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So fare as thy heave proceded & ye Secletmen In yo year 1760 Shall Be Equeall bound to peay the mony Borad as the present Seeltmen and Shall have foll power In Law to Cocelect ye Sd mony from ye freehoulders & In habitantes of Sa town

Voted to ajourn this meeting Levt John Hall Houess meet a Cording to ajournement the modrator & Clark both present

Voted to Reconsider y° vote Seeletmen Borowin y° money Ligwies voted on the Secound articall In the Warrant that Capt William Pirham Levt Hugh Stirlen Levt John Hall are Impouered by the Said freehoulders & In habitents of the town of Derryfield to Borow the Sum of four Hundered & twount three poundes Six Shillens old tenor & to peay Intriste Souch as they Can hayer the above money for & all ther time & Expinces paied by Said town as Weill as the above Soum of fore Hundered & twont three Pounds Six Shillens old tenor

NB till Such time as the above Sum is payd to them By the afore Said frree houlders & inhabitantes of Sa town

Voted on the third articall to a Perfixt places In Said town for a Buren yard

Voted on that the Burring yard In Derryfield Shall Be In that Places of Ground that Levt John Hall Give a Deed of to the town In the moust Sutibal Peart of it not Improvien

Voted one the forth articall that Capt William Pirham Capt Alix me murphey Sergent William me Clintock Sergent Abrham Mirall Levt Hugh Stirallen be a Comitey to Devied the High Wayes In Said town

Recorded febr 29 1760

John Hall Town Clark

Province of Newhampshier To Thomas Russ Cunstabel for the town of Derry field Greeting

You are hear By Requiered In his majesteyes Name to Warrn all the free Houlders & Inhabitentes of Derryfield that

*Some one, within recent years, has added a "y" to this word. ED.

they meet at ther meeting Houes In Said Town upon Wansday 27 of fer Instant at teen of the Clock In the fornoon then and ther to acct one the following Perticquelors (viz)

1 to Chueas a Modrator to reglaut Said meeting

2ly To See if the town Vote to Send a man or men to atend the Secound Day of the Sitting of the Genaral Assembly after the firest Day of march nixt In Order to plied for & mintain the Privilge of a free fishery at Ameseik falls In Merrimack Rivier In Behalf of his Majesteyes Good Subjectes In Genarall But In Perticquelor his majesteyes Good Subjectes In Derryfield woth full power In Law to substute one or more a Tornneyes under him or them & to Prosecut the Same to finiel judgment & Excution

and this Shall be your Suficant warant Givien under ourhands and Seal this 11 Day of feb* 1760

William Mc Clintock
Abraham Merall

Recourded this 29 Day of feb 1760

men Seelct

John Hall Town Clark

Province of Newhampshier Derryfield Feb 27 1760

I Have Given Warrning to the freehoulderes & Inhabitants of Said town of time & Places Meetien aCording to the vot of Sa town for Warrnien town meetiens & the articalls ther In aserted

Recorded feb 29 1760

Thoms Russ Counstable

John Hall Town Clark

At a Meeting of the freehoulders & Inhabitantes of the town of Derry field Hield feb 27— 1760

Voted William Mc Clintock Modrator

Voted to Send aman to Pourtes Mouth to atind the Secound Day of of the Sitteng of the General assembly after y fieest Day of march nixt In order to Ansor to Eany thing y may Be In a Petishon from a N°mber from Lo- Derry and others

that may Have Eany tendenc to Barr or hinder his majestyes Good Subjectes of the Privileg of a free fishiery at amas Skige falls In Mirrimack Revier

Voted that John Hall atind the General assembly In Behalf of Derryfield agreeabel to formor vote

Recorded feb' 29- 1760

John Hall Town Clark

Province of Newhampshire To Thomas Russ Counstabal for the town of Derryfield Greeting

You are hearby Required in his majestys Name to warn all the freeholders & inhabitantes of ye town of Derryfield that they meet at ther meetinghoues in Sa town upon the firest monday in march Next at teen of ye Clock in the fore Noon then & ther to act one the following Perticqulars (Viz)

1 to Chueas a modrator to regluat Sd meeting

2ly to Chueas all ther town officers for y° present year 3ly to See if the town will Reas Eany mony for prichien & how mouch.

4ly to See how much money the town will Raies for to Defraying of the Charges for y° present year

5ly to See if y° town will aprove or diseaprove of the Divisihon of higwayes made by y° Commity Choues for that Eand 6 to to Hear the a Coumptes of the town for the year 1759 Read & to aprove or Dise a prove of the Same

And thies Shall be your Suficant Warant Givien under ouer hands & seal thies 11 Day of febuary 1760

[blocks in formation]

At a meeting of the free Houlders and inhabitantes of Derryfield hild March 3- 1760- agribeal to y° for Gowen warnien meet at the meetin Houes In Sd town

Voted John Hall Town Clark

Voted William mc Clintock Modrator

Voted William me Clintock Hugh Stirelen Abrham Mirall Seelet Men

Voted James Piterrs Counstable

Voted to ajourn thies meeting till John Hall houes Voted James Reddell & ali m° Clintock and James pirces taythen men

Voted the Siclet men Fences Vuees

Voted Hugh Stirelen to tack the Invouces

Voted thomas Russ & John Dicky mickel me Clinto & William Nute Survuers

Voted Davit Stiret Joseph gorge & William tagert Houg Rives

Voted thomas Russ Sealer of Leathor

Voted Robrt Andrson James Perces Deer Keepers

Voted the Sicelet men to Prayes Damiges In corn fieldes in Sa town

Voted Abrham mirall Surviere of all Sortes of Lumber Voted John Hall Davit Stirret to Coumpt woth y° Seelet


Voted to Reas on hundred poundes old tenor for prechien this year

Voted not to reas Eany money for town Charges this year Voted to ajourn this meetien till ye last monday of this Instant at teen of ye Clock of Sd Day in ye meethoues in Sd town

[blocks in formation]

Meet a Cording to the ajournment ye modrator & Clark both present & the meeting opened

Voted one the fifthe artical of ye Warrant to Dismies it Voted to allow the folling aCoumptes for the year 1759 to the Province tax 678-6-8 to Borden &

Shenglen the meethoues 500-0—0.

to prichien Expended In Sa year.

to ye Secelet men in Sd year

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to John Hall for tacken ye Invorce 6 macken
ye Retes 6 mor
to Sa Hall for Couinten woth ye Secelet men .
to John Hall for Intertieening the minester &
his Hors
to John Hall for time & Expinces to Borow
money in Be half of Sd town

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to Hugh Stirlen 2 gourneys to Lo-Derry.
to Sa Stirlen for Counten woth y° Seclet men
to Sd Stirlen from Derry to Chester for naiels
a mistack in y° priceas of naiels

to Capt William pirham to Lo-Derry
to John Hall for providen prechien

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9- 0

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4 0- -0





To forty pounds Elliven shillens by abatments & a not of Sixtytow pound In full of ther List

Recorded March 20


John Hall town Clark

Province of Newhampshier To James Pitters Counstable. for the town of Derryfield Greetien

In hies Majesteyes Name you are Required to warrn all the free houlders & Inhabitentes of the town of Derryfield that meet at the Meetieng Houese in Sd town upon monday y 11 Day of August Nixt at one of ye Clock in ye afternoon then & ther to act on ye folling porticklores-(Viz)

1 to Chucas a Modrator to Reglate Sd meetien

2ly to See what method the town will tacke to under pien y meetinghoues & to put a Door or Doors on the Same 3ly to See whother the town will think proper to Hiar Eany mor prichien then the hundred pouindes all Redey voted will

4ly to Ilearer Levt John Hall a Coumptes Read for hias Govien to portesmouth in order to Mienteen a free fishiery & to a prove or Diesaprove of the Same

And thies Shall be your Sufficente warrent Given under

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