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State of New Hampshire Hillsborough 8 8

(Seals) To John Dickey Constable for the Town of Derryfield and County afore Said Greeting

You are Hereby Required in the Name of the Goverment and people of this State to Leveay and Collect of the Several Parsons Named in the List Herewith Commeted unto you Each one his Respacttive Proportion therein Set Down

the Sum Totel of Such List Being an act of the General Court of Said State, and a Vote of the General Sessions of Said County as also a Vote of the Inhabitants of Said Derry

field, to Pay the Publik Chargess of Said State County and Town for the Currant year

you are to Pay to The Treasurer of Said State in Continentel Bills and Bills of this State at or Before the Last Day of December next the Sum of one Hundred and three Pounds Eighteen Shillings and fouer Pance, and Pay to the Trearsurer of this County Five Pounds three Shilings and Elevin Pance on or Before the first Day of october next, and to Pay to us the Select men of Derryfield on our order for the year 1778 the Just and Ful Sum of the Remainding Part of the Whole Lis at or Before the first Day of February next, and if any Parson or Parsons Neglect or Refuse Make Payment of the Sum or Sums Whereat he or they are Respacttively assessed or Sat Down in Said List, to Disstrain the Goods or or Cattels of the Said Delinkuent or Delinkuents to the Value therof and the Distras or Disstrasses, Sotaken, you are to Ceep the Space of Four Days. at the Cost and Charges of the Owner, and if they Dow Not Pay, the Sum or Sums so assessed upon him or them within the Sd four Days, the Distrasses So Taken you are to Expose and openly Sell at an Outcray. for Payment of the Tax and Charges, Nottce of Such Sail being Posted in Sum Publik Places in Said Town Twentyfour Oures befor hand, and the Over pluss if aney there be after Said Sail besides the Said assessment and Charges of Ceeping the Distrasses or Distrasses to be Immedetly Restored to the Owner, and for Want of Goods and Cattels Wheron to make Disstrasses, you are to Sease the Bodey or Bodays of him or them So Refusen and him or them Commet Unto the Common Goal of Said County, there to Remain untill he or they pay and Satesfi the Several Sum or Sums Wharat he or they are assessed Respecttively as afor Said,

and this Shall be your Sufecant Warrent Geven under Our hands and Seals at Derryfield.

Dated September the Twenty fourth Day 1778

John Hall
Joseph Farmer
Samuel Boyd

Select Men

Recorded 29th of September 1778

David Starret T: Clerk

State of New Hampshire Hills Borough s s

To Mr John Dickey Constable for the Town of Derryfield in Said County-Greeting

You are Hereby Required in the Name of the Goverment of Said State to Warn a meeting of the freehoulders and Inhabitants of Said Derryfield that they assemble at their meeting House upon the first Day of October next at Two of the Clock afternoon.

1-ly to Chouse a moderator to Goveran Said meeting

2-ly to Chouse a Man to Serve on the Grand Jury at the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be Holden at Amhirst in and for Said County on the Eighth Day of October next,

and this Shall be Your Sufecant Warrent.

Dated at Derryfield this 12th Day of September 1778, by order of Court.

pr David Starret T: Clerk

Hillsborough s s Derryfield October the 1th 1778.

in Pursuance to the Within Presept I have Posted this warrent agreeable to the Vote of Said Town.

Hillsborough 8 s

pr John Dickey Constable

at a meeting Legely warned for the Chouise of a Grand Jurier and held on the 1th Day of October 1778

Voted Capt William Parham Moderator

Voted En Samuel Stark for Grand Jurier for Said Court

Recorded this 12th of October, 1778

pr David Starret T: Clerk

State of New Hampshire Hillsborough s s

To Mr John Dickey Constable for the Town of Derryfield Greeting

You are hereby Required in the Name of the Goverment. and People, of Said State to Warn a meeting of the Freehoulders and Inhabitants of Said Derryfield that they meet at their Meeting House on monday the 28th Instant at Eleven of the Clock Before noon

1-ly to Chouse a moderator to Regelate Said meeting 2-ly to Draw one man from the Box to Serve on the Petit Jury at the next Inferiour Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Amhirst on the first Tuesday of January next,

and this Shall be your Sufecant Warrent

Given under my hand at Derryfield this 17th Day of December 1778.*

David Starret T: Clerk

Hillsborough 8 8 Derryfield December the 28th 1778

in Pursuance to the Within Presept I have Posted this Warrent agreeable to the Vote of Said Town

Certified p John Dickey Constable

Hillsborough 8 8 Derryfield December the 28th 1778

then meet accorden to the above apointment and Drew from the Box m' Ebenezer Stavens for Jurier to attend at Said Court

Recorded this 4th Day of January 1779

pr David Starret T: Clerk

State of New Hampshire Hillsborough s s

To John Dickey Constable for the Town of Derryfield Greeting

You are hereby Required in the Name of the Goverment and People of this State to Warn a Meeting of the freehoulders and Inhabitants of Said Derryfield that they meet at their

*Though this fact does not appear in its records, Derryfield, classed with Goffstown, voted for Judge Samuel Blodget of the latter town, who was elected the member to represent these towns in the Honourable House of Representatives of the State of New Hampshire at their first session, begun and holden at Exeter on the third Wednesday of December, the sixteenth day, 1778.

A year later Goffstown appealed to the court for a separation, claiming that with nearly one hundred and fifty families they were entitled to separate representation. This petition was presented to the general court at Exeter, October 26, 1779, by Samuel Blodget, in behalf of the inhabitants of the town. See Records for 1780 regarding Derryfield's action concerning this classification.-ED.

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