Gambar halaman

be his full and entire compensation,' without a right to demand or receive any rations, forage, travelling expenses, or other perquisite or emolument whatsoever, except such stationery as may be requisite for the use of his department; to the adjutant and trapector of the army, thirty-eight dollars in addition to his pay in the line, and such stationery as shall be requisite for his department; to the paymaster of the army, one hundred and twenty dollars, without any other emolument, except such stationery as may be requisite in his department and the use of the public. office now occupied by him; to the aid-de-camp, in addition to his pay in the line, thirty dollars; each paymaster attached to districts, thirty dollars, and each assistant to such paymaster, ten dollars, in addition to his pay in the line; to each military 3; st, seventy-six dollars and no other emolument; to each assistant mt try agent, eight dollars, in addition to his pay in the line, expt the assistant military agents at Pittsburg and Niagara, who skill receive sixteen dollars each, in addition to their pay in the line; to each colonel, seventy-five dollars; to each lieutenant-colonel, sixty dollars; to each major, fifty dollars; to each surgeon, fortyfive dollars; to each surgeon's mate, thirty dollars; to each adjutant, ten dollars, in addition to his pay in the line; to each captain forty dollars; to each first lieutenant, thirty dollars; to each second lieutenant, twenty-five dollars; to each ensign, twenty dollars; to each cadet, ten dollars; to each sergeantmi", mine dollars; to each sergeant, eight dollars; to each corperil, seven dollars; to each teacher of music, eight dollars; to each mancain, ser dollars; to each artificer, ten dollars; and to each prirate, five^ de llars.

1 The In,sher's pay. $104, by the 12 April, 1×0s, chap. 43, sec. 4, and confirmed by the 3 March, 1×15, chap. 79, sec. 4, and re enacted by the 8 January, 1812, chap.

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r slystants and inspectors general, see the 2 March, 1×21, chap. 13, see 6, and n tex, by which they are to have the rank and emoluments of colonels of

* j'ai masters had forage, and rations of a major, by the 2 April, 1800; see for the paymaster general's salary, the 24 April, 1816, chap. 69, see 3. Paymasters, as to parari en luments, are put on the footing of majors of infantry, by the 25 April,

the pay of the officers of the dragoons, see the 12 April, 1×08, chap. 43, The carta in italies as to the pay of non commissioned officers and men, is sup. bed by the 5 July 1× ×, chap 162, see. 16, and 7 July, 1838, chap. 194, and see - 21 106, 1997, for in resse of officers pay.

ars to each private, by the 7 July, 1×3%, chap. 194; thirteen dollars to eacă existe i man, by see. 1, ehsp. 63, 6 Aug. 1×61.

SEC. 5. That the commissioned officers aforesaid, shall be entitled to receive, for their daily subsistence, the following number of rations of provisions: a colonel, six rations; a lieutenant-colonel, five rations; a major, four rations; a captain, three' rations; a lieutenant, two rations; an ensign, two rations; a surgeon, three rations; a surgeon's mate, two rations; a cadet, two rations or money in lieu thereof, at the option of the said officers and cadets at the posts, respectively, where the rations shall become due; and if at such post supplies are not furnished by contract, then such allowance as shall be deemed equitable, having reference to former contracts, and the position of the place in question; and each non-commissioned3 officer, musician, and private, one ration; to the commanding officer of each separate post, such additional number of rations as the President of the United States shall, from time to time, direct, having respect to the special circumstances of each post; to the women who may be allowed to any particular corps, not exceeding the proportion of four to a company, one ration each; to such matrons and nurses as may be necessarily employed in the hospital, one ration each; and to every commissioned officer who shall keep one servant, not a soldier of the line, one additional ration.

SEC. 6. That each ration shall consist of one pound and a quarter of beef, or three-quarters of a pound of pork, eighteen ounces of bread or flour, one gill of rum, whiskey, or brandy, and at the rate of two quarts of salt, four quarts of vinegar, four pounds of soap, and one pound and a half of candles, to every hundred rations.

SEC. 7. That the following officers shall, whenever forage is not furnished by the public, receive at the rate of the following sums per month, in lieu

1 And forage for one horse, by the 6 July, 1812, chap. 133.

2 The ration is estimated at 20 cents (and 30 cents by act 1857) by the 12 April, 1808, ch. 43, sec. 6, and the 11 Jan. 1812, chap. 14, sec. 23. This section (3) of ra

tions is not supplied by the 4th section of 12 April, 1808, chap. 43.

3 See, for these separate commands, the 23 August, 1812, chap. 186, sec. 6.

4 When out of reach of the commander-in-chief, or superior officer in command in the neighborhood. 1 Peters, 293-296, and see 3 How. 566. See sec. 19, chap. 42, 3 Aug. 1861.

5 See now as to servants the 30 March, 1814, chap. 37. sec. 9 and 10, and n.

6 The ration is repeated by the 8 Jan. 1812, chap. 14, sec. 8, and see substitution for rum, whiskey, or brandy, in sec. 2, chap. 39, 26 March, 1804. See notes to that act.

7 This section supplies the 30 May, 1796, chap. 39, sec. 14, ante; see further as to forage, the 12 April, 1808, chap. 43, sec. 4; the 6 July, 1812, chap. 133: the 25 March, 1812, chap. 46; the 24 April, 1816, chap. 69, sec. 12; the 3 March, 1845, chap. 65; and the 11 February, 1847, chap. 8, sec. 4.

They are entitled to eight dollars for each horse; allowed to all officers, by the 24 April, 1816, chap. 69, sec. 12.

theroof: each colonel, $12; each lieutenant-colonel, $11; each major, $10; each slutant $6; each surgeon, $10; and each surgeon's mate, $6.

That every non-commissioned officer, musician, and private of the artery and infantry, shall receive annually the following articles of wif rm el thing, to wit: one hat, one coat, one vest, two pair of woollen and two pair of linen overalls, offe coarse linen frock and trowsers for fatigue etang four pair of shoes, four shirts, two pair of socks, two pair of short at was g», one blanket, one stock and clasp, and one pair of half gaiters: and the secretary of war is hereby authorized to cause to be furnished to the pavinasters of the respective districts, such surplus of clothing as he Bay em expedient, which clothing shall, under his direction, be furnished tthew "diers, when necessary, at the contract prices, and accounted for by them out of their arrears of monthly pay.]

S. 9. That the President of the United States cause to be arranged the o♬ ers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates of the several ems of troops now in the service of the United States, in such manner as to frm and complete, out of the same, the corps aforesaid; and cause the Supernumerary officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, the discharged from the service of the United States, from and after the 1 day of April next, or as soon thereafter as circumstances may permit. Sec. 19. That the officers, non-commissioned officers, musicians, and Irvates of the said corps, shall be governed by the rules and articles of war, which have been established by the United States in Congress assemVid, ơ bị such rules and articles as may be hereafter by law established · Pie 1, nevertheless, That the sentence of general courts-martial, extending to the loss of life, the dismission of a commissioned officer, or which

respect the general officer, shall, with the whole of the proceedin 28 fst cases, respectively, be laid before the President of the United Mates, who is hereby authorized to direct the same to be carried into exeu, or otherwise, as he shall judge proper.

སལྟ་ 11 That the commissioned officers who shall be employed in the recruiting service, to keep up, by voluntary enlistments, the corps as aforena 1 stali be entitled to receive, for every effective, abie-bodied citizen of the United States, who shall be duly enlisted by him, for the term of five years and mustered, of at least five feet six inches high, and between the Ages of eighteen and thirty-five years, the sum of $2: Provided, nevertheinns. That this regulation, so far as respects the height and age of the reeruit shall not extend to musicians, or to those soldiers who may re-enlist

the service. And provided, also, That no person under the age of t* **y - be years shall be enlisted by any officer, or held in the service of 1. Erated States, with at the ensent of his parent, or guardian, or mas

fre bad and obtainel, if any he have; and f any officer shall enlist anthers in contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act, for every force he shall forfeit and pay the amount of the bounty and clothing the person so re-ruited may have received from the public, to be dated out of the pay and emoluments of su-h officer

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The President is to prescribe the el thing by the 24 Apri, 1×16, chsp 62, see 7

in of the mitration of the Present is re ens tel by the to

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SEC. 12.1 [That there shall be allowed and paid to each effective ablebodied citizen, recruited as aforesaid, to serve for the term of five years. a bounty of $12; but the payment of $6 of the said bounty shall be deferred until he shall be mustered and have joined the corps in which he is to serve.]

SEC. 13. That the said corps shall be paid in such manner that the arrears shall at no time exceed two months, unless the cir'cumstances of the case shall render it unavoidable.

[SECTIONS 14 and 15 are omitted here because they are the same as sections 11 and 12 of 29 January, 1816, chap. 16.]

SEC. 16. That the paymaster shall perform the duties of his office, agreeable to the direction of the President of the United States, for the time being: [and before he enters on the duties of the same, shall give bonds with good and sufficient sureties, in such sums as the President shall direct, for the faithful discharge of his said office; and shall take an oath to execute the duties thereof with fidelity; and it shall, moreover, be his duty to appoints from the line, with the approbation of the President of the United States, the several paymasters to districts and assistants prescribed by this act; and he is hereby authorized to require the said paymasters to districts, and assistants, to enter into bonds, with good and sufficient surety, for the faithful discharge of their respective duties.]

SEC. 17. That it shall be the duty of the military agents, designated by this act, to purchase, receive, and forward to their proper destination, all military stores, and other articles for the troops in their respective departments, and all goods and annuities for the Indians, which they may be directed to purchase, or which shall be ordered into their care by the de partment of war. They shall account with the department of war, annually, for all the public property which may pass through their hands, and all the moneys which they may expend in discharge of the duties of their offices respectively; previous to their entering on the duties of their offices, they shall give bonds with sufficient sureties, in such sums as the President of the United States shall direct, for the faithful discharge of

1 Supplied by 11 January, 1812, chap. 14, sec. 12.

2 See, as to his duties, the 8 May, 1772, chap. 37, sec. 3; and the 24 April, 1×16. chap. 69, sec. 4.

3 In $20,000, by the 8 May, 1792, chap. 37, sec. 3; in such sums as the Secretary of War shall direct, by the 24 April, 1816, chap. 69, sec. 6.

The construction of which is not affected by local laws. 7 Peters, 435-449, The rest of this section seems to be supplied by the 2 March, 1821, chap. 13. sec. 9. and 24 April, 1816, chap. 69, sec. 6, and the acts referred to in the notes to these


Office abolished. See n. to sec. 3.

the trust reposed in them; and shall take an oath faithfully to perform the duties of their respective offices.

Sr 18 That if any non-commissioned officer, musician, or private, shall sert the service of the United States, he shall, in addition to the penalties mennned in the rules and articles of war, be liable to serve, for and during such a period, as shall, with the time he may have served previous to desertion, amount to the full term of his enlistment; and such dier shall and may be tried by a court-martial, and punished, although the term of his enlistment may have elapsed previous to his being appreLen fed or tried.

So. 19. That every person who shall procure, or entice, a soldier in the service of the United States to desert, or who shall purchase from any der his arms, uniform clothing, or any part thereof; and every captain ommanding ofhcer of any ship or vessel, who shall enter on board such stipo or vessel, as one of his crew, knowing him to have deserted, or otherwe carry away any such soldier, or shall refuse to deliver him up to the orders of his commanding officer, shall, upon legal conviction, be fined, at the discretion of any court having cognizance of the same, in any sum not exceeding $200, or be imprisoned, any term not exceeding one year.

1. That every officer, non-commissioned officer, musician, and private, shail take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation, to wit: "I, AB dolemnly swear, or affirm, as the case may be,) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America, and that I will serve them honestly and faithfully, against their enemies or opposers

# œwever; and that I will observe and obey the orders of the President

f the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, acring to the rules and articles of war."

St 21. That whenever a general court-martial shall be ordered, the Pres, ient of the United States may appoint some fit person to act as judgeafi este who shall be allowed, in addition to his other pay, $1.25 for every day he shall be necessarily employed in the duties of the said court, ani in cases where the President shall not have made such appointment, their palergoteral, or the president of the court, may make the same.

22′ That where any commissioned officer shall be obliged to incur ary extra expense in travelling, and sitting on general court-martial, he

wed a reas nable compensation for such extra expense, actually sured not exceeding $1.25 per day to officers who are not entitled to and not exceeding $1 per day to such as shall be entitled to forage. That no non-commissioned officer, musician, or private, shall armosterd, or subject to arrest, or to be taken in execution, for any debt *) • sum of $2), contracted before enlistment, nor for any debt con

trusted after enlistment.

*pr 24* That, whenever any officer or soldier shall be discharged from the aerize except by way of punishment for any offence, he shall be albowed his pay and rations, or an equivalent in money, for such term of

* The 19th 19th, and 20th sections supplied by the 16th 17th, and 18th sections ho Jan 1-12 hap 16, an 1 of the art. les of war, 10 April, 1×06, chap. 20, ate is now app sted for the army, by the 2 March, 149, chap 3, Caria, aige advocate general and ju iges advocate for each army in the field,

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nextra expense is again provided for by the 11 Jan 112, chap 14, see 20. veronjten from arrest is re enacted by the 11 Jan 1×12, chap. 14, see 21,

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This is supplied by the 11 Jan. 112, chap. 14, see, 22, and subsequent

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