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Faithful King, in the act of acceffion of the court of Por tugal, was granted by their Britannick and moft Chriftian Majefties, folely with a view to accelerate the conclufionof the definitive treaty, and by that means, the more fpeedily to confolidate fo important and fo falutary a work; and that this complaifance of their Britannick and most Chriftian Majefties fhall not be made any precedent for the future; the court of Portugal fhall not alledge it as an example in their favour; fhall derive therefrom no right, title, or pretenfion, for any cause, or under any pretence whatsoever,

In witness whereof, We, Ambaffador and Minister Plenipotentiary of his moft Faithful Majefty, duly authorized for this purpose, have figned the prefent declaration, and have caused the feal of our arms to be put thereto, Done at Paris, the 10th of February, 1763.

Martin de Mello et Caftro, (L, S.)

Convention for the Liquidation of the Canada Paper Money, belonging to the Subjects of Great-Britain, between ibe King of Great-Britain, and the Moft Chriftian King, [Printed from the Copy, published by Authority.]

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N order to terminate the difcuffions, which have too long fubfifted in regard to the liquidation of this paper belonging to the fubjects of Great-Britain, the two courts have named and appointed their refpective Minifters Plenipotentiary, viz, his Britannick Majefty, the Sieur Henry Seymour Conway, Lieutenant-General of his Armies, and one of his Principal Secretaries of State; likewife authorized to the fame effect by the Proprietors of the faid Canada paper; and his moft Chriftian Majefty, the Sicur Count de Guerchy, Knight of his Orders, LieutenantGeneral of his Armies, Colonel Commandant of his Regiment of Foot, and his Ambaffador to his Britannick Majefty; who, after having communicated their full powers and authorifations in due form to each other, copies where


of are transcribed at the end of the present Convention, have agreed to the following articles.

Article I. His Excellency General Conway, invefted with the above-mentioned full powers and authorisations, accepts for the British proprietors and holders of the Canada paper, and in their names, the reduction of the faid paper on the footing of fifty per centum for the bills of exchange, and fuch part of the certificates as are entitled to the faid payments, and of feventy-five per centum for the ordonnances, cards, and the remaining part of the certificates; and to receive, for the fifty and twenty-five per centum of the reduced principal, reconnoiffances, or rent-contracts, which fhall bear an annual intereft, from the first day of January, 1765, of four and one half per centum, to be fubjected to the Dixiéme from the faid firft day of January, 1765, in as many reconnoiffances as it fhall fuit the holders to divide their liquidated principals into, provided that each reconnoiffance fhall not be for more than one thoufand livres Tournois; which reconnoiffances fhall fhare the fame fate for their reimbursement as the other debts of the state, and fhall not be fubjected to any reduction whatfoever. The whole conformably to the arrets of the Council iffued in France the 29th June, 2d July 1764, 29th and 31ft December, 1765.

II. In order to afcertain the British property of this paper at the period, and, according to the meaning of the declaration annexed to the laft treaty of peace with France, each proprietor or holder fhall be obliged to make a declaration thereof upon oath, in the form and terms which fhall be hereafter prefcribed, in confequence of a further delay, which his most Christian Majefty grants them to the 1st of October, 1766, after the expiration of which, fuch of the faid papers, as fhall not have been declared and tendered to be liquidated, fhall remain excluded, null, and of no value.

III. Thefe declarations on the part of the proprietors and holders of this paper, thall be accompanied by an oath, to be taken before the Lord-Mayor of the city of London, or fuch other magiftrate in perfon as fhall be named for that purpose, in fuch place, and at fuch times, as thall be fpecified, in the prefence of the Commiffaries

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of Deputies appointed, as well on the part of the court of France, as on the part of the proprietors of this paper; which Commiffaries or Deputies fhall be allowed to ask, through the Magiftrate who adminifters the oath, fuch queftions of the deponent, as they fhall judge neceffary, relative to the object of the oath,

IV. Each declaration fhall contain only what belongs to one Holder, whether they are his own property, or held by him for account of other; mentioning therein his name, quality, and place of abode; and this declaration fhall be made conformable to the model annexed to the prefent convention.

V. Duplicates fhall be made of these declarations, certified to be true, figned by the Holders of the faid papers, and previously delivered to the English and French Commiffaries or Deputies, who fhall be obliged, three days after receiving thefe declarations, to affift at the taking of the oath before the Magiftrate appointed for that purpose. VI. As this paper may, fince the laft treaty of peace, have paft into the hands of three different claffes of proprietors, namely, the actual proprietors, the intermediate and the original; the form of an oath, fuitable for each clafs of proprietors fhall be prescribed in the three following articles.

VII. The actual proprietors, who are not original proprietors, having been intermediate purchafers, with a guaranty British property, fhall take the following Oath underneath the declaration of their paper.


affirin and folemnly fwear, on the Holy Evangelifts, that the papers mentioned in the foregoing declaration, are the fame, (or part of the fame) that I have purchased of B with a guaranty of their being British property; and that I hold them on my own account, (or on account of


So help me God. VIII. The intermediate proprietors, who have been purchasers and fellers, with a guarantry of their property, being British, fhall take by indorsement on their declaration, on oath in the following form:


affirm and folemnly fwear, on the Holy Evangelifts, that I did purchase of C

, on the


day of

ing to


fundry Canada papers, amount. and that I did fell the fame, of the fame,) to D which were guarantied to, and by me, to be British property.

So help me God. This oath to be repeated by each intermediate purchaser back to the person who brought them, or received them, from Canada.

IX. The Canadian proprietors, or those who represent them in London, being the actual poffeffors, or no longer fo, fhall take the following oath, with the modifications expreffed, fuitable to the different circumftances under which they may find themselves,

I. affirm and folemnly fwear, on the Holy Evangelifts, that the papers mentioned in the foregoing declaration.

[If the property of a Canadian] are my own property, having had them in my poffeffion at the date of the last treaty of peace, (or having bought them in Canada, from whence I brought them.)

[If in the poffeffion of a British representative of a Canadian fubject] are my own property, having bought them (or received them) from Candian subjects.

[If not in his poffeffion] were my own property, having bought them, (or received them) from Canadian fubjects, and that I fold the fame, (or part of the fame)



[If these papers came from France, or elsewhere, being the property of Canadian or British fubjects] were fent to me from France, (or elsewhere) on account of

as British property.


[If fold] and that I fold the fame, (or part of the fame)


[Foreigners, who shall have fent them to England, shall take the fame oath as the intermediate proprietors, as expreffed in the eighth article preceeding]

[Foreigners who fhall have received them from Canada, or Great-Britain]


affirm and folemnly fwear, on the Holy Evangelifts, that at the date of the laft treaty of peace, I


held in truft, or that fince that date. I have received from in Canada (or in Great-Britain) fundry

Canada papers, amounting to
proper account of
fubject, and that I have fold,
fame, (or part of the fame) to

on the

an actual British Canadian (delivered) (or fent) the as British

On thefe different oaths being judicially and legally made, the refpective Commiflaries fhall be obliged to grant to the holders of the papers, that fhall have come from France, (or elsewhere) a certificate of their being British property, as well as to the holders who fhall have received them directly from Canada.

[If the papers have been brought from Canada, on account of any other than the person who fent them]

have been sent to me directly by


in Canada, who purchased them from British Candian fubjects, upon commiffion, for account of


[Laftly, If the papers are for account of Canadians, and tranfmitted by them] of


that I received them

in Canada, and for his account. [All indifferently are to add]

I further fwear, that the faid paper were neither purchafed, nor have been negotiated, in France as French property, nor acquired directly or indirectly from natives of France, who were the proprietors of them at the date of the laft treaty of peace; and that no part of these papers were carried from Europe to Canada, in order to give French property the fanction of British property: which I affirm and folemnly swear.

So help me God.

X. Nevertheless, in cafe the actual proprietors, or holders, produce Bordereaux in good form, registered heretofore in Canada, in confequence of the orders of the English Governors, or declared in France as British property, and not liquidated within the time (for those declared in France,) that the regifters for the declarations were opened for the French, it fhall be fufficient that the proprietors, or holders fo circumftanced, take the following oath. affirm and folemnly fwear, on the Holy Evangelifts, that the papers mentioned in my foregoing



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