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from the time he first came I was entirely relieved, and have continued in good health ever since. Mr. Burke manifested during the whole time he attended me the greatest kindness in his treatment, was very attentive, and altogether his conduct was entirely stisfactory to myself and all my family.

Lambert S. Beck. Was attended by Mr. Burke about four years ago last June. Was severely afflicted with what I supposed was a bilious affection, and had been attended by physicians for nine or ten days, and took some medicine which they gave me; then called on Mr. Burke, who was then in Washington. This was on a Friday morning about sunrise. Was very sick, and had some difficulty in calling upon him. In about two hours Mr. Burke called and gave me some medicine, and I went through course, and experienced great relief, and on Saturday I was entirely relieved. Remained in the house on Saturday; on Sunday went to church, and on Monday morning went to my regular business. Called upon Burke at his house, and he prescribed for



Could scarcely get to his house, I was so unwell. Was about six hours under the course. Commenced on Friday about twɔ hours of sun. Had read the book, and knowing that Burke was practicing in that city, and having heard him spoken of very highly, I applied to him. Burke had been practicing about two years, and I have known of his attending a great many persons, but never heard of any complaints either of his practice

or of his attention to his patients. Think I administered the medicine to my wife myself, when she was sick, soon after. I went through a course of that they call the Thomsonian system. Have the books. Burke assisted me, and I went through the balance myself as he directed me to do. Before I went into the bath I was in violent pains; and from the time I went into it, in about fifteen minutes I was as much relieved as I am at present. Took medicine while I was in the steam bath, in the same manner as is usual with the Thomsonian system. Took first a small quantity of potash; then used composition freely; then the bath, and went through the regular course. Took the lobelia, and immediately cascaded. Freely threw off bile, and at every operation felt better. Took medicine internally to keep the internal heat above the outward heat. The operation of the steam was continued for some considerable time, and after I had been, I think, about six hours under the effects of the medicine, I was relieved. Was worse on Friday, when I went tɔ Mr. Burke, than I had been before. It was a bilious affection, and the fever was very high.

Did not at that time take advice from a regular practicing physician. Had read Thomson's book, and heard that Burke was practicing, and this was the reason I sent for him. He was practicing in Washington, and had been for about two years. Burke called in about two hours after I called on him, and he assisted me in beginning the course, and then he left me with

direction how to proceed, but do not recollect whether he returned. Never heard any complaint of Mr. Burke. Knew he attended a great many patients, and have heard some of them speak very highly of his skill and atention.

Moses Schumaker. Was attacked about nine weeks ago with the cholera, and Mr. Burke attended me where I then boarded. He gave me a good steaming, and sweating tea to drink. He staid with me all the time. Was in a much better way soon after he commenced. He attended my wife next morning, and cured her. We both had the cholera. My sister-in-law took the cholera in a few days; he attended, and cured her also. Had very much cramps through my legs an arms, so much that I could hardly bend them. Had the dirrhoea the day before. Much cramps in my limbs, feet cold, no perspiration on the skin. Was afterwards two hours in a profuse perspiration, produced from hot bricks. Was lying alongside my wife, and we were treated alike. He was so attentive that he never left my bed until I was safe; the same with my wife and sister-in-law.

Mrs. Williams. Was laboring under a very severe chronic disease. Had been moving, and was much agitated by the fatigue attending it. Was seized with violent pains in the stomach, attended with cramps in the stomach, which seemed to adhere to the back. Immediately sent to my husband, and requested that Mr. Burke might be sent for, always having felt a preerence for his practice from

what I had heard of him from those who he had attended. Burke mixed some medicines, which he came upstairs and gave me, which soon afforded me relief. The dose was repeated during the night. The medicine I took was composition tea, cayenne pepper and nerve powder. He mixed a teaspoonful and divided it into two doses. Applied steam to the feet, which was continued during the night, and repeated the doses of composition. The attack was very severe. Was much prostrated, and my breath cold. On the next morning I was much better, my stomach relieved of the pain, and my breathing also much better. My husband then carried me through a regular course, and I stood the steam as long as I could bear it. My husband gave the emetic, generally three doses, sometimes more than ten minutes between them; he would then give me as much nurishment as he thought proper. Before the application of the steam have frequently taken a large teaspoonful of cayenne; and while under its effects, another dose. Have given within fifteen minutes two teaspoonfuls of cayenne, and within twenty-four hours six or seven teaspoonfuls. Continue the treatment till the patient is entirely relieved, and I have never seen it fail. During the last six months I was afflicted with a severe chronic affection. I applied to Dr. Jameson, who pronounced it an internal schirrus, or cancer. He said that perhaps the application of washes might prove of service, but thought it doubtful, and considered it almost certain

that to effect a cure it would be necessary to use the knife. Told him I had some idea of trying Thomson's medicines, without letting him know who I was. He said he did not understand Thomson's medicines; that perhaps they might sometimes prove of service in particular diseases. Asked him why relief was generally the result of applying the steam. He said it produced relaxation, which was beneficial in some cases. My husband stated that he did not wish to control me in my choice; that he left it to my own judgment to decide what to do. Concluded that if the application of Thomson's medicines would not relieve me, I must die. Commenced going through the entire course. Have gone through forty-six courses in six months, have drank composition tea as I would tea made of any innocent herb. This tea I drink almost every night, and I take some nerve powder also. During the day I felt violent pains, and sometimes burnings for whole day. My husband would make a mixture of No. 5, cayenne and nerve powder, and give it to me, and I have experienced great relief from it. Still continue to take medicines, and find I am gaining strength, although I am not entirely relieved, but my life is much more comfortable to myself. Mr. Burke was in practice with my husband for several months; and although he attended a great many persons afflicted with almost all diseases, yet we heard of no complaint from any one that he attended. His natural disposition is that of being very kind. My


husband has possessed a right to practice this system for about six years. Have often practiced it myself. Have given the medicines to children and ladies of the most delicate constitutions, with perfect safety; and recollect one case under my charge in which I gave seven teaspoonfuls of lobelia, and the steam on all the time. My own health has been worse than it is now, although it is not now good. Have left my room to come here, when I do not go out of my room to my meals. When we first bought the book I had a sciatica, or rheumatism, in my hip, and at that time I went through three courses before I was relieved; but my hip being weak, I applied strengthening plasters, as I directed. Have gone through much suffering since that.


Have attended a great many ladies who were affected with the liver complaint, some of whom were severe cases, and have afforded them relief. Consider that for the steam bath, the steam box is preferable to the use of hot bricks. If the apveniently be had, why then the paratus of a box cannot conbricks can be used; and I have often known them to be applied with good effects. Have attended several ladies in one day, and take Thomson's book as my general guide and rule, and vary it to particular cases to my own judgment. Have never known, nor have I seen any danger whatever, to arise from the use of any of these medicines. Have known seven persons to go through a course in one day, and all to be relieved. Have known them to be applied to children

from one month old to ten or twelve years, likewise upon the most delicate ladies; some of them have been brought in carriages, being too ill to walk, and after having gone through a course, have left much stronger than when they came. We have relieved some of the patients in the course of one hour. Recollect one case of a lady who came, who stated that Dr. Baker had told her it was the only thing could be done for her. Have frequently taken an emetic. Have taken lobelia six times a day for six days in succession. Was once taken ill soon after a confinement. My nervous system was much diseased. My husband at this time was absent from home, and I was very ill. Had not slept an hour in twentyfour for a week. My child was also sick, and the attention which it was necessary I should pay it, occasioned my taking cold. Asked to be put into the steam box, and taken through a course. Stood in it and was seated in it altogether near twenty minutes. Afterwards had bricks heated red hot, and five of them quenched, applied all around me, and my side rubbed with No. 6. Then went through a steam for six days successively, and in a day or two afterwards I was about the house, and able to attend to my business. Continued wrapped up in blankets all that night, and during the next day and until night I was under the effects of a constant steam, and they gave me nourishment, and continued the medicines between, to keep up, as we term it, the internal heat; to keep the fountain above the stream. From my

Own experience, believe the medicines will do no harm in any case. All the representations I have heard of Mr. Burke, go to say that he has always been very attentive and kind to his patients, and indeed I often think the Thomsonians make slaves of themselves. They attend at all hours of the night, and frequently sleep upon chairs or lay upon the floor, as Mr. Burke has often done, in order to be near if he should be wanted, and the better to wait and attend upon his patients. Do not think there are any people as attentive to the sick as the Thomsonians.

Mrs. Faithful. Know Mr. Burke, and have seen some of his practice, as he attended upon my family. He is very attentive to his patients, at least as far as I have known, and he generally succeeds in his cases. I have often heard in going through town that he had been uncommonly kind to the sick. He has been remarkably attentive in my family, and I do think they are more like slaves in their practice than others. Had a young woman who was taken with the cholera in my house; she had violent spasms and cramps all night; Mr. Burke attended her, and was very successful and very attentive and kind. Had a daughter who died, but she did not take the medicines. She was struck with death when she was first taken, and nothing could be done. In all the cases of Mr. Burke, as well as my own family, he was uncommonly kind.

E. Lycett. About the 4th or 5th of September, was taken with the dysentery, and was attended by a regular physician who was thought to be as well

skilled as any gentleman in the city, practicing medicines. The first thing he did was to occasion a loss of blood, and I took about sixty grains of calomel. Was left so liable to take cold that I could not go out without occasioning a wheezing in my throat, which made it difficult for me to speak so as to be heard, or understood. Soon after this, a young man who came from England with me, an apprentice, was also taken. Was advised to try to obtain relief from a course of the Thomsonian system. Was much prejudiced against it, and refused to do it. His disease was the dysentery, or the diarrhoea, and soon turned to the bilious, and then to the yellow jaundice. He was as yellow, as we call it, as a guinea; and finding he was getting worse, I began to think of the course of treatment; however, determined that my young man should go through first, which he did; and found such great relief that I was induced to try it myself. Went through a course, and I felt entirely relieved, although I had not been well for ten or twelve days before; and I think it entirely relieved me. Submitted to go through a regular course, and I have been well ever since. He was with me constantly for four hours, and was very attentive the whole time. This gentleman's course began about 4 o'clock, and continued until 10 o'clock, when he left me, with bricks applied to my feet. Went through the course for the purpose of procuring relief from the difficulty I had of breathing, and I found it to cure it effectually.

Abner Pope. Do know of the practice of Francis Burke in

French alley, during the cholera. There were eight cases of cholera in that place, which he had charge of, and I was with him every day during the time. The first was Caroline Ruark's case, in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. It was a case of great violence, and admitted to be so by every one that saw her. She has recovered, and is well. She was under Burke's system, and I thought Burke was uncommonly attentive. He slept there on chairs. In one or two instances of the cases there, I carried coffee to them. The others were all thought to be cases of cholera. Burke recovered six out of eight cases which he had. Saw all that he cured. that he cured. Generally the treatment was the same in all the cases, sometimes the quantity of medicine given was larger than in others. There was no steam applied except the application of hot bricks, except the case of Nash. He was put on a cot. Got an order from the mayor's office for blankets. Understood he was steamed on the cot until the next morning.

Mr. Williams. Have known Francis Burke for twenty years. It was through me that he purchased the right to use Thomson's book and medicines. Had heard frequently of his success as a practitioner. In the spring of 1829, having great confidence in his judgment, and my practice having increased very much, I requested him to come on from Washington and join me in practice. We formed a society of twenty persons, and wrote on to Thomson for rights. My practice requiring assistance, he came, and we associated together, and he practiced with me very successfully, and with great at

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