Lyon, Brigadier-General Nathaniel, gallant services of, recognized by
Congress, 536.


MACOMB, Major-General, thanks of Congress and gold medal to, 267.
Magazines, duties of keepers of, 264.

erection and repairing, 103.

regulation of public, 140.

Major, additional, to each regiment during Mexican war, 379.

commandant of artillery, pay of, 93.

of dragoons, pay of, 93.

of infantry, pay of, 93.

pay of, 143.

penalty for delinquency of, 163.

promotion to rank of, in quartermaster's department, 481.
general, 136.

aids of, 255.

entitled to two aids, 137.

one additional appointed, 372.
pay of, 90, 93, 128, 213.

generals, additional, 242, 383.

and aids, 213.

forage for horses of, 525.

number of, added to army, 475.
number of, authorized, 509.

of volunteers, appointment of, 468.

Majors, forage for horses of, 525.

Marine corps who served in Mexico on a footing with the army, 400.
Marines and land forces, officers of, associated, 187.

Marriage, effects of, in regard to pensions, 361, 365, 434.

[blocks in formation]

Master-wagoners and wagoners, rank and pay of, 481.

[blocks in formation]

Mechanics, employed by whom, 255.

Medal, gold, voted by Congress to Brigadier-General Miller, 268.

to Brigadier-General Ripley, 268.

to General Taylor, 377, 389, 398.
to Major-General Brown, 267.
to Major-General Gaines, 268.
to Major-General Jackson, 268.
to Major-General Macomb, 268.
to Major-General Porter, 268.
to Major-General Scott, 267, 398.

"Medals of honor," 540.

Medical and hospital departments, organization of, 444.

board, duties of, 131.

cadets, appointment and pay of, 501.

duties, rank, and pay of, 482.

Medical corps, incapacity of an officer to be reported 503.
department, act to increase efficiency of, 501.
appointment of officers of, 130.

establishment of, 129.

obedience required of officers of, 131.

pay of, 347.

establishment of 1796 increased in case of war, &c., 131.
inspector-general, rank and pay of, 502.

inspectors, rank, pay, and duties of, 502.
officers, additional, of volunteers, 507.
purveyors, duties of, 502.

staff, extension of, 273.

increase of, 402.

rations and pay of, 255.

storekeepers, pay and duties of, 504.

Meek, Lieutenant John, sword presented to, 333.
Members of courts-martial, rank of, 72.

Mexican war, additional force raised during, 379.
war, volunteers for, 367.

Mexico, account of military contributions in, 430.
discharge of sappers, &c. who served in, 403.
discharge of soldiers who served in, 397.

money paid to prisoners of war in, in lieu of subsistence, 401.
receivers of contributions in, to be paid, 430.

Mileage, cases where not allowed, 456.

rate of, fixed, 526.

to officers, 456.

Military academy, appointment of cadets to, 363.

appropriation for buildings, 226.

for support of, 357, 376, 409, 414.

at West Point, constituted, 148.
books, &c. for, how procured, 149.

commandant at, 361.

commission to examine into organization of, 459.

composed of whom, 224.

experiments made by whom, 150.

pay of master of sword, 230.

increased, 431, 447.

pay of superintendent of, 410.

professors in, 224.

provisions for support of, 355.

rank and pay of superintendent, 455.

superintendence of, 149.

teachers for, authorized, 150.

term of service of cadets at, 348.

agents, 142.

abolished, 220.

duties of, 146.

pay of, 143.

appointments, suspension of, 141.

asylum for invalid and disabled soldiers, 415.

funds for support of, 416.

site for, western, 424.

board for examination of officers, duties of, 470.
claims in department of West, 538.

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